Another RAID


Well-Known Member
I don't foresee a bright future here for you Mr. Arab, if you want to speak of other illegal activities, maybe you should create a How to Launder money forum? I'm sure no police will ever be seen there and you can speak of ways to be more of a criminal than we already are by growing a plant. By the way, your thread is closed... good day.

what are u doing following me around and watching everything i write


Well-Known Member
what are u doing following me around and watching everything i write
Did it occur to you that maybe more people than yourself look at a thread? You talking about undeniably illegal activities such as money laundering, is not welcome as a whole here. We are not criminals, the only reason we are criminals by law is of course, the law itself. Now, if the law on money laundering was created due to racism or competition with another "legal" money laundering scam... such as the law against cannabis, maybe you should start of movement to end the prohibition of money laundering. :rolleyes:
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Well-Known Member
Did it occur to you that maybe more people than yourself look at a thread? You talking about undeniably illegal activities such as money laundering, is not welcome as a whole here. We are not criminals, the only reason we are criminals by law is of course, the law itself. Now, if the law on money laundering was created due to racism or competition with another "legal" money laundering scam... such as the law against cannabis, maybe you should start of movement to end the prohibition of money laundering. :rolleyes:

well maybe if u read my disclaimer in the begging u would of saw it was for educational purposes


Well-Known Member
So educating people to do something highly illegal (and for good reason) is cool to you? As I said, money laundering and growing a plant are two completely different things... and to bring ideas of laundering money to a site where people grow ganja is making us ALL look bad. Think about who may be reading your posts besides us growers, and maybe you're in Palestine and don't care... but the majority of us are in the US and we don't need anymore bullshit to be added to the fire. Money laundering, get your head out of your ass man and straighten up, where are your morals?


Well-Known Member
So educating people to do something highly illegal (and for good reason) is cool to you? As I said, money laundering and growing a plant are two completely different things... and to bring ideas of laundering money to a site where people grow ganja is making us ALL look bad. Think about who may be reading your posts besides us growers, and maybe you're in Palestine and don't care... but the majority of us are in the US and we don't need anymore bullshit to be added to the fire. Money laundering, get your head out of your ass man and straighten up, where are your morals?

whats these morals u speak of , teach me wise one


Well-Known Member
"You teach best what you most need to learn" it is not my responsibility to teach you morals, that was/is your parents job. I am only here to correct what you have not been taught. To speak of money laundering on these forums and to exploit other users who agreed with you risks the reputation of our organization/group as a whole. Not only are we growing a plant which is illegal, we're now talking about ways to launder money? What's next, Tax Evasion 101? Money laundering is most widely used by the mobs and cartels... not wholesome, hard working, good hearted men/women... but going by your name and avatar, I can only guess as to which you ally with. Let me say this, I have no sympathy for your cause... and hope nothing but pain and misery upon you and your people like you that wish to cause harm and pain to others.
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Well-Known Member
know ur limit dam , what a heat bag he was asking for it
I agree. This site is for growing. If we don't want it to be shut down we should keep it that way. I think if ppl are looking to be educated in money laundering they would google it or go somewhere with way more resources then they will find here. Just because ppl break the law growing weed doesn't mean they partake in any or all other illegal activities.


Well-Known Member
"You teach best what you most need to learn" it is not my responsibility to teach you morals, that was/is your parents job. I am only here to correct what you have not been taught. To speak of money laundering on these forums and to exploit other users who agreed with you risks the reputation of our organization/group as a whole. Not only are we growing a plant which is illegal, we're now talking about ways to launder money? What's next, Tax Evasion 101?

well alot of ppl do grow for profit on this site, and im just informing them the best way to make it legit, if u dont like it dont read it
and tax evasion is totaly different then making money legit
and morals have didly squad todo with any of this shit ,
defintion of moral
Of or concerned with the judgment of the goodness or badness of human action and character: moral scrutiny; a moral quandary.
2. Teaching or exhibiting goodness or correctness of character and behavior: a moral lesson.
3. Conforming to standards of what is right or just in behavior; virtuous: a moral life.

so basically anyone can tell u, u dont have morals for growing pot, its a bad drug


Well-Known Member
I can't wait until I've saved enough money to buy this.

or something like it, and I will grow thousands of plants.

you're all welcome to come, and we shall grow in peace!


Well-Known Member
I'm not arguing the morals issue but I really do love this site. And once I put all the knowledge to use and make profit I will go search out another site on how to launder it. lol. I just don't want this one shut down because of stupid stuff.Cause if I can't learn to grow I wont be in the need to launder money.


Well-Known Member
if anything they would of shut down this site a while back , and they would of traced everyones ip and busted everyone growing , but theres bigger fish to fry online


Well-Known Member
if anything they would of shut down this site a while back , and they would of traced everyones ip and busted everyone growing , but theres bigger fish to fry online

Not really. My IP is listed about 45 miles from my house. They can search all they wont be my door they're beating down.


Well-Known Member
they could never get a warrant based on this site. unless your posting pics of you and your plant...and maybe a driver's licence/


Well-Known Member
Not really. My IP is listed about 45 miles from my house. They can search all they wont be my door they're beating down.

lol it doesnt work like that , ur ip can betraced but doesnt give ur exact location, it gives them an idea where ur located , if they want they can goto ur internet providor, give them ur ip and with the ip then get ur isp which is dirrectly linked to all ur information


Well-Known Member
if anything they would of shut down this site a while back , and they would of traced everyones ip and busted everyone growing , but theres bigger fish to fry online

Mt point exactly, bigger fish like money launderers and the like Now if I was to investigate money laundering and do a search, this site pops up. Now that's not what we want to happen.


Well-Known Member
Mt point exactly, bigger fish like money launderers and the like Now if I was to investigate money laundering and do a search, this site pops up. Now that's not what we want to happen.
Precisely, which is why I said in his money laundering post, "I'm thinking about the forum, not myself buddy", and worse yet... the money laundering post is by a guy named Arab Mobster. Some people... :roll: