FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

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New Member
here is one of my current girls, just running a 12/12 from seed to get back into it, make sure i know what im doing ;)

almost 4 weeks since preflower. smelling very fruity when i bury my face in her.

2013-02-23_22-56-53_504 (1).jpg


Well-Known Member
How many times do I gots ta tell you! You can't grow! Well you have grown a following of haters, but cannabis ain't your thing!


Well-Known Member
Oh it's my thing now! I like how you try to point out that I'm not a good troll. Thanks I will get better soon..soon as you provide another downdate!
The next update will be the EASIEST for you guys to perceive as a "downdate", but it's not a down date. And I will be posting it within the hour.
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