first indoor bag seed


Well-Known Member
i'm going to take them over to bigger pots real soon bought me some hk organic soil for the job. got the bigger box built and i like it a lot better. now i got to finsh wiring my out building so i can move it. the lights are set in a square i have 6 that point down and 4 in the middle that are on their side, now that i have a bigger box i'll see about bigger light setup. the old box was 11"x11"x25" the new box is 24"x24"x48".


Well-Known Member
Hey, sounds like your area is like what I have.
I'm anxious to see how well yours turns out, since I am pleased with mine.:clap:


Well-Known Member
i transplanted into 10" pots and waiting to see how bad they where shocked. got some water drops i missed on one leaf and i will not do that again. i don't believe i have ever smelled any like these before, all the plants i have grown in the past where outside and smelled real sweet, these have a little sweet to them but have a different smell that i just can't put a finger on, almost like bad meat. #1 is a light green and #2 is darker and getting some purple highlights. i'll get pics this weekend and build a new light setup to boot.


Well-Known Member
feb. 2 plant #1 is doing better now i guess it was more root bound, it is still small but it is coming along. the sent has chaned to a little sweeter smell, maybe it was the new box. i got to build a filter too.

i know i need to do some poster board for now, but i didn't have any paint after the small box. i'm going to build a new light to night as the one i had is to small to cover the plants, besides i need to add more lights. #2 is looking good and growing good. i tried to get a close shot of it to show the dark purple that is high lighting some of the leafs.



Well-Known Member
i used the wifes reading glasses last night when i went to put them to sleep, and i believe #2 is male. that is how it goes with bagseed. i'm going to watch it over the next couple of days to see, as my old eyes don't see that good anymore. if i have to pull it out, i'm going to germ 4 more beans from some really good stuff i got ahold of after i started these. i wish i could go somewhere to get some good beans but here in the south it is a big deal for the law boys.


Well-Known Member
pretty sure #2 is male, i'll be pulling it out tonight. #1 still looks female. i guess it's time to germ some more seeds.


Well-Known Member
down to one now as the male had to leave. i started 10 beans to germ last night, we will see how many i get this time. last germ i had 15 and got three and out of that i had two that broke ground. one thing is i now know i can make them live indoors.


Well-Known Member
another option for a reflector is a piece of 6", 8", 10" pipe used for heating an ventalation lowes or home depot. cost is usually ten bucks or less.


Well-Known Member
thanks bob, but i believe i'm going to paint it, being i have a little time with a empty box. my other plant showed male today. now it is time to build a better light. new batch of seeds in germ now, hoping to have more sprouts this time.


Well-Known Member
one seed hatched today will be in dirt tonight. now if the rest will, maybe i can get a couple of females out of them.


Well-Known Member
good luck stay determined you will succeed.
my box is same size will be finishing in a day or 2 if you check it out i will be posting pics.
gathered a bunch of supplies today so hopefully i am about done.:lol:


Well-Known Member
what is this liked thing? does it help people out on something? i looked through the site but couldn't find anything about it.


Well-Known Member
what is this liked thing? does it help people out on something? i looked through the site but couldn't find anything about it.
No, it's not of value or anything, it just lets the person know whatever they said was helpful or funny, or they're doing a good job.


Well-Known Member
i got 5 seeds in dirt and will have atleast 2 more tonight, this grow is already doing better then last. i bet i tried to germ 25 to 30 seeds and only 2 grew.


Well-Known Member
when i got home i found one has broke ground. i put 2 more in dirt today and hope to have more tomorrow. i got 2 more that have cracked open.


Well-Known Member
keep those lights close will be amazed at how quick they will stretch. i keep mine about 1 inch max from the light just have to keep adjusting they grow fast.