Mens penis size....ladies

Okay..I literally started this thread to see what the womans take on what her size preference is. Im really not too worried about MY penis. I just so happen to be 7 inches...and im NOT bullshitting. jeez i kinda got offended a bit when you said my substandard penis.

You are clearly worried about your penis size. But it's okay, you're not alone in having a small penis.
Like throwing a frankfurt up a hallway ,of course they dont like little dicks ! Glad ive got a 8 inch weapon down there. I dont know maybe there is a woman that likes men like you bro.
There once was a man from Nantucket.
Who's dick was so long he could suck it.
He said with a grin while wiping his chin,
if my ear were a cunt, I could fuck it.
Notice how no women are commenting on this?

A woman once said about this specific question, "if it works what does it matter?" Most men have penis anxiety, and most women know it.

I read a lot of men and women magazines, and I've seen a lot of studies on this subject and I've had a lot of sex(use to that is) and I can say that it's cut right down the middle. Half the studies say size matters the other half says size doesn't matter. From personal experience and being an honest male who's penis is size "straight six" I can say I really don't know. If any women had a problem with my penis size I sure didn't hear about it, but then again maybe they were being nice. Maybe it's like Seinfeld once said, "I think they just appreciate the effort" or maybe that was referring to oral sex, which I can say really helps in the satisfaction guaranteed department.
But I imagine some ladies just have to have a BIG ONE, no if's and's or but's. But it's not the majority.
Well as there is nothing you can do about what you were born with what does it mater. I'm no expert but what ever you have if it's used right then it's all good. It looks like men give this more thought than women do or it look that way.
Alright...I'll give my two cents and be all serious. Honestly, I think sexual chemistry is the most important factor in good love making. Of course, if two people are anatomically at different ends of the spectrum, that might be a serious issue. On a personal note...(and I probably shouldn't be sharing this but what the hell) I was with someone a very long time who was unhappy with himself in that regard. It wouldn't of been an issue with me but it was such an issue with him, it became a problem. He brought it up almost every time we were intimate and as much as I tried to reassure him, he wouldn't stop talking about it. Sure females joke about penis size just like men joke about breast size, but in the end, a confident person is usually attractive no matter what they have.
hmm never actually measured it and sure as hell aint going to the cold ass garage to get a cold ass tape measure :p
i DO wear a size 14 shoe, maybe its true what they say ;)

Hey, I'll go down the garage and get it for you !! ;) only joking.

If you ain't measuring then I don't believe you or it's massive. Big boys don't get too caught up with size issues and exube confidence. Too many men watch porn and then compare their own equipment. There is a difference between large and huge. Most guys in the average bracket tend to increase the figure to the large end of average, to fit in.

If they can hurt you, then it'll do nicely! :)
I guess the piture didnt load. I was trying to put a pic of shanaynay.. it was a joke you corny ass faggot. have some respect for the person who gave you the REAL info on bmeat.. and now hes banned.... get a new avatar bitch. I have bmeats phone numbers, real address, mom and dads places of work and their email and cell numbers... and im not a girl you idiot. this name should be banned soon too lol but atleast my trolling took down bmeat.. thats all that matters at the end of the day. finshaggy might get his email or account taken over soon too.............

You are one angry piece of trailer trash aren't you? You having second thoughts too?
lord who care what bitches think... It's been my experience that women do not know what the hell they want. They only think they do, but they aren't honest with themselves. They say they want one thing, but go for something totally different. They talk shit when we "objectify" them, but it's perfectly fine when they do it to us... Look at it this way, we're already getting the ass by the time they find out are penis size, so why care? Fck em all. If a man were to tell a woman her junk was too loose, she was too fat, or her ass or boobs were too small, we'd be chauvinist pigs...