I lived in rural Ohio for a little while when I was younger and they have those really big ass ditches on the side of the road. I guess it's to push snow into and drainage but, they're pretty fuckin stupid.
Either way, my dad was driving and I was with my 2 sisters. Hit some "black ice", little curve, tries to turn, car just goes straight.
He says "hold on", we hit the ditch at 55mph and flipped the car.
I'm the only one who didn't wear a seatbelt. I was in the back passenger and when he said "hold on" I went forward and bear hugged the seat in front of me, grabbing not just the seat but my sister as well.
Shit settles and I'm the only one that can crawl out. Everyone had broken bones and shit but me. I had a few scraps but my major injuries happen crawling out of the car. I wasn't being careful enough, but I did put down a towel or blanket (can't remember) over the broken glass coming out the window, just like shards and shit. Either way, the glass went right through the fabric and cut my hands way down deep from one edge of my palm to the other on both hands, but I didn't even notice because it was so fuckin cold I was numb. I didn't notice until I got into the ambulance (took like, idk, 30min+ for it to come). I took my hands out of my jacket pockets and they were sticky with blood and had shards of glass still in the at parts. Shit was gruesome, but looked worse than it was I guess.
Shit was really scary. I was like 12 and my dad was unconscious and didn't come through for awhile. It was really fuckin scary. And I was freaking out cause my sisters were hurt and shit. I had to walk about a 1/4 mile in the snow just to get to a house to use the phone (before cell phones, well, before i had one). I flagged someone down on my way back and they picked me up so I didn't have to walk back, plus they had blankets and some emergency type stuff.
I have nightmares about it sometimes, it's bizarre. Everything worked out in the end though. We all have a couple scars, but everything else mended itself in time.