The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

hey jberry,
i've had a little bit of gsc from berkeley pcc and it was pretty bomb. i've seen lots of pics of gsc on other forums, and it looks pretty amazing.
so i'm going to be a first time canna coco and canna nutrient user. so far i got some clones transplanted into some gallon pots. i'm using 100% coco and put some clay pebbles at the bottom of the pots for drainage, but forgot to wash the clay pebbles first though..think that could cause any problems?

also, i'm using r/o water so i'm wondering if i need to add calmag to the water first. dude at hydro shop said that the coco is already charged with cal and mag and to use it only if i start seeing deficiencies, would you agree with that? i have gh calimagic...should i be using that with every watering? what kind of ppms? could using calimagic fuck up any npk ratios and cause nute burn or lockouts?

also, would you use silica additives in canna coco? i heard it's used to strengthen stems and stuff, but would that fuck with any of the npk base nutes ratios and cause nute burns or lockouts?

compost teas should be good to use right? would that affect any npk base nutes and cause nute burns or lockouts?

also, would recommend using molasses? if so, how much would u use? would molasses fuck with any of the npk ratios and cause any nutrient burns or lockouts? alsoi hear that molasses sweetens the taste of the buds. is this true? i'm going to be growing fire og and white fire i really want to have the fuelly chem lemony og kush smell, and i'm not really going for a sweet smell. sometimes when a grower tells me he used hella molasses or sweeteners like ANs bud candy in his garden, i can notice kind of a generic "sweet" smell to every different strain he grows. kind of just seems that even though they are different strains, they all have this similar sweetness to it...kind of overpowers the other layers of smell of the strain. myabe i'm crazy though, and it has nothing to do with the molasses or bud candy. but over the years of smoking and seeing many different growers stuff...this is what i've noticed.

also, i know you said you think the cannaboost isn't worth it...but what do you think about just using it at half the recommended dose so it would last twice as long, as it is an expensive product. do you think it wouldn't be enough to do anything? also, i know this one is considered a "sweetener" too. but i really want to bring out the musky, lemony, fuelly, og smells...don't really want sweet buds.

sorry for all the questions, just want to make sure i do things right.

one thing i'm worried about is fucking up the npk ratios by adding non-canna brand type of stuff like the calimagic, silica additives, compost teas, molasses.
oh also something i'm worried i transplanted the cuts yesterday and watered them with a compost tea and canna start and some rhizotonic....i did not use any a and b. is that bad? i didn't water them tonight, and i'm going to be watering them you think that i may have flushed out the benificials that are in the coco by not using the a and b?
Anyone ever grown or smoked the strain called Girl Scout Cookies? GSC is blowin up in the S.F./ Bay Area right now.. Im picking up a cutting in two weeks (it's a clone only strain)... It sounds and looks soo bomb, but I still haven't smoked it...
Anyone know anything about it?

This info is form PO Genetics . com - Best clone only place in Cali IMHO

I plan on trying to get a cut from them, damn I want to run me some GSC!!!

Girl Scout Cookies – What is possibly the most requested strain this year, partially because of such a tight grip kept by breeders and growers alike to maintain its rarity, the Girl Scout Cookies, a cross between the Cherry Pie and an unknown OG, is finally ready for release. From the information we’ve gathered GSC has been around for quite a while longer than is assumed under its original name Cherry Pie OGK. The resurfacing of old strains under new names is not something new to the MMJ community but this one in particular has had much larger success due to the specific phenotype of the strain and a combination of word of mouth with mainstream advertising. Though we caution that our patients keep in mind that there are multiple varieties of Girl Scout Cookies with dozens of breeders claiming separate information as to what the real GSC may be, we trust this is the original GSC phenotype that became the phenomenon it is now from the combined efforts of our most trusted breeders to verify its integrity.
my girls are showing some signs of cal/mag deficiencies but the coco is to wet to feed them again. can I use calimagic as a foliar feed? what kind of ppms?
my girls are showing some signs of cal/mag deficiencies but the coco is to wet to feed them again. can I use calimagic as a foliar feed? what kind of ppms?

It might be a little hot for foliar. If you want try it about 1ml a gal and you should be fine (for a foliar). Note in the future use 1ml a gal of Calimagic (with every watering) for the whole grow and you wont have to worry about that pesky cal/mg deficiency next time...
so i'm going to be a first time canna coco and canna nutrient user. so far i got some clones transplanted into some gallon pots. i'm using 100% coco and put some clay pebbles at the bottom of the pots for drainage, but forgot to wash the clay pebbles first though..think that could cause any problems?

No, it shouldn't be a issue as long as you aren't recirculating your nutrients.

also, i'm using r/o water so i'm wondering if i need to add calmag to the water first. dude at hydro shop said that the coco is already charged with cal and mag and to use it only if i start seeing deficiencies, would you agree with that? i have gh calimagic...should i be using that with every watering? what kind of ppms? could using calimagic fuck up any npk ratios and cause nute burn or lockouts?

No, I definitely don't agree with that... Canna's nutrients are designed with tap water in mind, so if you are using R/O water then you should add 200 ppm of mainly calcium and magnesium.. The easiest way to do this is by adding a calmag product like the one you have, or by adding enough tap water to get the 200 ppm.. Do this with every watering for best results. Most cal mag products DO have other ingredients that are listed and unlisted on the label and this will effect your final NPK ratios but I havent noticed any problems with it, as long as you only add the required 200 ppms.

also, would you use silica additives in canna coco? i heard it's used to strengthen stems and stuff, but would that fuck with any of the npk base nutes ratios and cause nute burns or lockouts?

Yes, I personally do use a silica additive but at half strength or as a foliar spray... I've never had a problem that was noticeable concerning NPK ratios, but you can always consider foliar feedings anytime you have concerns about a NPK ratios.

compost teas should be good to use right? would that affect any npk base nutes and cause nute burns or lockouts?

Yes, compost teas are awesome... It won't have any ill effects to worry about... Just use them once every weeks or two.

also, would recommend using molasses? if so, how much would u use? would molasses fuck with any of the npk ratios and cause any nutrient burns or lockouts? alsoi hear that molasses sweetens the taste of the buds. is this true? i'm going to be growing fire og and white fire i really want to have the fuelly chem lemony og kush smell, and i'm not really going for a sweet smell. sometimes when a grower tells me he used hella molasses or sweeteners like ANs bud candy in his garden, i can notice kind of a generic "sweet" smell to every different strain he grows. kind of just seems that even though they are different strains, they all have this similar sweetness to it...kind of overpowers the other layers of smell of the strain. myabe i'm crazy though, and it has nothing to do with the molasses or bud candy. but over the years of smoking and seeing many different growers stuff...this is what i've noticed.

I don't like using molasses but use it in small amounts if you do... I personally think it has a negative effect on taste but in small amounts it can be a food source for your beneficial bacteria, but you can use a different sugar carb and or humic acids as well.

also, i know you said you think the cannaboost isn't worth it...but what do you think about just using it at half the recommended dose so it would last twice as long, as it is an expensive product. do you think it wouldn't be enough to do anything? also, i know this one is considered a "sweetener" too. but i really want to bring out the musky, lemony, fuelly, og smells...don't really want sweet buds.

Ya, it would probably still be beneficial at half strength and or as a foliar spray IF you are willing to spend the money.. And if u have boost then you don't need another sugar source like molasses, ect... Boost is derived from sugar beets... Sugar beets contain complex sugar carbs.

sorry for all the questions, just want to make sure i do things right.

one thing i'm worried about is fucking up the npk ratios by adding non-canna brand type of stuff like the calimagic, silica additives, compost teas, molasses.

Hope that helped.
Howdo jberry been a long time man.. hope your well mate?

I'm still loving the canna keep meaning to chuck a few pics up in here.....
I'm good bro.. got some healthy tables of Jack Herer and started 5 more strains from seed that I'll be choosing a mother from... Hope yer doin well, it looks like u got a shitload of those green bars since we last talked? U have been keeping busy on here, ya?
thanks for the help man...

got one more i watered again for the second time...i let them dry out for a few days cause i was seeing signs of overwatering from the first time. today i watered a little bit because the girls were pretty light in pots. I just gave them a little water with canna a+b, rhizo, and cannazyme, and calmag. i gave the four girls in 1 gallon containers about a half gallon total .didn't get any run off, but the pots got fairly heavy. probably gave each one about 16 fluid ounces of water. i hear you need to get 10% runoff with every feeding as to avoid salt buildup. so i guess my question is, at such a early stage is runoff so important? should i have mixed with perlite to help with drainage? or did i just not give them enough water?

i kind of like the idea or running them in 100% coco instead of mixing perlite in there, but if it's going to help with proper drainage maybe i should mix some perlite next time. i just see a lot of people on the forums using 100% coco and getting good results. but if i watered them til there was 10% run off i feel like they would be overwatered again and would take days to dry out.
Anyone ever grown or smoked the strain called Girl Scout Cookies? GSC is blowin up in the S.F./ Bay Area right now.. Im picking up a cutting in two weeks (it's a clone only strain)... It sounds and looks soo bomb, but I still haven't smoked it...
Anyone know anything about it?

It is good but over rated imo
Hello everyone, I feel like a idiot asking this and i know it is not the place, but i cant seem to remember how to add pictures to my albums on riu... i created a new album (Jack Herer), but im not seeing how i add photos from my computer/ipad2 and put them onto the riu album?
If someone can help me out, I would be greatful & +rep.

And Ill post some pics!
It is good but over rated imo

Thanks to u and everyone else for the cookies feedback... Ive heard others say its over rated too, but I mostly hear great things.
I got the "Thin Mint" cut... its claimed to be the best and rarest of the 3-4+ different GSC cuts...

My main concern is it takes 9-10 weeks to flower and is not a big yielder... Ill likely just grow a few out to see its potential and find out what all the hype is about.
Ill post some thin mint gsc pics next month or so.

thanks for the help man...

got one more i watered again for the second time...i let them dry out for a few days cause i was seeing signs of overwatering from the first time. today i watered a little bit because the girls were pretty light in pots. I just gave them a little water with canna a+b, rhizo, and cannazyme, and calmag. i gave the four girls in 1 gallon containers about a half gallon total .didn't get any run off, but the pots got fairly heavy. probably gave each one about 16 fluid ounces of water. i hear you need to get 10% runoff with every feeding as to avoid salt buildup. so i guess my question is, at such a early stage is runoff so important? should i have mixed with perlite to help with drainage? or did i just not give them enough water?

i kind of like the idea or running them in 100% coco instead of mixing perlite in there, but if it's going to help with proper drainage maybe i should mix some perlite next time. i just see a lot of people on the forums using 100% coco and getting good results. but if i watered them til there was 10% run off i feel like they would be over-watered again and would take days to dry out.

As long as you dont pack the coco when you first plant, then the coco should drain fine without perlite...
You may need to add perlite after reusing the coco a couple times, but i prefer 100% coco whenever possible.

It sounds like you just didnt use enough water to achieve runoff... its probably okay but runoff helps ensure proper ph levels and npk ratios... Remember that you cant give a plant too much water at once... it is only water too often that will cause a problem. So wait until it is a proper time to water and then water them well is my advise.
If you still dont have a established root system then u may continue to give them small doses of water without much concern for runoff but keep the ppm low and increase the water volume once a root system is established.

Also, make sure you are adding your cal mag to the water before adding any of the other nutrients or you will get lockouts!

thanks jberry!

got another question for you....

so my girls are looking a bit light green in veg right now. would you recommend using a nitrogen boost? if so, for how long and what type of ppms?
hey jberry, i didnt know about adding the cal-mag before other nutrients. hope i didnt ruin my plants. a question, i veg 4 weeks and flower 9 roughly (i go by trichs) in 3 gallon airpots. here is the question, i see people show pics here and the main plant stalk is an inch and a half thick, mine only get to a half inch. what am i doing wrong???
Ya, all products with calcium must be added to water first..
Silica products can help grow thicker stronger bigger stems and stalks... Also, try topping your plants or vegging longer. Lighting, air, and fertilizer strength ect will all be limiting factors. Low stress training will help thicken your stalks as well.