Well-Known Member
Not everyone here dislikes me, it's just the overwhelming number of times the people that DON'T like me posting, hides the friendly faces. And I post here because people bump my stuff so much, when I make a thread, it gets automatic replies. Not many people on ANY website can say that. And I'm not looking for validation, most of my threads are educational, and are meant to be found later in the search engines by people who were similar to me when they were younger (because when I was 14 most of the things I share now were hard to find for myself), and when they are the age that I am now.
If there are so many people that don't like you posting and only a few that do (and I can't seem to find them) don't you find that to be an indicator to stop. secondly given your current situation and past ventures do you really think you're the best one to be handing out advice, my father always told me when learning from someone or hearing something about someone else always consider the source. We know the site is 18+ but obviously there are younger members here but very few of them have the patience or resources to utilize any of the real information and I doubt the 14 year olds use the search function either. The reason you get automatic replies is because people don't want this kind of crap here, I remember when you had only a couple hundred posts some people liked you and some people didn't, then you got everyone to dislike you by fighting in an immature trollish manner with the ones that disagreed with you and posting dunce caps every other line. People in general do not like others who are self validated in the face of adversity and can't turn their mouths off, a lot of people here if it were convenient for them would commit violent acts against you because your behavior has been so unacceptable, whats sad is you're better than any other troll on this site because you're not even meaning to troll a lot of the time.