Full On Lagalization


101 E. Huron St.
Ann arbor

The township told him that he can't be a caregiver in his location.

There is a claim that the obnoxious orders from growing pose health problems for neighbors.

Carbon scrubbers are used to clean the exhaust air.

On the date of the latest complaint, the real source was determined to be a skunk.

Dutch does not believe it is his responsibility to equip the wild animal with the proper equipment.

Meanwhile .. the township has pulled Mike into court a few times. The twp. claims to have the legal ability to tell him he can't grow. Primary reason: the smell.

"Township Attorney Dennis McLain said the smell is so extreme that one neighbor has been physically sickened, it has disturbed neighbors’ sleep and prevented them from opening their windows on warm days over the summer."

What a crock of shit. How can someone become physically sick, and not be able to sleep from the smell of marijuana?
My goal from the beginning has been to move to MI , get my card and start growing my 12 plants and make RSO for health reasons . Being broke is my major problem , I could see that becoming a caregiver would give me the ability to help other patients and make some money in the process , why should anyone that is in the health care business not expect to make a profit ? What I see and I must say it is hard for me to understand the fact that caregivers are not taking advantage of the rights that are legal , take greenhouses for example , if its legal then why not do it , I for sure would have one in place as soon as the weather breaks , if LEO crosses' the line file a lawsuit , we need to use the law , not be afraid of the law , caregivers need to be united , should they enter into the political arena ? Yes they should , there should be a list of people that are bad for MI , and it should be shouted from the roof tops THESE PEOPLE ARE BAD FOR MI . this is the united states of goverment

Why not have a caregivers group that actually cares about the caregivers rights and the patients rights , stop the hiding in the closets and basements , make sure that the laws are followed by the caregivers and even more important make sure LEO follows the laws also , instead of us worrying about being taken to court we need to use our courts to protect our rights that is why they are there in the first place . If they want to try and screw us over , file a lawsuit , this is America or have we let that go to shit also ?
this is the united states of goverment
Full Legalization ? , maybe that needs to be reevaluated , when the SC handed down that ruling I started checking out the way its working in Colorado , tell me how a caregiver is going to make a living if that happens in MI . This is America where a person is supposed to profit from their labor , anything less should not be acceptable , maybe the caregivers rights should be the focus .

You will never get the entire community to go along with "CG's right's". We won't win a vote by trying to amend the med mj law either. Full on Legalization on the other hand will get votes from outside of the med marijuana community.

The real profit has been cut from the program so what else do we really have left? Expecting your patients to buy enough weed to make a living is kind of absurd.
You will never get the entire community to go along with "CG's right's". We won't win a vote by trying to amend the med mj law either. Full on Legalization on the other hand will get votes from outside of the med marijuana community.

The real profit has been cut from the program so what else do we really have left? Expecting your patients to buy enough weed to make a living is kind of absurd.

This is true. Making a living off of marijuana at this point is really rolling the dice. I would support a push for full legalization with one caveat..... that we can still grow our own meds. I would be beyond pissed if the legalization effort came with some bullshit take over by big pharma which would outlaw small, personal grows.
This is true. Making a living off of marijuana at this point is really rolling the dice. I would support a push for full legalization with one caveat..... that we can still grow our own meds. I would be beyond pissed if the legalization effort came with some bullshit take over by big pharma which would outlaw small, personal grows.

If they don't put wording for personal grows in the legalization petition I won't promote it or sign it. I'm sure it's going to be in there though but to help make sure show up to the next meeting.
This is true. Making a living off of marijuana at this point is really rolling the dice. I would support a push for full legalization with one caveat..... that we can still grow our own meds. I would be beyond pissed if the legalization effort came with some bullshit take over by big pharma which would outlaw small, personal grows.

Full Legalization is the one thing that will allow Big Pharma to take over , a patient can already grow their own , so what are you going to gain by the push to get full legalization ? Who out there knows what they did in Canada ? Big Pharma will use the same game plan when they do it here . And even if the wording is such that personal grows will be allowed they will just move in later and take it away , They are doing that shit to everyone right now .
You will never get the entire community to go along with "CG's right's". We won't win a vote by trying to amend the med mj law either. Full on Legalization on the other hand will get votes from outside of the med marijuana community.

The real profit has been cut from the program so what else do we really have left? Expecting your patients to buy enough weed to make a living is kind of absurd.
Yes its clear that the real profit has been cut out , so why roll over and play dead , the goal should be to put the profit back in , its important that there is a profit , nothing gets done if there is no profit , patients lose , caregivers lose , this is America and the question is not can we make a profit but instead ask yourself how are we going to make it happen ? The goal should be to keep it in the hand of the caregivers and the patients .
Full Legalization is the one thing that will allow Big Pharma to take over , a patient can already grow their own , so what are you going to gain by the push to get full legalization ? Who out there knows what they did in Canada ? Big Pharma will use the same game plan when they do it here . And even if the wording is such that personal grows will be allowed they will just move in later and take it away , They are doing that shit to everyone right now .

"so what are you going to gain by the push to get full legalization ?"

For starters, keeping people out of jail that want to smoke some herb.

That's a good thing, right?

"so what are you going to gain by the push to get full legalization ?"

For starters, keeping people out of jail that want to smoke some herb.

That's a good thing, right?
For sure your right on that , but I think the legalization is coming , Big Pharma will see to that , I just believe that patients and caregivers should be locked in when it happens .
This one is coming like a freight train and not thinking anybody is going to stop it. Lets just work together and try to make it something that we can all be proud of. It's really to late to decide if legalization is the answer, we have a group that is going to run it through and it sounds like they have it figured out to me.

Best thing we can do now is go to the meetings and represent ourselves to have the right wording put into the petition. You that are worried about Big Pharma are scared of the inevitable. Sooner or later the Feds are going to make weed sched2 and then Big Pharma is going to play regardless if we legalize or not. Legalizing takes it back out of the medical category so even if pharma gets involved who cares? It don't make sense to fret about somebody else making a dollar when the opportunity to make one for yourself is there also. Phrama and recreational marijuana will be different animals.
The attitude of "I'll only support this" is what is going to hamper this movement. Med users are a minority and if this is going to work you'll need to get people on board who don't use pot. If you tell them how much money the proposal is going to raise for whatever (schools, roads, etc.) they'll be much more likely to sign your petition and vote in your favor. This isn't going to be about industrial hemp either. It's about consumable cannabis and money associated with it.

If you look only at the surface, sure you would be right. But one just can not look at the surface and say, "GEE, Looks fine and dandy to me.".

Who here is aware of WHY Proposition 19 failed in Cali in the 2010 election? I mean it was Legalizing Cannabis, and it was California, WHO thought it could even fail, let alone would have, right?.

Looking at the surface of this scenario, it makes no sense that it failed. the State must of just messed with the vote many would say. But the fact of the matter is it failed because it was a BAD Proposition, and would of made a TERRIBLE Law. Who here is aware that prop 19, had it passed in 2010, would of made it illegal for anyone but a Fully Accredited and State Sanctioned and Authorized Grow facility to cultivate cannabis. All personal grows would of been outlawed per prop 19. Of course this Prop was backed by none other than George Soros of Monsanto Fame. Now who here has the belief that had Prop 19 passed, as worded, that George Soros would not be pretty much the ONLY person with the financial ability to work with the State of Cali to run the STATE GROW Facility, for a cost at the counter of course.....

Just like the original introduction of the dubbed "Dispensary Bill" here, HB-5580. There is language inserted into 5580, that exclaims only State Sanction Facilities can Grow Cannabis, and then has another section that specifically states, this New Bill, if passed, will Trump all other Older laws in terms of Who has Authorization to Grow, and while HB 5580 does state it is meant to work in conjunction with the MMM Act, Without an exclusion for the 08 MMMA written in the "Dispensary Bill", there is a very real chance if the Disp Bill Passes (or was passed as originally introduced) Michigan would be on it ways to the New Jersey Conundrum of Legalized Dispensaries, but 7 years later, the State STILL Has no Dispensaries (New Jersey legalized Medical Cannabis in 2006), and our Loving AG Bull SchuItte would just let it pass that the right to personal grows was made illegal, in lieu of State Sanctioned Facilities that will only take the state a decade or more to implement....
Dont fool yourselves, and fudge the rest of us in the process.

One must NOT allow themselves to be lulled into thinking they are doing ANYTHING for your Benefit, whether you are a Pt, a CG, or just a Citizen. The SYSTEM IS NOT HERE TO HELP YOU, but ONLY TO EXPLOIT YOU.

Taking the Prohibition Status away from State Control, and then turning right around and giving it back to the State to Control is a FOOL's Quest.
a good portion of us told him to STFU

...we won a section 8 defense yetserday.. still riding high from that, and more court tomorrow.

Congrats my Friend. These Section 8 wins are HUGE and we MUST Keep taking these cases to trail. IF the System makes you walk the mile, Why make it easy for them> YOU ARE STRONGER THAN THE SYSTEM! Never ever forget that. When you take a Plea, you say " System, You know better than I on what is good for me". DO NOT FALL INTO THAT TRAP, because once you do, you are CAUGHT, you family is caught, your future is caught.... There IS no Escape. As Morrison Said "No One Gets Out of Here Alive".

Congrats again and Way to Make the Bitch Ass System Bow to the Law.
we must-

have the right for self production/manufacture. just like all other crops in MI.

and it must also encompass commercial production.