Moldy tasting weed


Sector 5 Moderator
I just got some weed and the after-taste is like licking the floor of a basement - pure mold. I've tasted it mildly before a few times but this is almost not worth smoking. Seems to me that the temp would destroy any pathogens but I'm not 100% certain that it will not make me sick. Has anyone else encountered this or know anything for certain about it?
It was from my regular supplier. He's never had really good weed. I think I'll take Unlucky's advice and lay off it until I get an answer.
If you can taste mold, I'd worry. I'd also let your supplier know. If he doesn't take responsibility ... perhaps develop collateral connects. cn
Got some blueberry from a disp and it smelled moldy after I put it in my own container. Everything at the disp smells the same. When I shopped back in the 80s it never smelled like this. There was Gold, Skunk, Pine, chocolate (thai), and dirt. I was mulching my cuttings from last season and it smelled like the dirt weed and chocolate thai! Still nothing then ever smelled moldy, not even my 3 month old moldy pile.
well i know a buddy of mine had a same issue like you, he carefully washed it i dont know what he used but after the taste was waaay better then before.
I would suspect bud rot or mold due to improper dry/cure, more than likely.. unless there's a new mold-tasting terpene that I'm not aware of. That said, it can really play with the respiratory system if you continue to smoke it. Depending on the type of mold, and conditions it was formed in.. some types of mold go from bad to toxic when burned, as an aside. Assuming it's not one of those types, mold spores will really fuck up the lungs for more than a few days, and could cause or develop into something worse. Highly recommended you get a refund or a replacement for the guy boning you on the smoke.
If your herb tastes like mold, you have mold. The plant doesn't produce resins that smell or taste like mold.

With that being said, it is simply a lung-irritant. I personally wouldn't smoke it, but at worst, it will irritate your lungs for a couple of days. Bud mold is very different from black mold, which could be deadly if you inhaled it.

Try taking the herb back and trading it for something else. If you are stuck with it....Baking is the only thing I would truly recommend. Eating this type of mold is harmless.

Sorry this happened to you!! I had to sink $200 on a dehumidifier to make sure I never had to deal with mold again!!
I used to get brown weed that had a musty smell to it. Sometimes it was good other times just crappy brown weed but I never had any problems from it.
With a good magnifying glass or black light mold should stand out.
Many threads on mold in here.
I haven't smoked anymore of it. I had a little bit from the last stash. I'm not going to smoke this stuff. Thanks guys!!
smoking weed that tastes like mould usually means it's mouldy.

did it look ok or was it kinda brown or blue-grey?

the shit from mexico these days doesnt even get dried and cured, they let it half dry, then dump it all in a trash compactor seal it up in the trash bag and send it north.

that shit is usually rank and impotent, but sometimes it's so damp it totally grows mildew like an old laundry hamper.

powdery mildew doesnt smell or taste like mould so much, so it's probably just rank ass aspergillis which can really fuck you up. i wouldnt smoke that shit.

your local community college biology dept could probably grow a culture and tell you what mould it is, but who cares about the species.

if you bought it in bulk, you could try desiccating the weed by keeping it in a sealed GI ammo can with some silica gel packets, but it may still taste like old gym socks anyhow

or you could make hash oil from it.
I examined it under a good magnifying glass; my loupe is back east in storage. I didn't see anything unusual - not that I expected to see anything, LOL. I'm going to give it back to my guy and have him replace it with some better stuff. It even faintly smells like mold in the bag.
I have a few old jars that show no sign of mold but have a smell like cat piss.
Took a pix and saw the trics are turning yellow?
Thinking about making some budder with it but not sure about the taste.

yep. thats mould.

or it's crystalized cat piss.

did you put any cat piss in the jar bro?

cuz that would explain it.