Spread the truth

The Republicans not only blocked the transfer of the GITMO prisoners. They bragged about it. They wanted to use a closed down prison in Illionois
Making excuses for your King? He had two years of free reign to do anything he wanted with a filibuster-proof congress and a majority in both houses. But it's the Republican's fault. You need to learn a new tune, that one's getting worn out.
The irony is Saudi Arabia & Pakistan were directly involved so it safe to assume other gulf states knew or were, at worst, complicit too at some level.

But you'll happily support their openly un-american/anti western sermons and their calls to arms against infadels. Your government props up the very institutions that are indoctrinating young muslims into their fucked up views on the world then sending them of to "martyr" themselves for "allah" while throwing as much petrodollars at them as you can.

You'll take MEK of the terror list so as not to been seen providing financial and material support to a terrorist organisation but not classify the Haqqanis as a terrorist group until nearly a decade into the war fighting them.

So the premise of your arguments lie in the offical report is plausable, does not contain any discrepancies and the US government wouldn't lie to it's citizens.

Cool stories bros...
The government does false flags. False flags are not obsolete in this day. It's not like it is a thing of the past, as if the government would never consider such a thing again.....don't ever fool yourself like that. Operation Northwoods used to be a conspiracy theory until overwhelming evidence finally put it on blast.

It's too easy for greedy CEO's of major corporations with their own agendas to influence our society, and more importantly our own government.

It's just way to easy to do, and get away with.. Once you have enough power and control over people (such as the bad apples in the COFR), you start losing sympathy for those who you control, or have great influence over. It would be foolish to not abuse this power, if you are thinking logically only without feeling.
Making excuses for your King? He had two years of free reign to do anything he wanted with a filibuster-proof congress and a majority in both houses. But it's the Republican's fault. You need to learn a new tune, that one's getting worn out.

And the Myth lives on
shhhh, don't give stormfront red any hints that fiscally conservative democrats and war hawk democrats exist, it'll shatter his perception of uniformity in the world.
So now it's conservative Democrats who are cockblocking your king..........lol......
Originally Posted by Doer
of course there is "torture." Let's drop the charade.... if they really need torture, we send them to Poland. They know Gestapo. It is Gestapo at Gitmo.

edited for max irony

Originally Posted by Dr Kynes

the geneva convention allows for the immediate and summary execution of un-unifoirmed combatants


So, I detest it when you hide behind ignorance with stupidity. We can educate the ignorance but we can not cure stupidity. Which is it?
According to Article 4 of the Third Geneva Convention of 1949, irregular forces are entitled to prisoner of war status provided that they are commanded by a person responsible for his subordinates, have a fixed distinctive sign recognizable at a distance, carry arms openly, and conduct their operations in accordance with the laws and customs of war. If they do not do meet all of these, they may be considered francs-tireurs (in the original sense of "illegal combatant") and punished as criminals in a military jurisdiction, which may include summary execution.
It is why we have gitmo and we could have executed them already on the battlefield. But, we keep them to torture out more information. Laugh all you want out of fear but it ain't funny.
So, I detest it when you hide behind ignorance with stupidity. We can educate the ignorance but we can not cure stupidity. Which is it?
According to Article 4 of the Third Geneva Convention of 1949, irregular forces are entitled to prisoner of war status provided that they are commanded by a person responsible for his subordinates, have a fixed distinctive sign recognizable at a distance, carry arms openly, and conduct their operations in accordance with the laws and customs of war. If they do not do meet all of these, they may be considered francs-tireurs (in the original sense of "illegal combatant") and punished as criminals in a military jurisdiction, which may include summary execution.
It is why we have gitmo and we could have executed them already on the battlefield. But, we keep them to torture out more information. Laugh all you want out of fear but it ain't funny.

PISH! Y U Use your unfair functioning brain to read the pertinent section of the geneva convention?

it's just not fair to the mushbrained drooling plebs who get all their "infotainment" from MSNBC?

youre a shill for Fox news arent you?

Y U gotta be so evil?

dont U NO Monsanto is making GMO dates to destabilize the moslem economy, and poison the palestinians.
PISH! Y U Use your unfair functioning brain to read the pertinent section of the geneva convention?

it's just not fair to the mushbrained drooling plebs who get all their "infotainment" from MSNBC?

youre a shill for Fox news arent you?

Y U gotta be so evil?

dont U NO Monsanto is making GMO dates to destabilize the moslem economy, and poison the palestinians.

We should all be in our knees praising Jesus the Article 4 of the Third Geneva Convention wasn't written before 1776, or else we'd all be considered "illegal combatant" criminals and saying, "a dingo ate muh baby!" God bless America!
We should all be in our knees praising Jesus the Article 4 of the Third Geneva Convention wasn't written before 1776, or else we'd all be considered "illegal combatant" criminals and saying, "a dingo ate muh baby!" God bless America!

the continental militia had distinctive uniforms, and a command structure bunny.

thats a lawful combatant.

even the irregulars had a badge for their jacket, militia commanders and were in fact "well regulated"