amazing theory


Active Member
thinking about it we need plants to suvirve plants convert c02 to oxygen we need plants but the earth creates natural wild fires to release c02 in the atmosphere the earth is doing things to survive so when u think of the bigger picture maybe we are just like little fleas on the earth that can be wiped out easily so everything is doing somethink to survive and maintain itself the earth must be alive if the earth is alive then the solar system we live in must be alive ?? If it wasnt then it wudnt be maintaing its self it wasnt maintaing it self then it would of died ages ago it wouldnt be a solar system so the solar system must be alive if the solar system is alive then the galaxy that our solar system in must be alive so the whole fucking universe is alive now yh where does it end? We are mealy just bacteria on the earth who have adapted to the conditons of the planet if the whole universe is alive then that means there is lif out there we are not the only living object that as multiplyed and evolved so what life forms do other planets have??? when u think of it there maybe parallel universes that are also alive what else is also making the bigger part of this picture we no nothink about WHO the fuck knows????


Ursus marijanus
thinking about it we need plants to suvirve plants convert c02 to oxygen we need plants but the earth creates natural wild fires to release c02 in the atmosphere the earth is doing things to survive so when u think of the bigger picture maybe we are just like little fleas on the earth that can be wiped out easily so everything is doing somethink to survive and maintain itself must be alive so the earth is alive if the earth is alive then the solar system we live in must be alive ?? If it wasnt then it wudnt be maintaing its self it wasnt maintaing it self then it would of died ages ago it wouldnt be a solar system so the solar system must be alive if the solar system is alive then the galaxy that our solar system in must be alive so the whole fucking universe is alive now yh where does it end? We are mealy just bacteria on the earth who have adapted to the conditons of the planet if the whole universe is alive then that means there is lif out there we are not the only living object that as multiplyed and evolved so what life forms do other planets have??? when u think of it there maybe parallel universes that are also alive what else is also making the bigger part of this picture we no nothink about WHO the fuck knows????
No. cn ....


Ursus marijanus
One cannot use "the earth bears life" as evidence that "the earth is alive". It's an unsupported leap of logic. After that, it ravels. cn

("unravels" is incorrect and redundant)


Active Member
Name one other life that lives on something that isnt alive anamils that live in live trees bugs on live plants even soil is alive soil with is basiclly the very topping of THE EARTHS crust how can a certain part of the earth be alive?surley if the earth can chose to live and kill of certaon parts of it own exsistence then surley it is alive and far more complex and smarter then we think


Ursus marijanus
Name one other life that lives on something that isnt alive anamils that live in live trees bugs on live plants even soil is alive soil with is basiclly the very topping of THE EARTHS crust how can a certain part of the earth be alive?surley if the earth can chose to live and kill of certaon parts of it own exsistence then surley it is alive and far more complex and smarter then we think
We have zero evidence for any such choosing. Can you provide?

Also please punctuate. cn


Well-Known Member
If i were to buy into the logic that the earth was alive as well as the galaxy and or Universe that would be like trying to convince myself that a spec of dirt is alive and inherently animate.Look, I see what your trying to get at with universe and galaxy as well as the earth having a seemingly organic structure,,,but its far to abstract of an idea to make sense,,,,perhaps a step outside of logic is needed to attempt sense from this,but wait that will leave one speculating endlessly so ,,,,.


Active Member
And ur not buying into nothink the earth is alive already and a spec of dirt could sustain alot of life as we know and even life we are yet to discover


Ursus marijanus
There is zero evidence that the soil is alive wtf ur a dick bro go troll somewhere else
Soil is alive with the myriad detectable and classifiable life forms therein. Soil however is not a recognized organism.

Again, if you can disprove this, go to it. But you must use science and not mysticism. cn