Having huge plant problems!!! Need help

ive been growing these bag seeds i have and its been about 2 months and there isnt any serious growth on any of them except one. but a few weeks ago i left then in the window and it was about freezing outside so i brought them in and put a small space heater on them to warm them up a little bit, it got about 117degrees in there and i left them in like that for about 20 minutes. the plants leaves started withering and turning brown. so i cut the leaves in half and left them sit for a few days. one of my plants was completely not effected by this but the other 4 were.i have one plant that is about 16inches and all the leaves and branches fell off except for some secondary growth on the first 4 nodes. also the very top of the stem is starting to wither as well. i stopped giving them nutes cause i think it was fucking them up in the first place. i ripped one out cause it was dead. and the other two are not growing any. if anyone can give me any advice please please help. i will post pics if needed.


At first i suggest you make yourself a growbox or buy a tent. Or any other free space where you can control temperature and humidity. The temperature stress then the cutting of the leaves and then not knowing if your feeding them right or wrong. This is TOO much for young plants! You have to keep stress to a minimum if you want healthy plants. Provide the right environment and then make a feeding journal so you know what you do. Also pics are appreciated.


Well-Known Member
At first i suggest you make yourself a growbox or buy a tent. Or any other free space where you can control temperature and humidity. The temperature stress then the cutting of the leaves and then not knowing if your feeding them right or wrong. This is TOO much for young plants! You have to keep stress to a minimum if you want healthy plants. Provide the right environment and then make a feeding journal so you know what you do. Also pics are appreciated.
i agree, if you are going to grow don't half a** it, do it right. provide a home for them as you do for yourself and they will thank you later