An apology for you RIU members.

Does this make you feel uncomfortable? In your pants?
Carne... Are you upset because I don't agree with your lifestyle? Well, not everyone agrees with it... it's not just me. I figured you would know this by now?

If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all. That includes groups of people. You got banned because you're a giant douche and you don't know when to keep your mouth shut. You come back, try to apologize and blame your douche-baggery on alcohol. We know who you are, and nobody likes it.

Long story short, nobody likes you here. Go away.
A series of studies recently published in the prestigious Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found higher levels of homophobia in individuals with unacknowledged attractions to the same sex, particularly when they grew up with authoritarian parents who also held homophobic attitudes. In the university press release, Netta Weinstein, the study's lead author said, "Individuals who identify as straight but in psychological tests show a strong attraction to the same sex may be threatened by gays and lesbians because homosexuals remind them of similar tendencies within themselves." In the same release, study co-author Richard Ryan added, "In many cases these are people who are at war with themselves and they are turning this internal conflict outward."

Im telling you man, you need to go to therapy, you're actually probably gay
Go fuck yourself. You'll always be a piece of shit.

Now now.. that's not very nice. Saying stuff like that is simply acting the way I was acting in the past.... If you're trying to antagonize me, it's not really working? Have a good day Carne. Sorry we don't see eye to eye on everything.
Now now.. that's not very nice. Saying stuff like that is simply acting the way I was acting in the past.... If you're trying to antagonize me, it's not really working? Have a good day Carne. Sorry we don't see eye to eye on everything.

The ignore feature is free. I love it. I recommend it.

What is facing the truth and reality frightening for you? You blame your problems and the way you act on alcohol... gee that's a first. Everyone is in control of there own actions and how they react. Your just blaming something other then yourself, again how original.

And in spite of all this your continue to express your shit attitude towards some well respected members... You just don't know when to be quite, stop trying to get forgiveness as you are clearly going to get none.

It seems you are about as welcome here as the plague so why not just go...
Makes me want to puke.

To those who don't know Kron? This is tame compared to his rants of the past. He's just making nice so he can get his little badge or button. He doesn't give a shit about what he's done. He just wants to brag to his twelve-step buddies about how well he's doing.
If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all. That includes groups of people. You got banned because you're a giant douche and you don't know when to keep your mouth shut. You come back, try to apologize and blame your douche-baggery on alcohol. We know who you are, and nobody likes it.

Long story short, nobody likes you here. Go away.

I mentioned his trolling back awhile ago in the site forum/mods section..

he wanted to be a mod.. yet fed/was a troll..

you ask for forgiveness from being one.. then turn around and troll..

There is MUCH I disagree with on this board.. which means there is many things I yet dont understand.. I have my view on things but I am not going to bash another user due to theirs..

I know for a fact, My views within the last few years have changed.. be it from this place or another.. there IS a way to express your views w.o pissing off the ones who currently see shit differently..

there are even certain forums I avoid.. due to this.. I am not here to change anyone's view point.. I have mine.. and I know why I have it.. I also fully understand why others have the ones they have.
no no carne i have all of his gay bashing quotes actually , i believe he said
"damn carne welcome to my ignore list u homo, there is no way im changing my view on this .Homosexuality is disgusting case closed get off your fairy loving high horses, "

FOr the love of god kron please use the fucking ignore button for REAL this time.
I mentioned his trolling back awhile ago in the site forum/mods section..

he wanted to be a mod.. yet fed/was a troll..

you ask for forgiveness from being one.. then turn around and troll..

There is MUCH I disagree with on this board.. which means there is many things I yet dont understand.. I have my view on things but I am not going to bash another user due to theirs..

I know for a fact, My views within the last few years have changed.. be it from this place or another.. there IS a way to express your views w.o pissing off the ones who currently see shit differently..

there are even certain forums I avoid.. due to this.. I am not here to change anyone's view point.. I have mine.. and I know why I have it.. I also fully understand why others have the ones they have.

I used to avoid any thread i knew would cause me to become upset in any view, such as homophobic discussions , i always ignored those and never went in now im a mod so i cant i have to read everything. and also some users decide its upon themselves to take their views and put them in threads for the general public, in my own personal opinion if its a hot button issue keep it to a thread dedicated to the issue, not in pictures of yourself like kron did when he was drunk, or any homophobic person for that matter
Now now.. that's not very nice. Saying stuff like that is simply acting the way I was acting in the past.... If you're trying to antagonize me, it's not really working? Have a good day Carne. Sorry we don't see eye to eye on everything.

Now now, kron. You can't take the moral high ground when everyone knows how you were and are. It doesn't work that way. If you had been truly contrite you would have taken a different approach. You want the slam-bam-thank you ma'am version of forgiveness (even if it breaks the rules). Get it over with regardless of how people take it or feel. Yeah, NOT an apology.

Forgive the meme cliché but, YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG.
Alright guys, get in your shots while you can. I'm not going to sit here and say the things I said were right. I have apologized. What more do you want from me?

I'm freaking sorry for being a huge d-bag. It's not a topic of debate. That's all there is to it. I'm sorry! Jeez, way to beat a guy up for trying to make an apology.