
Bear Country

Well-Known Member
Is their anything in your life that you wish you had done but haven't.
Granny .....I was on my way to Africa....scheduled to fly out in Sept.....but the week before I was set to leave 9-11 went down along with the twin towers. I was flying out with a company had done some wk for this guy and we were flying out in his private was a gift he was giving me because he was pleased with wk we had done for was not a hunting was a three week trip to explore different areas of africa....all expenses paid! Well needless to say it didnt happen...his airplane was in New York and was grounded for some time.....he offered the trip again about one year later and I turned it down because I felt that at that particular time I was to busy with my business......I realize now that no matter how busy you never turn down a three week, all expenses paid vacation to Africa....never ever!!!!!......I had wanted to go so bad....and now...I dont see that happening for various being the main one.....ya ..I regret turning him down the second time......Africa was on my " must see " list.


Staff member
forcing the love of my life to go to AA and get sober, and get him help with his suicidal problems, and thoughts, get him clean off drugs, i left cause i couldnt handle his shit, im ahorrible person. hes dead now and i shouldve worked harder because maybe if i pushed a little harder he wouldnt have killed himself.

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
forcing the love of my life to go to AA and get sober, and get him help with his suicidal problems, and thoughts, get him clean off drugs, i left cause i couldnt handle his shit, im ahorrible person. hes dead now and i shouldve worked harder because maybe if i pushed a little harder he wouldnt have killed himself.
HMMMMM...sorry about that....Thats a tough one Sunni....Addiction...I dont care what it is....its a monster...some worse then others. Please dont blame yourself or get caught up in thinking like cant force someone to cant make them change....and sometimes you do have to move on just to save yourself.....I like many on here have battled addiction.....I was a path of destruction in the lives of those who loved me......I remember coming home one day and hearing my footsteps echo in my head....the house was empty....they were gone....I had lost everything that meant anything..... I had to pull myself up and face my truth....I had done one else.....I know...I lived it But I also know that I MADE THE CHOICE to live and not die.....I sobered up .....Im sorry Sunni that you had to go thru that....I'm also sorry that you still have those feelings....but you cant blame yourself....Peace to you Sunni!!


Staff member
i wish people would fucking stop telling me tonot blame myself that has got to be the most biggest annoyance of all , cause no one truly knows what happend behind closed doors.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
forcing the love of my life to go to AA and get sober, and get him help with his suicidal problems, and thoughts, get him clean off drugs, i left cause i couldnt handle his shit, im ahorrible person. hes dead now and i shouldve worked harder because maybe if i pushed a little harder he wouldnt have killed himself.
alcoholics anonymous is not recommended, they just get you off one addiction into another. therapy outside of aa would be better.

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
i wish people would fucking stop telling me tonot blame myself that has got to be the most biggest annoyance of all , cause no one truly knows what happend behind closed doors.
My Apologies....I meant nothing by it neither was it my intention to offend you. Point taken and I still wish you all good. I was speaking from my own experience in how I hurt many who loved and cared about me because of my addiction....Peace


Well-Known Member
I don't regret anything because it's made me the person I am today. I've had fantastic opportunities all over the world to which I've taken full advantage of.

I could've learnt a couple more languages at school. I sometimes regret not becoming a vet. I've got a lot of work to do and I should have my own club by now. Life is what you make it. :)

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
Granny .....I was on my way to Africa....scheduled to fly out in Sept.....but the week before I was set to leave 9-11 went down along with the twin towers. I was flying out with a company had done some wk for this guy and we were flying out in his private was a gift he was giving me because he was pleased with wk we had done for was not a hunting was a three week trip to explore different areas of africa....all expenses paid! Well needless to say it didnt happen...his airplane was in New York and was grounded for some time.....he offered the trip again about one year later and I turned it down because I felt that at that particular time I was to busy with my business......I realize now that no matter how busy you never turn down a three week, all expenses paid vacation to Africa....never ever!!!!!......I had wanted to go so bad....and now...I dont see that happening for various being the main one.....ya ..I regret turning him down the second time......Africa was on my " must see " list.
Dont give up hope my friend, all good things come to he who waits I believe if you are meant to go you will go. ;-)

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I don't regret anything because it's made me the person I am today. I've had fantastic opportunities all over the world to which I've taken full advantage of.

I could've learnt a couple more languages at school. I sometimes regret not becoming a vet. I've got a lot of work to do and I should have my own club by now. Life is what you make it. :)
There is one thing I've learned in life. It's not how many times life knocks you to the ground that counts. It's the number of times you get back up, brush yourself off and keep fighting. Every day is a new experience and a new opportunity. When the going gets a little rough I have fond memories to fall back on and the realization from years of living that this too shall pass. It can't stay dark forever.

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
i'd love to have a kid, but i don't know if that's every going to happen tbh.. :(
Im sure you will racerboy, you men are lucky in that respect you can still father children when your ninety, where us woman become barren at a certain age. Get out their find the woman of your dreams and get breeding. :hump:


Well-Known Member
Oh my God you don't know what you're asking. Let me give you an example:

Tł'izi chǫ (that is not a q) The L with the slash in it is known as a voiceless L. It is hissed like a cat out of the side of your tongue. Combine that with the T sound then you have a glottal stop immediately following. All single vowels are short vowels. the o in cho has a squiggle underneath it that denotes nasalization.

Tł'izi chǫ means billy goat. If you don't nasalize it the word is just cho and that means balls or gonads. The nasalization is very important. If you pronounce it like an A then you're saying goat shit. You have to be very careful with the Navajo language. High tones, low tones, nasalization, glottal stops, long vowels, short vowels and syntax make it a very difficult language to learn.

Then you have the word for horse which is Łįį a voiceless L with two nasalized I's and the vowel is long and you pronounce like the E in see and add the nasalization. But if you want I can teach you all a word a day. I don't mind. I can even teach you the scandalous words. :p

Billy Goat:


If you make fun of my voice I will cut your ass. Right down the middle. Let me know if the links work. I was having a hell of a time loading them.

The link worked fine .I cant thank you enough. Please start a thread and share this . Or I will start the thread. (Your voice is fine)If you dont have time I do understand. But again thank you so much

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
The link worked fine .I cant thank you enough. Please start a thread and share this . Or I will start the thread. (Your voice is fine)If you dont have time I do understand. But again thank you so much
I too think your voice is fine, I went to the link also. More please. ;-)


Well-Known Member
there is much I would change, however.. what was in my past lead to me where I am now, and I am pretty happy now.. so

nope. Happy for all the mistakes I have had and have been smart enough to learn from.


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