fluorescent closet grow, Opinions please!


Well-Known Member
Here's the deal setting up my closet with fluorescent and want to use them from veg to flower. Thus far I got 6, 39 watt HO T5's burning @ 6500k producing 3700 lumens each.The tubes are the top lights. I also have 4, 40 watt soft white CFL's Burning @ 2700k wich are movable. producing 2700 lumesn each. I also have a 8 inch fan for air flowThe mesurment of the space is 2 feet deep by 3.5 feet long and 12 feet high. so after the math thats 7 square feet, thats 394 watts and 33,000 lumen in total. I will be growing from clone form just waiting for them to be ready should about a week. Will this do it? can I produce some decent bud? Opinions please


Active Member
fluorescent s are not all that great for every stage of growth the plant goes through....those lights are best for starting plants and clones


Well-Known Member
I know I was thinking about that but in my situation I am concernd about heat because I would like to keep the closet door closed for as much time as possible. The heat build up with the floros so for is very small. I am renting and dont want to go cutting holes in my closet for venting


Active Member
you could just install a cheap vent fan in the top and save the piece you cut out and put it back in........also keep air movement on your plants as much as possible it helps simulate mother nature


Well-Known Member
You have a space between the floor and the door. That is one. What other spaces? Can you add a vent similar to a register above the closet door? When installed (very simple) they look very professional. Many homes are made with them included. They add ventilation to closets.


Well-Known Member
My landlady is kinda fucked and I would NOT want her noticing anything at all. The moment she sees an alteratin in the apartment she is going to wonder why and investigate. I hear you its a good idea but cash money is also an issue. I would just like to know how the results will be if I keep with this lighting they way it is. I have been reading some conflicting stuff about Flourecent tubes and CFL's some people say you can get decent bud with them. other say its a waste


Well-Known Member
Ive got 6 under a 400 hps and 5 under a Flourecent the ones under the 400 are doing alot better the ones under the Flourecent seem to be growing alot slower


Active Member
Here is what I have going on. I have about 14000 lumens for Veg, now my girls are into flowering right now so I'm going to install 3 more CFL's. For a total of 20000 lumens and that should be fine. Of course a 400W HPS would be much better. This is just a hobby I really can't get carried away. :hump:



Well-Known Member
This is what I got so far 4 seedling called Narple 100% Indica apparently a unique dark green purple coloring. anyways still waiting for 4 more clones but this will get me going. vegging under 6 3foot HO T5's for total of 22200 Lumens, adding 4 42 watt CFL to flower for an addinoal 10,000 Lumens beyah!



Well-Known Member
that's a lot of watts. flours do put out heat. a 400w HPS wouldn't be much hotter and the yield would be much greater. i've never flowered with flours.


Well-Known Member
The heat is very low! I have an 8 inch fan blowing n the lights. I can have the door closed all day and it only gets 30 degrees in there. I usually have the door crack open a bit. As for flower under the floros its my first time and considering it an experiment I will be moving half my plants outside when the time comes


Well-Known Member
i cant see from the pix sooo... if your landlady is fucked you should save the $ everyone is telling you to spend on a hid and get a carbon filter and a blower because that shits gunna stink when you flower. bad.


Well-Known Member
Dont listen to these people, if all you can use is flouros than thats all he can use just help him from there, your results wont be as good as hps but you will get results, you should start researching a SCROG Grow.