What if I was a Budtender at your dispensary?

Not everyone here dislikes me, it's just the overwhelming number of times the people that DON'T like me posting, hides the friendly faces. And I post here because people bump my stuff so much, when I make a thread, it gets automatic replies. Not many people on ANY website can say that. And I'm not looking for validation, most of my threads are educational, and are meant to be found later in the search engines by people who were similar to me when they were younger (because when I was 14 most of the things I share now were hard to find for myself), and when they are the age that I am now.

If there are so many people that don't like you posting and only a few that do (and I can't seem to find them) don't you find that to be an indicator to stop. secondly given your current situation and past ventures do you really think you're the best one to be handing out advice, my father always told me when learning from someone or hearing something about someone else always consider the source. We know the site is 18+ but obviously there are younger members here but very few of them have the patience or resources to utilize any of the real information and I doubt the 14 year olds use the search function either. The reason you get automatic replies is because people don't want this kind of crap here, I remember when you had only a couple hundred posts some people liked you and some people didn't, then you got everyone to dislike you by fighting in an immature trollish manner with the ones that disagreed with you and posting dunce caps every other line. People in general do not like others who are self validated in the face of adversity and can't turn their mouths off, a lot of people here if it were convenient for them would commit violent acts against you because your behavior has been so unacceptable, whats sad is you're better than any other troll on this site because you're not even meaning to troll a lot of the time.
And they would laugh at you, while greeting the three new customers that took your place

Good for them if they do. If they were rude about it that would only encourage me to post reviews online, on both normal review sites and canna specific sites. Everyone I know would also know that the owners are assholes who prefer to employ botards:dunce:. If I know them and they might visit that dispensary then they would hear about my experience. If the owners are dumb enough to laugh at customers and employ someone like you:dunce: then the rest of the place probably sucks ass too.

It wouldn't really matter anyway. Those three customers that took my place will just end up walking out like I did. And whoever replaces them will just walk out as well. It will be a neverending cycle as long as you're behind the counter.
i was talkin about u

I'm not even sure what your referring to, I wasn't pushing any beliefs on others nor do I ever try to. I also don't troll people, or try to start shit with them. I always try to speak coherently and avoid expressing my Opinion as fact. I've been around this website for along time, and have always had a good reputation as an intelligent and polite person. I'm not sure who you think you are, along with some of the others that feel its ok to be internet tough guys. Try being more posative with your life and perhaps it will come back your way man. :bigjoint:

Peace TC
And they would laugh at you, while greeting the three new customers that took your place

If you:dunce: worked at a dispensary it would end up being a lot like your threads here. The customers (like the members here) will come in and some will right off the bat figure out that you're a complete moron:dunce: and they'll move on and that place will lose business. Some others will come in and they might make it through a transaction, they might even make it through a couple or even a few transactions, but eventually they will talk to you long enough to realize your true nature:dunce: and they'll move on and that place will lose business. It doesn't matter how many customers come into that dispensary, as long as they're served by you:dunce: they'll just end up leaving and that place will continue to lose business.

But in all honesty I'd like to meet the dumbasses that hire you:dunce:. So I can avoid doing any kind of business with them.
I have never been to a dispensary but every time I see one on TV, in documentaries, and anything of the such I swear they pick the stupidest guy in the shop to talk to. These "assitant managers", and whatever titles they give them always seem like complete burnouts. I've been in retail management for about 7 years, and I am stoned all day, but know one knows it. I have to handle myself in a professional manner or I'd get fired.
Every dispensary needs AT LEAST a tour video. Videos of grows, and updates on strains and products are a bonus that will let your customers know what you have, and what you have had. Post in the comments that "If we ever stop supplying this item ask us why, and maybe we will stock it for you again" just in case one day your video is "Out of date" with your inventory. But the more videos you have, the more people will feel comfortable coming in to get what they saw & meet who showed it to them.

Just what every dispensary needs, blurry and shaky video with unintelligible narration. Then they want to meet you for showing it to them?

Customer: I'd like to meet the person that gave me motion sickness, I'd also like get what was shown in his video but I couldn't see what it was and I couldn't hear what he called it.
Child please.
You are angling to get an $8 an hour job?
With your skill set, you could easily make $9 an hour or even more collecting trash, scrubbing toilets, digging ditches...

Also you are way off about dispensaries. Everyone I know does not give two cold turds about weed maps, craigslist, youtube and facebook.

First, Craigslist ads make you look cheap and devalue your brand.
I have never looked at youtube for dispensaries, why would I?
facebook can be a good marketing tool if used properly, but no one I know uses it for dispensaries

You left out the best and most important tool in marketing dispensaries in the Denver metro are.
Let's see if you are smart enough to figure out what it is.

weedmaps, lol

So far, this is what we've got. Weed Maps (A Must)
Now for some dispensary advice. Since I feel like there is about to be much berating, I am going to post some advice now. But I am saving most of my posting for until tomorrow. That is when this thread will "Really get started"... But, my first piece of advice to all dispensaries, YOU NEED A WEEDMAPS SIGN AND DISCOUNT. Even if you make it yourself on Microsoft Word... You need a sign that says "Post a good review about us on Weed Maps and receive X% off your next purchase." Weed Maps is THE primary place to find a dispensary, at least in Colorado. If you don't have LOTS and GOOD reviews on Weed Maps, you can expect the online audience to turn away from your store. Display your "poster" in a place where EVERY customer will see it on their way in, out, or both. The more reviews, the better your business will be.

Craigslist, a dispensaries presence on Craigslist is a MUST. People DO use Craigslist, especially in a city like Denver. But no matter where you are, it doesn't hurt to put something on Craigslist, at least every day that you have deals.

Every dispensary needs AT LEAST a tour video. Videos of grows, and updates on strains and products are a bonus that will let your customers know what you have, and what you have had. Post in the comments that "If we ever stop supplying this item ask us why, and maybe we will stock it for you again" just in case one day your video is "Out of date" with your inventory. But the more videos you have, the more people will feel comfortable coming in to get what they saw & meet who showed it to them.
Not just a page, or a group. An account, add random people on it that you've never met, and join as many groups as you can that are in your area, and that are involved in cannabis activity. This way you can make events, or pages to share with those people, and it will always list the name of your dispensary as well as a logo or photo of your choice.​

If you:dunce: worked at a dispensary it would end up being a lot like your threads here. The customers (like the members here) will come in and some will right off the bat figure out that you're a complete moron:dunce: and they'll move on and that place will lose business. Some others will come in and they might make it through a transaction, they might even make it through a couple or even a few transactions, but eventually they will talk to you long enough to realize your true nature:dunce: and they'll move on and that place will lose business. It doesn't matter how many customers come into that dispensary, as long as they're served by you:dunce: they'll just end up leaving and that place will continue to lose business.

But in all honesty I'd like to meet the dumbasses that hire you:dunce:. So I can avoid doing any kind of business with them.
:lol: People in this town love me :dunce: Same with Denver :lol: :lol: :lol:
Also you are way off about dispensaries. Everyone I know does not give two cold turds about weed maps, craigslist, youtube and facebook.

First, Craigslist ads make you look cheap and devalue your brand.

It seems like you've never been to a big town :lol: When there are 50+ dispensaries in the same st as you, you have to advertise.
Correlation is not causation
and of course go get a better job, why you need to post it here for validation is beyond me . . . . oh ya, negative attention seeking behavior with a prediction of just that , which you want

this thread was not a exercise in what to do, you just know we will post and boost google rank , as you think your some sort of INternet star, lol

famous for being stupid, you are going to be the CO, MJ shoenice, famous for being and idiot, but thats your choice who am I to stand in your way . . . . . you need us more then we need you
I'm not even sure what your referring to, I wasn't pushing any beliefs on others nor do I ever try to. I also don't troll people, or try to start shit with them. I always try to speak coherently and avoid expressing my Opinion as fact. I've been around this website for along time, and have always had a good reputation as an intelligent and polite person. I'm not sure who you think you are, along with some of the others that feel its ok to be internet tough guys. Try being more posative with your life and perhaps it will come back your way man. :bigjoint:

Peace TC

Don't ruin your reputation here by defending this asshat without even knowing what he is about. There is a reason a lynch mob shows up for his threads. Momma always said, "everyone else can't be wrong".