Any where in the world


bud bootlegger
I usually keep my foot off the gas pedal when i travel. Africa was a different story, i was drunk and high for a month, I peed my pants while running from the cops once lol i hope that doesnt end up in someones sig :):):)
i've never driven in another country ninja, except of course when i rented a bike in amsterdam and almost got myself a ticket for riding down a shopping street on it, lol..

what part(s) of africa did you see? africa seems like it would be kind of cool to see once as well imvho.. :D


Well-Known Member
South africa, Zimbabwe, and Mozambique. Its beautiful and real easy on the pocket book for sure. I barely spent two grand in a month:) cougar national park is the best game park in the WORLD!! Theres a different herd of animals over every hill. This is a picture of the guy i got my weed from, he was awsome. The interior of Jamaica is pretty amazing too, some real friendly people there :):):)



Well-Known Member
no doubt about that nick..

i once started a thread about some of the toughest cannabis laws in the world, and dubai was very high up on that list from memory..
It's getting that way here. long story short, he was going to a HS reunion, had 4 small bags, maybe a gram or 2 in each one of some really nice smoke to give to some old hs heads. He blazes 1 before he leaves, gets stopped in a check point, gop smells weed, search him, find bags.
He ended up with this list of charges
1 Conspiacy to sell and deliver
2 maintaining a vehicle for the purpose of seel and deliver
3possession with intent and the 1 that floored me was manufacturing. Said by him rebagging that constituted manufacturing.


Well-Known Member
I think i would like to see under water someday and do some scuba diving. Its gotta be like a whole nother world down there.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i would love to visit prague, barcelona and most of italy. most of europe, really, but those places are at the top of the list. i'd really love a chance to check out cuba. there's a ton of places in the states i haven't been able to get to yet. i've never even seen the grand fucking canyon.

i'd pretty much jump at the chance to visit anywhere except for a few places in the middle east and africa. you can have crazy laws. you can have scary wildlife. but not both.

oh, and new zealand. i want to see new zealand.


Well-Known Member
i would love to visit prague, barcelona and most of italy. most of europe, really, but those places are at the top of the list. i'd really love a chance to check out cuba. there's a ton of places in the states i haven't been able to get to yet. i've never even seen the grand fucking canyon.

i'd pretty much jump at the chance to visit anywhere except for a few places in the middle east and africa. you can have crazy laws. you can have scary wildlife. but not both.

oh, and new zealand. i want to see new zealand.
haha head you sound stoned..."i'd pretty much jump at the chance to visit anywhere...oh, and new zealand. i want to see new zealand" haha :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
I usually keep my foot off the gas pedal when i travel. Africa was a different story, i was drunk and high for a month, I peed my pants while running from the cops once lol i hope that doesnt end up in someones sig :):):) edit - i got away though ;)
what? were they looking for KFC money again?

Actualy there are few places in the world I wouldn't want to see. Current location, bout 50 miles outside cape town, seriously the most beautifull part of the world.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
My absolute favorite place is Canyon De Chelly. It's about a two hour drive. I park the car and hike for hours. Spider Rock is a must see. The people are wonderful. The air is crisp and clear and the views are spectacular. Plus there's this little bird I need for my life list. It's called a Southwestern Willow Flycatcher. I have been trying for years to get a photo of one. They are elusive little shits that live in very thick vegetation in very wet areas. There's been a time or two I sank all the way to my butt in the mud. In the last threes years I caught a glimpse of one as it was flying away from me. Anyway, yeah... Canyon de Chelly.



Well-Known Member
what? were they looking for KFC money again?

Actualy there are few places in the world I wouldn't want to see. Current location, bout 50 miles outside cape town, seriously the most beautifull part of the world.
I lived outside joburg, hope the coruption in the government isnt as bad anymore, when i was there there was "power shedding" going on where random blackouts would happen all over the city whenever. I miss all the fresh fruit. I dont even eat fruit anymore, it sucks here, and the caviar is way over priced :):):)