New Member
That's like telling the a/c tech with 30 years experience to go back to school. I thought experience was something that made you the authority on that subject. I guess the newb who just graduated is gonna come in and try and tell him how to do stuff. It just doesn't make sense in my book.
Exactly! If a tech walked into my jobsite and boasted 30yrs experience but did not take any refresher courses in that 30 yrs, he would be kicked to the curb, without updating their knowledge base they aren't licensed for long and end up the Xpert at Home Depot! What about doctors? They never take refreshers? Come on Chuck....You can do better than that.
Heehee! Thank you, Man! I needed a belly laugh when I got home.
Yeah, Ben, maybe in your 2nd 40 years of growing you will know as much as this kid.
40 years! WOW i'm impressed! 40 years of growing what? An EGO maybe...Looks to me you wasted 40yrs.
Look people I have shown you pics of bumber crop after bumper crop, I have explained my process and shown my results. My methods have been implimented over the last 20yrs with results that have doubled my yeild over the years. I have yet to see any results of any of these three trolls, why? They put up pictures of low producing plants, spindly colas and try to sell it as "I grow better than you". I don't play that game, I know better, why...because I update my knowledge base and am open to trying new ideas.
We all grow differently and there isn't nothing wrong with that but when you bully someone, cut them down or make crude statemments about their abilities or grow, it just shows that you have no ability to pleed your case.
Supertramp...Some of your pics looks very healthy, you really should try a couple of these techniques. A simple topping of your plants will double your output and give you an even canopy

Its not something that happens overnight but trying one little thing like topping the main can and does make a huge difference.
Chucky...Wher are your numbers and pics? You said to me that I'm jealous and want followers, that statement alone shows why you come on hear. Show us what you think is a beauty looks like, if you can.
Uncle Popcorn....40 year knowledge base and you haven't learnt to increase yeild. They now offer horticulture classes all over, you should enroll and update your old ways because you refuse to listen to reason and do nothing but shit down people's throats on here and say its not a place to learn. An edicate class would be a good thing also.
You guys want to use outdoor techniques, go ahead but don't try to compare results because as seen in your pics your missing half your crops and don't even realize it. I guess its better than knowing how much you are actually missing.