Interesting Obama Facts


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Obama's teenage dream was to play basketball. His high-school nickname, Barry O'Bomber, and his height of 6' 1" make us think that he would have been pretty successful in that field of work.

His first name comes from the word that means "blessed by God" in Arabic. Tall, handsome, president of the USA... indeed he is blessed.

On his first date with his wife, Michelle Obama, he took her to the movies where they saw "Do the Right Thing".

Obama used to be an avid smoker. At his wife's suggestion, he quits smoking before starting his presidential campaign. However, he admits that he often smokes one or two when nervous.

How well do you know the President? These facts are so interesting, especially #4
Sounds like your blinded by his halo.........he was a pot smoking, average student who never really had a real job in his life (unless you want to call "community organizer" a job). I think I know him ALOT better than you do. Go drink some more koolaid.....
Sounds like your blinded by his halo.........he was a pot smoking, average student who never really had a real job in his life (unless you want to call "community organizer" a job). I think I know him ALOT better than you do. Go drink some more koolaid.....

So when you say "community organizer"
Do you mean advocate for the poor


Stirs up the niggers?
In his annual message, Jackson noted the "painful excitement" caused by the abolitionist tracts and recommended that Congress prohibit their circulation in the South. His proposal prompted a heated debate in the Senate when Calhoun objected to giving Congress power to exclude material. Such authority, Calhoun alleged, would equally permit the federal government to "open the gates to the flood of incendiary publications."
Calhoun urged that state law, not Congress, be the arbiter of what was incendiary, and in February 1836, he reported a bill declaring it unlawful for postmasters in states and territories to receive and put into the mail any material "touching" the subject of slavery that was addressed to any area where such material was prohibited. Not everyone found Calhoun's distinction clear. At least one key Jacksonian asserted that Calhoun's bill was actually an administration measure because it ultimately relied upon federal authority to enforce the ban.

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Obama's teenage dream was to play basketball. His high-school nickname, Barry O'Bomber, and his height of 6' 1" make us think that he would have been pretty successful in that field of work.

His first name comes from the word that means "blessed by God" in Arabic. Tall, handsome, president of the USA... indeed he is blessed.

On his first date with his wife, Michelle Obama, he took her to the movies where they saw "Do the Right Thing".

Obama used to be an avid smoker. At his wife's suggestion, he quits smoking before starting his presidential campaign. However, he admits that he often smokes one or two when nervous.

How well do you know the President? These facts are so interesting, especially #4

He is handsome, I agree. His wife is fugly though.

6'1 isn't exactly basketball height.

A movie made to incite racism probably isn't a good first date movie unless you hate whitey already. He probably should of went with something more romantic or a comedy. This is probably why he married such an ugly woman. Obama has no game.

I think Obama seems like a pretty cool guy outside of his political beliefs, I'd buy him a pint. I just finished brewing a batch of beer using the recipe the White House released. Hit me up Obama, we can knock a few back.:)

Casablanca, Lawrence of Arabia, One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, and The Godfather as movies he enjoys seems a cooler fact than the others. Just the fact that he watched Casablanca and Lawrence moves him up in my esteem. Lawrence was the first movie I watched when I set up my projector. Great movie and it has a 20 minute reup your highness pause in the middle with good music.

Obama and his Pakistani roommate picture makes it looks like a cheesy movie about stoners lol.

I have read the Harry Potter books, I guess it was kind of mandatory. Moby Dick as a favorite book is decent enough.

While I disagree with him on many things, I agree with him 100% on others. Unfortunately, as a whole, I can't accept him as a good president. He would probably make a good neighbor though.
Oh Is that really what you got out of the movie
"Do the right thing"?

The movie was more about people being assholes than anything else. Did you really think the Italian pizza guy should have a picture of MLK on the wall or that it was appropriate for the lazy ass delivery boy to fuck up his shop? If anything it justified racism against black people more than it did anything else.
you would walk out of 'the chronicles of narnia' or 'teenage mutant ninja turtles' with the same message.

I treat everyone the same. A movie based on black people rioting and destroying an Italian restaurant because they only have Italian people pictured on the wall is retarded at its base, just like the Democratic party.
I treat everyone the same. A movie based on black people rioting and destroying an Italian restaurant because they only have Italian people pictured on the wall is retarded at its base, just like the Democratic party.

stop hating on the democratic party just because we ditched the dixiecrats, catheter.
The movie was more about people being assholes than anything else. Did you really think the Italian pizza guy should have a picture of MLK on the wall or that it was appropriate for the lazy ass delivery boy to fuck up his shop? If anything it justified racism against black people more than it did anything else.

Racism is never justified you fucking Ku Klux Bitch