I did grow consulting for almost 3 1/2 years getting paid for it, and I will NEVER do it again.
99% of the consulting work that I did on "Garden Rescue" was completely the growers fault. People have a hard time admitting that. And getting it wrong the first go is one thing, making More and more and more mistakes became the MO of many clients I had. Then it turned to the blame game... blaming it on me... I sure fucking wish a couple of them could have taken me to court.
There was one dude in Fresno that had me set up his crop, I came out 3 times after that because he didnt follow directions or use common sense, and I MADE sure he got to harvest (the deal was half up front half at harvest, the harvest half being my profit, and any extra visits during grow covered after harvest, yup, contract in writing) anyways.... I even helped him chop em all down and left specific written instructions (step by step like for a dumb ass) He took off for a few days and paid a couple kids to finish harvesting and managing the dry while he went snowboarding for a week. he came back and all his shit was moldy (they didnt turn on the exhaust fans OR AC OR Lights, grow lights). 13 something lb's gone....
He blamed it on me, said it was all my fault and I somehow owe him 30 somethin grand.... uhhh NO. So many Crap shoot situations like that, and we consultants never want to pursue our ends... too afraid of courts and persecution etc. :/ Now I consult for friends, as just a friend... and have no issues
