Cloning Issue


Active Member
7 days have passed without any root development. Clones look real healthy, just some yellowing on the bottom most leaves. If there is no sign of rooting by day 10 I am considering recutting the clone higher up since I took some pretty big clones, and instead of putting them back into my EZClone machine, try putting them into something else; although I only have experience with cloning machines. Also the tip of the clones have turned ever so slightly brown. Going to be keeping an eye on that because I know that could possibly be an indication of pathogens, but all photos I have ever seen were much darker brown. But does anyone know the success rate of recutting clones that were green and healthy after a failed rooting attempt and then had successful rooting?


There is no need to recut them. Clones can take up to 3 weeks to root. The most important thing about cuttings is having a top notch mother. Some plant are easier cloned others not. So don't despair if cuttings take longer. Just provide them with a good environment warm and high humidity. Healthy clones have enough nutrients stored in their leaves to endure weeks. But when they develop brown leaf tips this may indicate you took clones from a weak mother or there are environmental problems that stress the plant. Also check for a proper ph.


Active Member
pH has been 5.8 the whole way. I was sayin that the tip of the stem where the roots will be developing has turned ever so slightly brown. None of the leaves are brown, only yellow on the bottom most leaves for a handful of clones out of 57. Also, this strain should not even take 2 weeks to begin rooting.


Active Member
Nope, not mushy or slimy at all. That was the first thing I checked for when I noticed the darkening in the color of the stem. I have seen it before, but there were usually some roots. So I am hoping that since it is not mushy or slimy it is an indication that roots are on the verge of forming.


You use a clone machine. Are you sure all stems get water? Self made cloning machines especially aero cloners sometimes work improperly don't cover up the whole area with water.. Because if it's not slimy i suggest they dry out. Another problem could be hygiene while cutting the clones. But that's just guessing. Pictures could reveal the real problem.


Active Member
i had the same problem with my EZcloner i found the slimy crap was down to the cloner being dirty i put bleach and hot water in the cloner with no plants in and let it run for a hour then empty it fill it with cold water and let it run again for a hour then empty refill with plain Ph'ed water and it worked like a dream