what should i do the last few days prior to harvesting my plants????


Active Member
i have heard that you can stop watering them to increase resin output, i have heard you can keep them in a dark place for a few days prior to cutting... i don't know which to believe, can one of you more experienced guys point me in the right direction? thx a million for any help, rm


Well-Known Member
When you are ready to harvest allow the 12hour dark period and don't let the lights come back on.

Then start trimming.

That's all I do.

I've done prolonged darkness, didn't notice any difference.

I'm planning on harvesting my own on Wednesday next week.

I fed them tonight and they will get fed again on Monday. Chopped Wednesday evening.



Well-Known Member
Take them out when triclodes look good i never did anything fancy with light or stop watering . Ide just take them right out during thare day and start cutting thell never know what hit them . If they talk back prob good if you lay off your crop a few days


Well-Known Member
Turning off lights for 24 hours before chop is a common practice but really not sure if it has any impact...


Well-Known Member
I never noticed any difference, running 10k perpetual now so I can't bother even if I wanted to.

Prior to harvesting my plants, what I do is.....drool. Sometimes I rub my hands together and do a little "holy shit" dance,....sometimes I just get right to it but one thing that always remains the same,....an hour into trimming I realize what a daunting week I have ahead of me,lol

Seriously though, the only prep I do for a plant coming down is make sure she's completely flushed. I feed light, but every watering so I do straight water for the last 5-6 feeds (every other day appx)


Well-Known Member
go stare at it and anticipate, or turn off all the lights and anticipate.(:roll: may as well boil your roots while your at it :/)

or walk in circles that helps.<><><><><><>P3N15:D


Well-Known Member
Go out and buy a big fat bag of good buds so you arent tempted to "sample" your unfinished/uncured plant.


Well-Known Member
Many growers believe that after 24 hours of darkness that's the buds are a little more resinous afterwards.

It is scientifically proven that THC is at its peak after a dark cycle. So regardless of resin, it is always best to cut right after darkness.


Well-Known Member
&#8203;there you have it, chop some with lights still on 12/12 and then chop the rest after your 24h with no lights and then post your results on here....... ;-)