Lol, present a couple of lies with conviction and they become the new guys are a piece of work.
As stated, my work stands for itself. I don't really need your approval.
Dr. Bob
Doc, From what I see, your standards were tactics to make the community see you in a good light, when those little meetings were held. I have yet to see you personally advocate anything that would not benefit you in the mmj community.
Your work is what alot of people question. Your personal antics are what causes it.
As for truths, I am seriously doubting words said were lies as you proclaimed.
Funny thing, about the time you accuse everyone and everything for being what its not, you lose credibility. Sadly you may have the 3ma convinced your solid, but before you spew bullshit, remember you are on a larger site with a hell of a lot more members.
This means your audience grew. God help Indiana, Illinois, or Ohio should they pass their laws, and follow in your work.

I personally don't know you, nor do I care to with way you portray yourself as the next best thing to MMJ. Remember as approval ratings, as you state fall, so does your clientele.
As for Danny Trevino, bad deal he got himself in. He don't represent me in any faction. Matter fact I am not even in the Michigan area.
I been reading the rants and such I couldn't help but laugh. Either way prefer things as they are, silent and moving steady. Its beggars of attention that have me a bit bewildered.