Shouldn't States Rights bring us together?


Well-Known Member
I lived in Alabama a few years and can honestly say that there might be a few schools that wanted to segregate, but most are too concerned with winning football to keep darkie out of their school.

Other than a very racist Birmingham, most of the state is like any other state. They just want to be left alone.

The most racist place I've lived is easily Boston. Suburban Detroit was bad in the 70's. Now most of the racial strife there is at union shops and coming from the city council. They had an asphalt mega-millionaire try to donate 200 million to build schools in Detroit and the city council voted it down because they didn't want the white devil influencing their children.

You are more than welcome to keep your bigoted blinders on and think of the south like it was 1960 still though if it helps you sleep at night. I'm sure there are some "poor negroes" that can't take care of themselves that need your help. Keep up the good fight.


Well-Known Member
If we limit the Federal Government to their duties outlined in the constitution and allow for States to make decisions on their own, we could stop bickering at one another and live in our desired area. Liberal states could have lots of social welfare programs, environmental protection regulations, etc.... Conservative states could have low taxes, less laws, etc... It would allow for free competition among state governments and we could finally hash out the best policies. Citizens would have more control, as the government is closer to the people, and they could create laws that are more suitable for their communities. Instead of having federally funded food assistance for example, why not let the states create their own welfare programs? What is so frightening about this?
The central government would lose massive amounts of power by not being able to re-distribute the income taxes from one state to another depending upon the whims and concerns of their lobbiests.


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah I forgot.... states rights equals segregation.

How many people here would go to a restaurant that segregated?
Quite a few I believe... I myself thought our country had moved forward from the past, but after we had Barrack Obama run and win the Presidency the true colors of some seemingly took over our nation. Its a reason we have the UNITED States, and I myself refuse to let states like Alabama, Mississippi, South Carolina, Georgia, etc... start making some of their own freaking rules...Oh and FUCK RON PAUL


Well-Known Member
Well, to the thread title.

There is nothing to pull us together. That is the point of Federated Democracy. You are free to be among those you choose. And those you choose are free to not like it. But, they are limited somewhat, with what they can do about it. And with 13 colonies and no mass transit, you were basically where you were to stay from birth.

Each State is a Sovereignty. (most forget that, more later) Each State is represented by 2 Senators. And all WE are represented by Congress. Get it? The Senate has nothing to do with the people of the State. They are elected for 6 years to guard the Rights of their State.

The President is not a people person, either. He is the Chief of Law ENFORCEMENT. The Supremes are the distance players to keep it balanced. Not what you call human friendly.

The House is the People. Ever two years we get to kick them all out and start again. So, after my big revelation of the fact that the Che-ist struggle goes on everyday in our System, I can relax about it.

OK, States rights. The struggle also is between good of the States and the universally recognized necessary EVIL of Federal Law. The concept was there but no money is given for it. WE through the budget, control with our representatives, the Federal existence. They just want us to forget that. Why? Power? Confusion?

There are many many that flock now, in the modern age to the cities. Paved streets. Services. Tiny appt with the entire city as the front yard.

Govt rules the life of Cities. So, there is the problem, right there. And if there was no Senate, I think it would have been over a long time ago. The House would get enough votes to abolish States. Goodbye USA.

It might be very shitty, but the City is the model for world govt. And that just shows how stupid and shortsighted these city dwellers are. There have been cultural revolutions that forced the city folks back to the farms for a seriously needed re-education. And that would be the very far side of unpractical, but interesting in my viewpoint.

So, the latested lash of the struggle is the city vs the wide open. Air tubed dinner from the deli down the street, for when there is snow. Ban the cars. Bike everywhere. Cover them with domes to control the weather.

Or is your life 2 hrs of commute to the cube walls? Or is it any part of all outdoors?

The point is, the Founders saw that we could not be one big happy family. The Revolution was also Civil War 1.

So we set it up in layers of freedom. IT, a beauty of pot soaked wisdom, that is being attacked inside and out, this system of ours. States Rights can't bring us together. It just balances the divide.

I have lived in the Northeast for a few weeks. But, I am not that stupid, to stay. I live in many areas of the US, without a work and travel visa like Russia. Find what you like and go there. Stop the worry. That's my advice.


Well-Known Member
Most races self segregate themselves.....

You see it all the time,church is one of the biggest

segregated places there is...


Well-Known Member
It is all culture, not race. I find it in myself everyday. I work with people around the world, there and here, when they get their H1 visa. There are certain accents I love, and a few I hate. But, that's just me and culture bias.

And I find that with a good old American accent like Gov. of Louisiana (no politics, just picking a known figure) I am completely color blind and as tolarant as I am to all Americans. I detest diversity. It mean only one thing to me.

Divisiveness. For me it's the American culture, that matters. You join it I like you just for that.

Nothing racial about counter culture for example. But, it represents divisiveness. And when we get to cultural groups that make up their own accent, and lingo to hide and racially or Religiously congregate against WE, that's what I hate.

The kid at MacDonalds that only wants to jive, won't make it. What happened to the melting pot? That worked. This boohoo I'll get UPSET, does not. It is just making it worse, but at a pace below the generational radar.


Active Member
Quite a few I believe... I myself thought our country had moved forward from the past, but after we had Barrack Obama run and win the Presidency the true colors of some seemingly took over our nation. Its a reason we have the UNITED States, and I myself refuse to let states like Alabama, Mississippi, South Carolina, Georgia, etc... start making some of their own freaking rules...Oh and FUCK RON PAUL
You should work for the fed's, that's the same way they feel about states like Colorado and Washington. As long as you think your opinion is more important that somebody else and wish to force your beliefs on them you will fit in perfectly.


Well-Known Member
You should work for the fed's, that's the same way they feel about states like Colorado and Washington. As long as you think your opinion is more important that somebody else and wish to force your beliefs on them you will fit in perfectly.
not sure if you noticed, but the feds could have shut CO and WA down hardcore, and they have basically done nothing so far.

that no one has commented about this, especially on the "arrrgghhhh!!!! FEDS!!!!" side of the equation is telling in what it says about cognitive dissonance.


Well-Known Member
It is all culture, not race.
this is basically the classic "i'm not racist, but..." starter that precedes every racist diatribe.

*I detest diversity.
here we go.

Divisiveness. For me it's the American culture, that matters. You join it I like you just for that.
and of course, only what you consider to be "american culture" cuts it.

And when we get to cultural groups that make up their own accent, and lingo to hide and racially or Religiously congregate against WE, that's what I hate.
gee,i wonder who you could be talking about.

The kid at MacDonalds that only wants to jive, won't make it.
and there we go.

jesus fucking christ.


Well-Known Member
The kid at MacDonalds that only wants to jive, won't make it.

I didn't mention race. It's culture.


Well-Known Member
So, now that you know about my shit bag, you want a sip, is that it?

To even say racist is racist in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
I don't think of slaves when I think of shuckin' and jivin'. I think of liberals explaining their economic theories. Or explaining how the stimulus worked. It's not a racist slang at all anymore unless somebody uses it that way. Anything CAN be racist, despite arguments otherwise, not every thing IS racist.