Dr Kynes
Well-Known Member
1) i never argued that science was decided by consensus, that was claimed by my esteemed opponent when he asserted that everybody except americans believes in global warming, and implied it was due to the disinformation campaign and insanity of a few clowns from fox news.No it's not only limited to the US - But you're right, concensus is democracy not science.
2) the list was not put forth to establish that there is or ios not consensus on global warming it was merely there to refute the "only americans (presumably ignorant fox news viewers) question the orthodoxy" assertion, when in fact russia and india have both withdrawn from the ipcc over mishandling of their data and misrepresentations of fact.
3) the presence or lack of consensus does not settle the global warming issue, and in fact the various estimates of geological and man made emission of co2 remains a matter of debate with some extremely wide variations in some cases on orders of magnitude.
4) if the levels of co2 (presumably the mechanism causing global warming) has not yet been ascertained, then how can the effects or even the existence of global warming be sufficiently settled to make it "fact"
5) and the problem still remains, many qualified and intelligent people in the feild of climatology and geology are still not sure if the phenomenon is caused by man, or if it is part of a continuing natural cycle. it's certainly not time to start making soyylent green and instituting a china-style one child policy and mandatory abortions.
6) there is too much shenanigans goin on in the global warming issue for me to trust the press and the cassandras since they are all cashing checks as fast as possible for anything they can slap the global warming label on. example: al gore.