I've used many different nutes in my grows.
MG, Schultz, Jack's, Peterson's (now called Jack's), Botanicare, Fox Farm, Jobe's Organics, etc.
Just a matter of finding what the plants need and giving it to them.
They all work great when used as needed.
I'm having a simple cheeseburger & fries tonight.
What's up with your sig? Did rui really censor it. What was the I'm curious
And yeah, riu (one of the mods) saw a club 600x badge (which many still fly, but don't get popped for, so I'm just the lucky one) and a Breeder's Boutique badge in my signature's banner and greyed them out and substitued the censored banner for my original one.
To see how far I could push it, I reloaded the banner with the two badges, but put the red circle with the slash through it over the badges, which obscured most of the badges, to where you couldn't even tell what was under them.
And the priss re-greyed out the badges, but left the red circles with the slashes.
But they also weren't good enough to save it at the same jpeg quality, so it was blurred & pixelated, with low-rez jpeg artifacts all over the place.
So I made a new one with the words "Censored by RIU" "No I mean it" "And they did a sloppy job, too".
And I also added "Censorship makes Jah cry".
It's all fun & games to me, but censorship sticks in my craw, especially arbitrary censorship, since there are many on riu with badges & text that "advertise" what nutes they use, or even seed companies they bought from that don't get hassled. And that they won't give Breeder's Boutique even a chance to be a paid advertiser.
But the 600 must get a lot of scrutiny from the mods, so....
It's their website, so whatever.
The only thing that keeps me coming back are the peeps that frequent the 600.
The rest of riu is pretty much of no use to me.