Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

Genetically Engineered Cannabis yes or no?

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Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
You can choose what varieties to buy, don't buy GM ones.

Some people don't give a fuck, let them buy whatever they want.

Why do you hate consumer choice?
How do you know what's in it? Some homies of mine have shown me "kush" from a dispensary that's really a 90%+ sativa. My homies can't even get sativa or indica. But at least you can tell because of their effects once smoked. Now you want to add GMO? Weed ain't regulated like organic produce even. Organic isn't even guaranteed real organic according to the rules. The current rule: it's organic until you get caught, just don't do it again.

You need to stop smoking gear laced weed, bro.

I can see it now. GMO weed which mimics organic, even if grown dro. They just need to GMO it with natural flavors. Buck will peddle that shit as it were the turbo charged model.


Well-Known Member
But, who controls the govt? We.
If 'we' as a big entity, used loosely.. control the government - how did Michigan just get medicinal marijuana laws changed, with dispensaries closed and / or raided? Michigan was making progress, and I would have expected things to go the way of any state that's already decriminalized it as a bare minimum, but that wasn't to be the case this time based on some clowns.


Ursus marijanus
Yup, that statement would be correct in what I typed (personal opinion). - 'right' is 'natural', or as close to it as possible. This is completely separate than anything electronics-based, in terms of focus. I'd rather eat what I would consider natural / heirloom .. same with cannabis as I won't have profiteering gluttons trying to cause more headache than the cannabis-using community already gets by throwing new rules/regulations/etc on top of the bullshit many states/countries are already trying to fight for. Just seems to make sense that a simplification of it at that point is easier. Don't you agree?
I do not see how one can compartment the "natural is right" dictum to food andor crops.
I accept simplifications if they are genuine. So many simplifications are fraught with unintended and seriously complex consequences. "Going back to Nature" is one such imo. cn


Well-Known Member
I do not see how one can compartment the "natural is right" dictum to food andor crops.
I accept simplifications if they are genuine. So many simplifications are fraught with unintended and seriously complex consequences. "Going back to Nature" is one such imo. cn
I can see where you're coming from and respect your views on that, I didn't see it as an over-simplification by any means.. just would rather have things 'natural' and to me personally - that's 'right'. I am not asking anyone to agree with me, or even entertain the thought.. was just tossing it into the discussion is all.


Ursus marijanus
I can see where you're coming from and respect your views on that, I didn't see it as an over-simplification by any means.. just would rather have things 'natural' and to me personally - that's 'right'. I am not asking anyone to agree with me, or even entertain the thought.. was just tossing it into the discussion is all.
I approve of your restraint in identifying it as a personal moral decision. Please understand that all my life i have been surrounded by the evangelical variety: "I have had an insight that you should accept along with me. Otherwise you are Wrong." cn


Well-Known Member
I approve of your restraint in identifying it as a personal moral decision. Please understand that all my life i have been surrounded by the evangelical variety: "I have had an insight that you should accept along with me. Otherwise you are Wrong." cn
Oh no, am by no means like that - anything I say in any form of a discussion like this is purely personal feelings/thoughts.. I'm by no means the type to force or try to otherwise interject those thoughts/feelings onto others, or dismiss them and say they're wrong. The only time I will tell someone they're wrong is if I am 100% certain, and it's proven by chemistry, phytology, or some other type of 'law' that could by no means be argued or dismissed. I do understand how you could be subjected to things like that, but that's by no means the case this time.
When dealing with Monsanto, you have to realize that GMO's are being weaponized. This happens in two ways:

1) Monsanto patents DNA. They put some of their GMO seeds in Mr. Smalltime farmer's field, or the seeds blow in from a Monsanto farm. They sue him to oblivion for stealing their patented seeds, then take his land when he is ruined.

2) They engineer the food products to produce poison ("pesticide") that the plant naturally makes in lower than trace quantities. Americans proceed to eat this poison, and are not given the right to know if it is in their food.

furthermore, we must consider that GMO plants interbreed with our natural heirloom genetics, and eventually it will be hard to find true natural genetics.

GMO technology is an insidious danger to the world. There is a reason that Monsanto serves all organic food to their employees.

Monsanto can stay the hell away from cannabis.


Ursus marijanus
When dealing with Monsanto, you have to realize that GMO's are being weaponized. This happens in two ways:

1) Monsanto patents DNA. They put some of their GMO seeds in Mr. Smalltime farmer's field, or the seeds blow in from a Monsanto farm. They sue him to oblivion for stealing their patented seeds, then take his land when he is ruined.

2) They engineer the food products to produce poison ("pesticide") that the plant naturally makes in lower than trace quantities. Americans proceed to eat this poison, and are not given the right to know if it is in their food.

furthermore, we must consider that GMO plants interbreed with our natural heirloom genetics, and eventually it will be hard to find true natural genetics.

GMO technology is an insidious danger to the world. There is a reason that Monsanto serves all organic food to their employees.

Monsanto can stay the hell away from cannabis.
Do you have any quality citations (no vids or blogs!) to support that assertion? cn


Well-Known Member
GAYprotection must've birthed another shit-sock puppet.

I guess those "all natural" birth control methods are as useless as the homeopathy "feel good" potions (it's fucking water, I'm sorry people).


Well-Known Member
When dealing with Monsanto, you have to realize that GMO's are being weaponized. This happens in two ways:

1) Monsanto patents DNA. They put some of their GMO seeds in Mr. Smalltime farmer's field, or the seeds blow in from a Monsanto farm. They sue him to oblivion for stealing their patented seeds, then take his land when he is ruined.

2) They engineer the food products to produce poison ("pesticide") that the plant naturally makes in lower than trace quantities. Americans proceed to eat this poison, and are not given the right to know if it is in their food.

furthermore, we must consider that GMO plants interbreed with our natural heirloom genetics, and eventually it will be hard to find true natural genetics.

GMO technology is an insidious danger to the world. There is a reason that Monsanto serves all organic food to their employees.

Monsanto can stay the hell away from cannabis.
So, you didn't sign up for the royalty deal. But, suddenly a white van roars up and 4 guys jump out and sample and before you get there, they say AH HA. (You have no idea we planted this just to steal your land.)

So, this could happen? Maybe. But, if the pattern is identified or any proof provided it could be different in a court of law.

Woops, but, corn is not a seed that blows on the wind. So, not that.