Wealth distribution in the US


Well-Known Member
This is the first administration that could not afford white house tours and the easter egg roll on the white house lawn while spending millions on their own personal vacations and sending billions of bribe money to the middle east...

lol @ everything.

biden's trip was a personal vacation now, was it?

and i suppose all this foreign aid money is unique to the obama administration, eh?

security detail never happened in any other administration either, i suppose.

manufactured outrage, thy name is ANALEXCESSGAY1.


Well-Known Member
You guys act like all this shit is something new.

Newsflash: the government is corrupt. Doesn't matter who's in power.


Well-Known Member
yeah, not a single reputable outlet is carrying that story.

but all the lunatic, right wing fringe trashbags that get debunked are running with it.

awesome information consumption there.

The fuk they are not buck. you mean there is no liberal outlet running this story.
And youre wrong these cost are not in line with previous admins look it up.


Well-Known Member
Vice President Biden has been flying home to Wilmington, Delaware most weekends at enormous expense to taxpayers, even though he has an exclusive government-provided residence in Washington.
Biden himself acknowledged the flights during recent remarks to the National Association of Attorneys General, noting that the sequester would force him to temporarily alter his expensive habit and use the train instead.
Not fit for the weekends

According to reports, Biden generally uses Air Force Two to get to Wilmington.
The cost of flying Air Force Two, a military version of the Boeing 757-200, amounts to about $8,800 per hour, according to the most recent federal data.
The distance between Washington and Wilmington is only about a hundred miles, but it’s safe to assume that between flying time and the time spent on the takeoff and landing, the total flight takes at least 45 minutes. That would amount to a roundtrip cost to taxpayers of about $13,200.


Well-Known Member
Vice President Biden has been flying home to Wilmington, Delaware most weekends at enormous expense to taxpayers, even though he has an exclusive government-provided residence in Washington.
Biden himself acknowledged the flights during recent remarks to the National Association of Attorneys General, noting that the sequester would force him to temporarily alter his expensive habit and use the train instead.
Not fit for the weekends

According to reports, Biden generally uses Air Force Two to get to Wilmington.
The cost of flying Air Force Two, a military version of the Boeing 757-200, amounts to about $8,800 per hour, according to the most recent federal data.
The distance between Washington and Wilmington is only about a hundred miles, but it’s safe to assume that between flying time and the time spent on the takeoff and landing, the total flight takes at least 45 minutes. That would amount to a roundtrip cost to taxpayers of about $13,200.
100 miles?

And I assume he has a driver with no speed limit?

Althought it'd be quicker again on a motorcycle.


Well-Known Member
The fuk they are not buck. you mean there is no liberal outlet running this story.
And youre wrong these cost are not in line with previous admins look it up.
i looked it up and discovered that you're just butthurt.

it's so funny to see you howl and screech only under this administration when the same thing happens under every administration.

but hypocrisy and double standards are not unexpected coming from you (or any southerner for that matter).


Well-Known Member
Sorry, but sometimes I can't help it when you make sense. My finger just goes to the button.

Every Presidency is a study worth taking. I am quite sure they are never offered good choices, just a set of bad ones.

And this decision making process is the opposite. Presidents make decision and his team tells him why that is not a good idea. There are no good ideas.


Well-Known Member
lol @ everything.

biden's trip was a personal vacation now, was it?

and i suppose all this foreign aid money is unique to the obama administration, eh?

security detail never happened in any other administration either, i suppose.

manufactured outrage, thy name is ANALEXCESSGAY1.
Wasnt Obama the one that promised his administration would be different?

Hope and Change?

Since you dont pay anything into the system it is easy to understand why you dont care what he spends other people's tax money on...


Well-Known Member
how dare you challenge Bwana Obama!

Dont you know he's a "Constitutional Scholar"???? You have no right to question any of Bwana Obama's actions, since he is so much smarter and wiser and more handsome than you. Bwana Obama is our Beloved Leader, and his decisions are for the best.

Now get back to work and stop arguing with your betters, Bucky may be a castrated servant of his master Bwana Obama, but he is the Chief Eunuch, so at least thats something.

See when you say shit like that you show who you are. You're my dirtbag racist step-father in law from Jersey who's mad because a black dude got his SEPTA promotion. All the other cool shit you say and do is nullified by one ignorant statement. Trolling or not, it seems like an intellectual crutch for you. (you and your pedophile moustache)


Well-Known Member
Im actually agreeing with everyone about the government waste but when you resort to racist shit, whatever insight you've gleaned turns into shitstained overalls. And it puzzles me why you wear them so proudly when you're trying to shed the image of a stupid dirtfarming person of Walmart.


Well-Known Member
Wasnt Obama the one that promised his administration would be different?

Hope and Change?

Since you dont pay anything into the system it is easy to understand why you dont care what he spends other people's tax money on...
did he promise not to spend money on his own family's security? no? then shut your fucking mouth and go fix the idle on your lawnmower, kiddo.

remember, you're the one who has never proven a thing about what you earn. my finances and tax contributions are more documented than anyone else on this site.


Well-Known Member
See when you say shit like that you show who you are. You're my dirtbag racist step-father in law from Jersey who's mad because a black dude got his SEPTA promotion. All the other cool shit you say and do is nullified by one ignorant statement. Trolling or not, it seems like an intellectual crutch for you. (you and your pedophile moustache)
i thought bwana was some sort of silly word that miss kynes invented, but turns out it is just shorthand for "go back to africa".

classy, kynes. but of course birchers aren't racist.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
See when you say shit like that you show who you are. You're my dirtbag racist step-father in law from Jersey who's mad because a black dude got his SEPTA promotion. All the other cool shit you say and do is nullified by one ignorant statement. Trolling or not, it seems like an intellectual crutch for you. (you and your pedophile moustache)

Im actually agreeing with everyone about the government waste but when you resort to racist shit, whatever insight you've gleaned turns into shitstained overalls. And it puzzles me why you wear them so proudly when you're trying to shed the image of a stupid dirtfarming person of Walmart.
so much butthurt over an honorific.

youre so hilariously retarded im almost embarrassed for you.

if you feel so much rage and anger over my use of the word Bwana, why not look it up, and then shut your idiotic face-hole.

or you can rage impotently and make more mewling posts implying Bwana is some kind of insult or racist slang.

that would be hilarious.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
i thought bwana was some sort of silly word that miss kynes invented, but turns out it is just shorthand for "go back to africa".

classy, kynes. but of course birchers aren't racist.
Yep. Klassy as a Motherfucker.

perhaps you could regale us with more of your insights on the meaning of the term Choom-boy as well.

or you could attempt to take offense to my self-identification as a Redneck, and a Hillbilly.

dont worry bucky, i got a million rarely used words you can pretend to take offense to after Bwana peters out and you can no longer get your E-Pecker stiff by flogging your feigned outrage.


Well-Known Member
so much butthurt over an honorific.

youre so hilariously retarded im almost embarrassed for you.

if you feel so much rage and anger over my use of the word Bwana, why not look it up, and then shut your idiotic face-hole.

or you can rage impotently and make more mewling posts implying Bwana is some kind of insult or racist slang.

that would be hilarious.
why label obama with an african label? he's not from africa, ya know. he was born in america and raised by his white mom and white grandparents.


Well-Known Member
Yep. Klassy as a Motherfucker.

perhaps you could regale us with more of your insights on the meaning of the term Choom-boy as well.

or you could attempt to take offense to my self-identification as a Redneck, and a Hillbilly.

dont worry bucky, i got a million rarely used words you can pretend to take offense to after Bwana peters out and you can no longer get your E-Pecker stiff by flogging your feigned outrage.

i'm thrilled that my "miss kynes is a racist" case has more substance now.

please, keep them KKKoming.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
why label obama with an african label? he's not from africa, ya know. he was born in america and raised by his white mom and white grandparents.
i also called him the Brahmin in Chief, amd i therefore implying he is from india?
i called him The One too, am i insinuating that he is a Hacker trapped in The Matrix?
i called him Barry Seotoro too, but thats his legal name.
i called him BHO as well, am i implying he is a Browser Helper Operation (a browser hijack)
i called him the Emperor too, was i insinuating that he was secretly a member of the court of Han, or perhaps a Claudian (actually yes, he is very Claudian, but thats a subtle implication you could not be expected to pick up)

if his name rhymed with Shogun, would i be implying he is a japanese feudal warlord?
if i call him the Big Cheese am i implying he has a yeasty vagina?

youre just so hilariiously ignorant and sensitive.

Not Racist

but a ten year old girls says obama looks like Curious George...


and also 100% true.


Well-Known Member
did he promise not to spend money on his own family's security? no? then shut your fucking mouth and go fix the idle on your lawnmower, kiddo.

remember, you're the one who has never proven a thing about what you earn. my finances and tax contributions are more documented than anyone else on this site.
You published one quite possibly faked document as proof? ROFLMAO!!!

Sorry, because you worked a minimum wage job back in the 80's doesnt exactly cut it...

You failed high school, college and life... 3 time loser.... Your wife must be so proud.


Well-Known Member
You published one quite possibly faked document as proof? ROFLMAO!!!

Sorry, because you worked a minimum wage job back in the 80's doesnt exactly cut it...

You failed high school, college and life... 3 time loser.... Your wife must be so proud.
seeing as how nothing you just said was true....YAWN.

have fun sleeping alone tonight!