
Granny weed

Well-Known Member
I wish I would have gone to Amsterdam when I was young, rich, single and had no responsibilities. A day late and a dollar short now but I got to go to Amsterdam's bastard little sister, Aruba, which was still fun.
Yes but what pleasures you having waiting for you neo, along with a few heartaches. ;-)


Well-Known Member
Had a chance to go salmon fishing in Alaska with my uncle. Didn't go because my girlfriend at the time wanted me to go on vacation with her in Florida instead. We ended up breaking up a few months later anyway. Lame! I should have went. He had a blast and caught a shit ton of salmon.

match box

Well-Known Member
I would like to go to Europe and Israel. There are other things like clime MT. Rainer that I can't do any more.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
What happened to the little girl for her to need saving?
She had an epileptic seizure while eating breakfast and aspirated plus her larynx collapsed. The EMT's said there was nothing I could have done. They made me sit with them during the funeral.


Well-Known Member
Sacred fecal spheres! There are so many things in my life I haven't done or tried to do and failed. I think my top regret is not being able to save a little girl's life. She died in my arms. I tried everything I could to save her. I have a permanent scar on my lip to always remind me (not that I could forget). Her name was Jessica and she was a beautiful child. Sometimes when I close my eyes at night I can still see her face staring up at me.

Next would be going to Europe when I had the chance. I was invited along for a tour of Europe (all expenses paid) but the personal price was a little too high. Now that I look back on it I realize it wasn't that big a deal.

Then there was the two fellow bisexual actors (outdoor theater) that wanted me to participate in a threesome. One was a blonde god and the other was a dark and mysterious brunette with dusky skin and sky blue eyes. I kind of fell in love with him. We roomed together during the production.

That's about it.
thats a bit fucking heavy!

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
I would like to go to Europe and Israel. There are other things like clime MT. Rainer that I can't do any more.
i was be born in a jewish family and they basically have free tourist trips for jews called "birthright" in which you can go with a bunch of people your age and tour the city but you get a lot of leeway as to what you want to do. isreal is fantastic, amazing weather, great clubs, liqour is cheap but cannabis is scarce. hash is cheaper than in the us but is usually cut with something like opium but its still cool to try once or twice if you go. my parents are puerto rican so it was a PITA to prove i could go on birthright but hell even if you got to shell out a few bucks for a plane ticket, its worth the vacation because of how cheap it is to stay there. sleeping under the stars is amazing, and there are incredible hiking trails that span for miles and miles. the women are sexy, alot chiller than in america, there are festivals often, and tourists are really treated well.


Well-Known Member
i was be born in a jewish family and they basically have free tourist trips for jews called "birthright" in which you can go with a bunch of people your age and tour the city but you get a lot of leeway as to what you want to do. isreal is fantastic, amazing weather, great clubs, liqour is cheap but cannabis is scarce. hash is cheaper than in the us but is usually cut with something like opium but its still cool to try once or twice if you go. my parents are puerto rican so it was a PITA to prove i could go on birthright but hell even if you got to shell out a few bucks for a plane ticket, its worth the vacation because of how cheap it is to stay there. sleeping under the stars is amazing, and there are incredible hiking trails that span for miles and miles. the women are sexy, alot chiller than in america, there are festivals often, and tourists are really treated well.
not sure about the opium but it sounds great!

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
not sure about the opium but it sounds great!
i had to get used to that but its great when you're sitting around a campfire with your fiends high on hash, its a bit psychedelic if you ask me. i took a dip in the dead sea and if you are high its that much better it feels fantastic, getting a mud bath and whatnot, so many chill people to meet. like i said, its not a vacation i regretted at all and it was free(relatively speaking, travel expenses.)


Active Member
Sing On-stage again... get over my fear of flying and go to Japan...get Published (almost there!) Go back to my Art & Dancing


bud bootlegger
Sing On-stage again... get over my fear of flying and go to Japan...get Published (almost there!) Go back to my Art & Dancing
flying isn't too bad lady zandra, it's the crashing into mountains that i worry about.. :D

lol, i'm kidding, flying isn't that bad, i just hate it because i'm so damn tall and don't fit in the seats well, other than that, i like it ..

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Please give lessons. I beg of you.Just a word a day.
Oh my God you don't know what you're asking. Let me give you an example:

Tł'izi chǫ (that is not a q) The L with the slash in it is known as a voiceless L. It is hissed like a cat out of the side of your tongue. Combine that with the T sound then you have a glottal stop immediately following. All single vowels are short vowels. the o in cho has a squiggle underneath it that denotes nasalization.

Tł'izi chǫ means billy goat. If you don't nasalize it the word is just cho and that means balls or gonads. The nasalization is very important. If you pronounce it like an A then you're saying goat shit. You have to be very careful with the Navajo language. High tones, low tones, nasalization, glottal stops, long vowels, short vowels and syntax make it a very difficult language to learn.

Then you have the word for horse which is Łįį a voiceless L with two nasalized I's and the vowel is long and you pronounce like the E in see and add the nasalization. But if you want I can teach you all a word a day. I don't mind. I can even teach you the scandalous words. :p

Billy Goat:


If you make fun of my voice I will cut your ass. Right down the middle. Let me know if the links work. I was having a hell of a time loading them.