FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

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Well-Known Member
You are ridicilous, you imply that what i said is fiction (fan-fiction? does typing tion take to much out of you???) when it is furthest thing from it. You say I am untruthful in calling you out, paradox anyone? I asked what was up with that control group you mentioned forever ago since it seems to have been forgotten about (anyone else remember this?). As always your reply displays how cunning and quick witted you are with the response of "nuh uh you are".... Do we get our daily update of them breaking boards, thats how strong the stems are now cuz of that fan right


Well-Known Member
You are ridicilous, you imply that what i said is fiction (fan-fiction? does typing tion take to much out of you???) when it is furthest thing from it. You say I am untruthful in calling you out, paradox anyone? I asked what was up with that control group you mentioned forever ago since it seems to have been forgotten about (anyone else remember this?). As always your reply displays how cunning and quick witted you are with the response of "nuh uh you are".... Do we get our daily update of them breaking boards, thats how strong the stems are now cuz of that fan right
Why don't you just go write a book. I really don't get on RIU to read. When I want to read, I look up interesting stuff on Google, I don't open a weed forum and reply to trolls so that I can read. I do it so I can laugh. :)


Well-Known Member
just like you googled stressed plants when you nuked them. then decided that would be a great cover-up for your inability to grow. true story.


Well-Known Member
Whatever you can not even humor the question of where is your control group, you are a liar, a fake, and i hope we never cross paths as I fear stupidiy could be contagious in your exceptional case because you are just over flowing with this smug I know everything vibe and I am done with it. Tried to treat you with a shred of humanity but yet you choose to hold your arguements with the people who talk about banging your sis and mom in bukakke fashion.... Your pullin this shit out of your ass as you go and just a heads up people are catching on.
If you do not read the rest of this post whatever, but atleast dignify this with an answer, why are you trying to get hermies? once a hermie is made the trait has to be bred out, so do you plan on making your own hermie strain for the mmj scene? Strain name Finshaggy's Auto-fail lol


Well-Known Member
nope. as i already expect you to do stupid shit. itll just confirm you have no idea what youre doing. do continue.


Well-Known Member
If you do not read the rest of this post whatever, but atleast dignify this with an answer, why are you trying to get hermies? once a hermie is made the trait has to be bred out, so do you plan on making your own hermie strain for the mmj scene? Strain name Finshaggy's Auto-fail lol
Why can't you always just get to the point like this??? Is it so hard? The reason I want hermies is, I want seeds :dunce: Hermies can have seeds and still be dank as shit, because it's not gonna seed like it would if it got pollenated by a male plant with a fan in the room. And I don't mind breeding it out, the point is to have seeds from the dank weed. I don't just want to grow my shit ONCE and I don't want to have to keep clones and grow the same thing over and over. I want seeds, so I can keep the best strains and use them whenever I want. If I get no hermies and a male, I will pollenate one or more of my plants, JUST to get seeds. I am BREEDING weed, and making it BETTER. Not just trying to buy some good genetics and spent money making them feel comfortable.


Well-Known Member
nope. as i already expect you to do stupid shit. itll just confirm you have no idea what youre doing. do continue.
:lol: You're still gonna trip :lol: There are at least 2 methods I will use that people here will probably see and come all the way to Colorado for the rally just to throw stones at me. :D :lol:


Well-Known Member
Delusions of grandeur!!! Now the boy fancies himself a breeder!!!

Setting a goal is good and admirable, announcing you can run before you can walk doesn't lend itself to credibility. You haven't even made pollen chucker status yet.... forget back crossing and finding exceptional phenotypes, you don't change genetics by stressing once and throwing balls to the wind.
There's a kinetic bump for ya fin.


Active Member
Yes that is a teaching video, made by me. Why would I want to "OVER-stress", that's just called "killing".
You said that the plant in the for top right was under the weather because it got to much wind, if this is a teaching thread, show that plant and explain what happened!!!!!!

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
:lol: :lol: Ahead? I'm pretty sure I've said this the whole time. How about you try to catch up :dunce: :lol:
lol just cause you say your breeding doesn't mean your breeding.

show me what you did in breeding up to this point. what credentials do you have that makes you a 'breeder'?


Well-Known Member
You said that the plant in the for top right was under the weather because it got to much wind, if this is a teaching thread, show that plant and explain what happened!!!!!!
New Update, shows that plant. [video=youtube;lWeEPsAv_PE][/video]


Well-Known Member
lol just cause you say your breeding doesn't mean your breeding.

show me what you did in breeding up to this point. what credentials do you have that makes you a 'breeder'?
I never said I was a breeder, just like you aren't a "reader" :lol: I said I "am breeding if I get males" same goes for hermies.


Well-Known Member
To keep it short, I have a lot to say lol. you do to apparently 11,111 i think that takes the cake for most posts I have seen. Imo those things need another month of veg, another transplant to the middle of a container, and some more of your famous stress but lets see some new techniques cuz the wind (overkilled as it was) is about the only thing towards actual training stress I would consider beneficial to the plant since the stems did seem to get noticeably thicker, and you did not uproot them so that was not a fail, I would dial it down a notch and keep it a lil more frequent, help cut down on temps too.
EDIT:please do not say you are trying to heat stress as the wave of the "trolls" as you call them would come crashing down on you since it is very well documented what happens to mj in high temps
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