help plants look werid...


Well-Known Member
Only Pix ? So this is only a guess...
Yes they look 'weird' ...

Over water/over nutes/possible root issues...

Very green, so prob too much N...

How much has 'Co-worker' watered/added nutes to them ?
Soil issue possible, what kind...

First off, my plants would never get to that stage...
Be more kind to your plants...
Or, Death to the plant from the Plant Gawd...


Well-Known Member
What Sand4 said.
I also noticed leaves are very wet is he spraying these under his lights? If he is; that could be his problem.

joe blow greenthumb

Well-Known Member
If your friend doesn't care enough to check issues himself then tell him he should give it to someone that cares....He shouldn't be growing.


Active Member
It also looks like it could be locked out. It wouldn't hurt to flush them at this point. Keep those lights away from the plants. if you are foliar feeding shake off the extra moisture.

Guido Sarduchi

Well-Known Member
they look wet... if he is misting or leaf watering AT ALL with lights on ie. MH or HPS... this IS a problem however it usually isnt just the tips that crack and burn but if he doesnt stop at least that they WILL die and quickly... mist just as lights out or during the plants night hours... water magnification is no joke. then after a week or even two if its not improving its something else... those leafs will not fully recover and the the crusted edges should be removed


Active Member
I dont know if hes misting, I just got back into the office and once hes free I'll ask him.

I know he goes to his house twice a day, moves them in and out---he also only uses Fish Emul, dont flame me for it I told him that was a very bad idea, but to change a stubborn mans mind, is impossible....I will in fact now show him facts why not to just use fish emul, but will find more out shortly.


joe blow greenthumb

Well-Known Member
I used some fish emulsion fertilizer from Walmart on my first ever grow. It worked fine for veg.
I dont know if hes misting, I just got back into the office and once hes free I'll ask him.

I know he goes to his house twice a day, moves them in and out---he also only uses Fish Emul, dont flame me for it I told him that was a very bad idea, but to change a stubborn mans mind, is impossible....I will in fact now show him facts why not to just use fish emul, but will find more out shortly.



Well-Known Member
Def looks like nute burn and he's spraying his plants he's killing it, tell him not to quit his day job.


Active Member
Hes only been using fish emul, I'll tell him to not use anymore. What should he use when in flower stage?


Active Member
Find a tomato booster.
When he feeds with Tomato booster is that every 3 days? I've got him brewing some compost tea. But he mentioned only one of his plants are burnt like this, other one isnt---but does the same to both.

I told him each plant reacts to what you do differently, cant compare what one plant does to another---kinda like comparing life of brother and sister, they eat the same, and exercise the same, they should live the same?