Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Was just sent this video from the monster jam show, won't tell you which one i am but that's me



Active Member
Sooo just sittin around bored at hospital. 19 month old had a bad allergic reaction to penicillin :wall:

She is and will be ok. She's got a really bad rash. Very itchy, I feel so bad for her.



Well-Known Member
Took the bike out for its first real ride last night and it was way too much fun! Think I'll head down to the hardware store today and get a bunch of steel wool to pack the mufflers though because it's currently too loud. Even with my helmet on when I had it full throttle it really screams and I don't want to piss people off with it :)


Well-Known Member
Was just sent this video from the monster jam show, won't tell you which one i am but that's me

I love taking my boys to the track. It's always a great evening of entertainment for us. I got them a little dirt bike last year. I'm doing my best to do fun guy boy stuff with them. We live in the country so maybe a quad this year.


Well-Known Member
[h=1]Anamorphic Sculptures[/h] London-based artist Jonty Hurwitz creates ‘Anamorphic Sculptures’ which only reveal themselves once facing a reflective cylinder. Hurwitz took an engineering degree in Johannesburg where he discovered the fine line between art and science. He has lived in England for many years, working in the online industry though he quietly levitated into the world of art inspired by a need to make ‘something real’. Hurwitz discovered that he could use science as an artistic paintbrush. Each of his sculptures is a study on the physics of how we perceive space and is the stroke of over 1 billion calculations and algorithms.



Well-Known Member
Anamorphic Sculptures

London-based artist Jonty Hurwitz creates ‘Anamorphic Sculptures’ which only reveal themselves once facing a reflective cylinder. Hurwitz took an engineering degree in Johannesburg where he discovered the fine line between art and science. He has lived in England for many years, working in the online industry though he quietly levitated into the world of art inspired by a need to make ‘something real’. Hurwitz discovered that he could use science as an artistic paintbrush. Each of his sculptures is a study on the physics of how we perceive space and is the stroke of over 1 billion calculations and algorithms.

That is fucking awesome!


Well-Known Member
Agreed, spring cant some soon enough!
I just realized it's Saturday. I went in to work on Wed. Night.

Clocked in at 12:04 Thursday morning. My time card has 2 shift punches and I'm at 29 hours. (I'm seasonally laid off right now.) When you see that snow plow driving down the road, or those road crews or large commercial plow guys, give 'em some space, seriously, we don't want to kill people, but our vehicles weigh in excess of 50,000 pounds. We get called in on a moment's notice, and work until the storm goes away, and again after that ... it's clean-up.


Active Member
I just realized it's Saturday. I went in to work on Wed. Night.

Clocked in at 12:04 Thursday morning. My time card has 2 shift punches and I'm at 29 hours. (I'm seasonally laid off right now.) When you see that snow plow driving down the road, or those road crews or large commercial plow guys, give 'em some space, seriously, we don't want to kill people, but our vehicles weigh in excess of 50,000 pounds. We get called in on a moment's notice, and work until the storm goes away, and again after that ... it's clean-up.
Yea it's crazy the amount of people that drive like lunatics around the plows, trying to get around them due to "slow moving". I always think to myself, is your life really worth saving a couple minutes.


New Member
I just realized it's Saturday. I went in to work on Wed. Night.

Clocked in at 12:04 Thursday morning. My time card has 2 shift punches and I'm at 29 hours. (I'm seasonally laid off right now.) When you see that snow plow driving down the road, or those road crews or large commercial plow guys, give 'em some space, seriously, we don't want to kill people, but our vehicles weigh in excess of 50,000 pounds. We get called in on a moment's notice, and work until the storm goes away, and again after that ... it's clean-up.

we have a points system at our shop.Cars are 10 points,pick ups are 20 points.Pedestrians are -50.There was a fatal accident with one of our trucks 2 years ago.A drunk lady pulled a U-turn right in front of him on a highway.Luckily the driver was the only non burner we had.If he was a smoker he'd be in prison for sure,no fault of his own...

Total Head

Well-Known Member
Just got my cable bill. $648.00. I freaked the fuck out. I looked through the bill and found out my dad has discovered on-demand programming. He ordered over 400.00 in movies. This was a one month period. I can say one thing. He has good taste in movies. I may have to kill him and tell God he died.

as a former cable employee, i am impressed that you did not call to scream that the box is broken. a lot of people have a "well i gave it a shot" attitude about it. regular movies are hard to get out of, but the 600 bucks of porn calls were my favorite calls ever. if i had a buck for every time someone screamed "WE LOVE JESUS IN THIS HOUSE" to get out of their porn bill i could be retired already.

however, i once did some detective work and proved that on occasion, the box actually DID order a bunch of porn on its own. took me almost an hour of combing through a bunch of data and another half hour to explain to my moron supervisor why we had to credit a guy 500 bucks. in my 3 years at the company i came across it about 4 times, so there are probably several more people being forced to pay for things that they did not in fact order. i was labeled a "complainer" for bringing this to management's attention.