Hey guys got a half day today so the weekend starts here!
alot of argie bargie still going on, mdjenks tontoboy has been on this thread for a long time hes not a bad guy, i think you both got off on the wrong foot, i was very stressed myself for a while there but my new job and new lease of life i feel very good again, so can i maybe suggest we all take a deep breath and agree to wash away the bad blood and start over again without the insults,
Whos with me for a fresh start?? spring is here and no point being upset and cranky in this nice weather!
mdjenks my amneisa you gave me is doing nice ill get pics tonight when lights come on, i think i am about 10-14 days away, cut a little lower branch last night and grinded it up and dried it and my christ its real nice dident even taste green like quick dried bud! i ended up listening to music and lost 3 hours i cant account for!
ae86 you ok buddie? come back to us
Hey guys got a half day today so the weekend starts here!
alot of argie bargie still going on, mdjenks tontoboy has been on this thread for a long time hes not a bad guy, i think you both got off on the wrong foot, i was very stressed myself for a while there but my new job and new lease of life i feel very good again, so can i maybe suggest we all take a deep breath and agree to wash away the bad blood and start over again without the insults,
Whos with me for a fresh start?? spring is here and no point being upset and cranky in this nice weather!
mdjenks my amneisa you gave me is doing nice ill get pics tonight when lights come on, i think i am about 10-14 days away, cut a little lower branch last night and grinded it up and dried it and my christ its real nice dident even taste green like quick dried bud! i ended up listening to music and lost 3 hours i cant account for!
ae86 you ok buddie? come back to us
Hey guys got a half day today so the weekend starts here!
alot of argie bargie still going on, mdjenks tontoboy has been on this thread for a long time hes not a bad guy, i think you both got off on the wrong foot, i was very stressed myself for a while there but my new job and new lease of life i feel very good again, so can i maybe suggest we all take a deep breath and agree to wash away the bad blood and start over again without the insults,
Whos with me for a fresh start?? spring is here and no point being upset and cranky in this nice weather!
mdjenks my amneisa you gave me is doing nice ill get pics tonight when lights come on, i think i am about 10-14 days away, cut a little lower branch last night and grinded it up and dried it and my christ its real nice dident even taste green like quick dried bud! i ended up listening to music and lost 3 hours i cant account for!
ae86 you ok buddie? come back to us
All sounds good.
sorry to burst your bubble about the weather but s gonna get cold Sunday Monday and then back to the damp mild shit.
Awesome looking vape and great tune too
Yeah but ill take any good day as a good day! strange how a little bit of sun can make you feel from depressed and shitty to feeling upbeat and good again, no wonder they gotta wear them caps with white lights on them in places where they dont get much sun or they would be going mad in dark cold weather lol
mdjenks heres the original amneisa seed, i see a nice difference just from yesterday and today its packing on weight, just not ready yet tho as i took a micro shot and trichomes are still clear
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well said kang,i dont like that silly bickerin myself,i hope ya dint take ta heart any of that silly stuff between us an i apologise for the insults it was just hot air ya know yourself,i allways respcted your opinion an i respect ya even more now because in my book it takes a man not too hold grudges,i hope we can all get on now an help each other grow the best plants possible....86 hope you werent offended bro your a legend around here........peace out fellasHey guys got a half day today so the weekend starts here!
alot of argie bargie still going on, mdjenks tontoboy has been on this thread for a long time hes not a bad guy, i think you both got off on the wrong foot, i was very stressed myself for a while there but my new job and new lease of life i feel very good again, so can i maybe suggest we all take a deep breath and agree to wash away the bad blood and start over again without the insults,
Whos with me for a fresh start?? spring is here and no point being upset and cranky in this nice weather!
mdjenks my amneisa you gave me is doing nice ill get pics tonight when lights come on, i think i am about 10-14 days away, cut a little lower branch last night and grinded it up and dried it and my christ its real nice dident even taste green like quick dried bud! i ended up listening to music and lost 3 hours i cant account for!
ae86 you ok buddie? come back to us
Hi all,
Last time I grew I used a non-digital soil ph meter but now I've ordered a digital one that will check the run off,it comes with enough calibration fluid to set it and I have ordered more but from what I understand the solution can only be used once and from some of what I've been reading it is possible I may need to calibrate the meter on a regular enough basis.
It's gonna be a pain in the stones if I have to use fresh stuff each time cos I know I'm guaranteed at least once not to have it when I need it so is it possible to store the liquid in a sterile glass container for re-use?
I wouldn't recommend it, it won't be 7.0 thats for sure after a few days. I use 30ml of ph fluid to calibrate the meter each week, it will cost less than a tenner for ph fluid for a full grow so don't be worried about cost.Sorry for re-posting but can anyone answer please?
O que é madeira plástica? A madeira plástica, também conhecida como madeira de plástico, é idêntica à madeira convencional. Sem falar que ela é resistente à umidade, imune à pragas, não empena, não racha e não solta farpas. Ou seja: você não vê diferenças, só vantagens. É por isso que a Reciplast está cada vez mais presente em projetos de arquitetura, paisagismo e decoração, mostrando que é possível conseguir o máximo impacto visual com mínimo impacto ambiental. Deck de madeira plástica Utilizado em diversas situações, o deck de madeira plástica Reciplast se destaca pela qualidade e benefícios, podendo ser aplicado em ambientes internos e externos. A durabilidade do material, bem como a textura e aparência são diferenciais que fazem com que a escolha deste produto seja a melhor alternativa. Nosso produto é extremamente conceituado e já é considerado como grife no segmento. Antes de adquirir madeira plástica no mercado, solicite uma amostra da Reciplast. Você irá se surpreender com nossa qualidade. A Madeira Plástica A madeira plástica, também conhecida como madeira sintética, madeira ecológica ou madeira de plástico, é um produto 100% reciclado e reciclável, com aparência de madeira natural, aceitando ser furada, serrada, colada, pintada, revestida, aparafusada, pregada etc. É utilizada em decks, fachadas, brises, pisos, bancos, assoalhos para carrocerias, quebra-mares, marinas, revestimentos, casas, estruturas etc. Nossa madeira plástica tem durabilidade de até 100 anos, sem exigir nenhuma manutenção! Vantagens da madeira sintética: Além de evitar o desmatamento, a madeira plástica, oferece vantagens extras: não empena, não racha, não solta farpas e não absorve umidade. Absorve menos temperatura do que a madeira convencional, é resistente à corrosão, imune a pragas, cupins, roedores e insetos, minimizando a necessidade de manutenção. Limpeza: Extremamente fácil. Usar apenas água e sabão.
i calibrate mine once and thats it. You can tell if its off, just use some 7.0 solution if your not sure but I have had good luck with my meters staying calibrated.
three days in the making:
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