Primeralives SCROG setup and grow (coments welcome)


Well-Known Member
have you ever seen a clone with a stem like that? its flat, it feels like its 2 stems stuck togeather side by side


Well-Known Member
nice job primera......that screen is nice and full...i cant wait to see what happens....i switched my scrog to 12/12 last friday and my screen wasnt as full as yours when i its starting to fill up quick...seems like alot of under growth is racing to the top...i might try cloning with them.......


Well-Known Member
18/6,i veged for about 2 months, i spent about 80 bucks on both lights and ballasts (they were security lights that i converted into growlights) one 150 and one 70


Well-Known Member
hmnn, good ideea
smart, efficient, economical
i think i will have to try this after my current groow
i kinda just just discovered it and i'm already becoming a believer haha
Primera...thanks for the link...but can you give me some specific scrog advice? when do you begin training the branches?(which node)...and doo i train them parallel to the soil when they begin? do i train the main stem to go parallel aswell? the pics are a little deceiving :roll:...i get the main gist of it...and sorry for all the questions but...when it hits the screen you basically train it like a vine so more vertical shoots grow off those branches...then you train those new shoots so the screen fills out...then you allow all the tips to go between the holes and then flower? noob scrogger looking for some good advice, thanks!!!:mrgreen:
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Well-Known Member
Primera...thanks for the link...but can you give me some specific scrog advice? when do you begin training the branches?(which node)...and doo i train them parallel to the soil when they begin? do i train the main stem to go parallel aswell? the pics are a little deceiving :roll:...i get the main gist of it...and sorry for all the questions but...when it hits the screen you basically train it like a vine so more vertical shoots grow off those branches...then you train those new shoots so the screen fills out...then you allow all the tips to go between the holes and then flower? noob scrogger looking for some good advice, thanks!!!:mrgreen:
i started by topping at about the 5th node... then i started traing all of the shoots out, i had 8 shoots when i started trainging with the screen, all of the banches were trained out, even the main 2 all the growth in the middle is shoots of the main stems..

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
I am impressed, I know very little of this sea of green, but I may take it on at some point seems unique- I also really like that rubbermaid closet thing, do you have exhaust hooked up? This looks good, cant wait to see what happens.