smell Always comes out the same!


my weed never has a potent smell to it. I flush for 2 weeks and I cure and cut to the tee. I use advance nutrients and even botanicare RAW to try to help with the natural flavor.some advice plz always has a coffee type smell! or hay! what am i possibly doing wrong!?


Active Member
How long are you curing for, what are you curing in, what method of drying/curing, temps/humidity during drying?

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
my weed never has a potent smell to it. I flush for 2 weeks and I cure and cut to the tee. I use advance nutrients and even botanicare RAW to try to help with the natural flavor.some advice plz always has a coffee type smell! or hay! what am i possibly doing wrong!?
i would suggest you do a lot of reading, Great smell comes from Great genetics for 1.
You have several issues also.
flushing is a myth
raw or anything else in a magic bottle will not fix shitty genetics
Advanced nutrients is just out to take your money, get a balanced all purpose nute, use it from start to finish.


im in california san diego i use dutch method of drying my temps are always around 60-70 degreees i cure in mason jars. put of countless grows over 5 years ive only had 3-4 grows that smelled right 2 from seed all other groes have been clones. always been stubborn not able to ask for help but enough is enuff


i would suggest you do a lot of reading, Great smell comes from Great genetics for 1.
You have several issues also.
flushing is a myth
raw or anything else in a magic bottle will not fix shitty genetics
Advanced nutrients is just out to take your money, get a balanced all purpose nute, use it from start to finish.

so something like botanicare? or different clones? no man can have that much clone bad.luck


im prettttttty well read tbh... but ive seen other ppl have excellent grows with AN i really need to get a figer on this its discouraging me from doig wut i love


Well-Known Member
What chuck said is nearly correct ^^^^^^^^^^

It is basically all about the genes. Great terpenes come from great genes.

The "hay" smell is the most common problem people run into while growing, I was dealing with it for several years before I pulled my head out of my ass and listened to what other people were telling me.

The two factors that cause that smell:

Premature harvesting and premature curing (not letting your herb dry sufficiently before you jar it).

This is all really simple to fix....Your nutes have nothing to do with the flavor, you can waste all the money you want on Advanced Nutes, it has nothing to do with it.

My ladies get organic Crab Shell, one time throughout their whole life, and as you can see by the pic below, the herb doesn't really suffer.

And just my .02, FLUSHING IS NOT A GOD DAMN MYTH. Let your leaves fade before you harvest, if you don't, your plants are full of nutrients, period, the end. If you are a moron and can't tell how shitty your weed burns and smokes after improper flushing, then be my guest. I usually can't even smoke other people's herb because of how oblivious they are to its cleanliness. In fact, the last 3 times I've smoked other people's herb (3 separate times, all months apart), I've come down with a bronchial infection. I'm so damn sick of people telling other fellow growers that flushing is unnecessary, I almost wish there was a way to block people's posts once you've deemed them completely incompetent, and not backed by science in the least.

Lemon OG Kush.jpg

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
What chuck said is nearly correct ^^^^^^^^^^

It is basically all about the genes. Great terpenes come from great genes.

The "hay" smell is the most common problem people run into while growing, I was dealing with it for several years before I pulled my head out of my ass and listened to what other people were telling me.

The two factors that cause that smell:

Premature harvesting and premature curing (not letting your herb dry sufficiently before you jar it).

This is all really simple to fix....Your nutes have nothing to do with the flavor, you can waste all the money you want on Advanced Nutes, it has nothing to do with it.

My ladies get organic Crab Shell, one time throughout their whole life, and as you can see by the pic below, the herb doesn't really suffer.

And just my .02, FLUSHING IS NOT A GOD DAMN MYTH. Let your leaves fade before you harvest, if you don't, your plants are full of nutrients, period, the end. If you are a moron and can't tell how shitty your weed burns and smokes after improper flushing, then be my guest. I usually can't even smoke other people's herb because of how oblivious they are to its cleanliness. In fact, the last 3 times I've smoked other people's herb (3 separate times, all months apart), I've come down with a bronchial infection. I'm so damn sick of people telling other fellow growers that flushing is unnecessary, I almost wish there was a way to block people's posts once you've deemed them completely incompetent, and not backed by science in the least.

View attachment 2578203
I would suggest you do some more reading


Well-Known Member
Its either a crap strain, sounds like a leafy grassy sativa or your pulling it too soon and getting a bunch of hairs instead of resin sacks.


yes they always smell i trim em up and hang them . i dry to the snap not britle but nice bendy snap. i swear all of them.smell like coffee. ive had a few hay in the past.


flushing is debatable but i rather.flush than not ive seen the.difference in taste/ash ect from not flushing but that isnt the issue here im just trying to isolate where im going wrong youve all had some valid points so far


Well-Known Member
The Grassy / Hay smell is mostly atributed to to much chlorophyl left in the plant (hence the smell). If you let your ladies go all the way to the end alot but not all chlorophyl will be metabolized. In order to get rid of the rest ( not all but most) of the chlorophyl it is important to do a nice close trim when wet, hang em up, after 3-4 days remove the buds from the large stem and let the finish crisping up off the stem ( I usually use a drying rack for this stage, ( usually 1 -3 more days) and into the jars they go. let em cure 10-14 days ( burping jar daily the first few days) Now the flavors and smell will get better the longer they are in the jars... BUT NOT UNLESS YOU GET RID OF THE CHLOROPHYL....

But what the hell do I know I am just a stoner......

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
get a good microscope and use that to determine your peak time to pull. Your plants are packing on the most weight the last 2 weeks, why starve them? Best advise I can give you. Search all threads started By Uncle ben and read, you will save money and grow some dank following his methods.



always follow that creed and have gotten hay but ya only like 2-3 grows have been hay most have been coffee smell. i use 600w phantoms and hydroton and my buds are extremly hairy. maybe im pulling to early? i usually try to pull when triches are amber. maybe ill push longer


Well-Known Member
So you direct me to another RIU thread to learn about flushing?

Good thing all of the links to .edu websites you provided DON'T EVEN WORK. Not to mention the whole study was implemented Sensi Seeds, who is endorsed by Advanced Nutrients, who both obviously have external interests on the topic, regarding monetary gain for their business!

I will continue to read the thread, I really appreciate the link. It is extremely informative. It doesn't address nutrients in the flowers themselves, though, and what happens to them once they are there. It simply states that starving your roots force the nutrients from the fan leaves, to the apical meristem, then the flowers, etc. What about after the flowers use all available nutrients to complete their necessary metabolic functions? The bi-products of nitrates (NO3) break down into atmospheric gas, hence why plants produce oxygen for us to breathe. If you don't flush, you leave unconverted nitrates in the flowers.

My whole point in the argument is that this NEEDS to occur. The whole point is to stop the metabolic function of the plant once it is mature and the resins you are looking for are produced!