

Active Member
my plant has a sulphur def, and was curious if there was any way to get sulphur from around the house, like a cheap way of getting it, i can get sulphur powder, and have some coming, how much would i use ? its 99.95% pure.
Hey, this should be a game. :D How many non-poisonous sulfate-containing things can you find around the house? I've got labels to read.
ive just done a transplant thats the first pic, the plant is saying overwatered on some of the leaves but they have cleared up,

the second and third pic is some burning on the leave, i thought it looked like its got rootburn, any suggestions?

the fourth pic is some pistils, it has 2 of them, they were there befor it started flowering, for a few weeks they have been like that.

the fifth pic is the very top of the plant that i think is starting to flower, it is on a 12/12 hr cycle, i dont want big buds, just buds.

what do you guys think?, im also still watering with epsom salt, 1 tspn per gallon, now i took that for a US gallon which is 3.785L where as a UK gallon is 4.?? L, hope i got it right.

those 2 sets of sick leaves on the bottom i cut off because they were draging it down.


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Sirius, honestly, they look starved for light and a bit wet. I never asked how you determined they definitely suffer(ed) a sulfur deficiency, but I'm thinking you've got plenty for them now and suggest that you stop using the Epsom salts. I'm tempted to suggest a good flushing with clean water, but I don't know enough about these plant problems to do so with any confidence. (If it were a fish tank I could tell you exactly what to do.) This adds bumpage for you at least. I'll be watching to see how things turn out for your garden.
thanks seamaiden, curious on the flush, how much water how many times a day? the plant looks wet because i just started flushing it(i think), also do you just pour the water on, or do you have to sit there with a spray bottle so its all even?
ive also added 2 more lights and will be adding some more tomorrow.
OMG. Ok you have cut off too many fan leaves for it to get enough energy so it is going to be stunted for a while.

I am just wondering why you would want to flower a plant so tiny.
I hate to sound so cocky here BUT the general idea of growing marijuana is to get some plants or a plant growing healthy first.

Once you have a stable healthy plant then you make the decision to flower.

You have not done this so are going to run into problems.

Don't be surprised if you soon find little balls growing on her. :|
thanks seamaiden, curious on the flush, how much water how many times a day? the plant looks wet because i just started flushing it(i think), also do you just pour the water on, or do you have to sit there with a spray bottle so its all even?
ive also added 2 more lights and will be adding some more tomorrow.
No, no need to mist. It depends on the size of the container, but basically you water enough so that you get a bit of a flow going through the soil and then coming out of the bottom. Can't be too vigorous, and you really have to let the soil dry out as much as possible or you'll drown the plant.
You never mentioned what your feeding the little girl. Looks to me that she is taking the nitrogen from the lower leafs and now some of the upper leaves. If your going into 12/12 your going to have a very small plant and buds. Stop the epsom salts if not carefull that will just set off a chain of miserable events. I would say you just need to up your nutes and add something like Superthrive or floralicous plus to get some minerals and vitamins it is craving to get to flower.
Do you think he can get it to flower with so little foliage, though? I've been under the strong impression that strong foliar growth leads to better flower production.. have I got that bit wrong?
miracle grow makes a product that is called Ultra Bloom. it is a 10-16-10 coated in sulfur,,, its cheap, easy and it's good for your plants