Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2593093I made a big dinner for my kids tonight because their Dad will have them for Easter. He has family here and I don't want them to miss out. A few people were going on last night about pumpkins rolls, I'd never hear of it, so I googled the recipe....this is my attempt> Is this what you all were all taking about? My kids helped with the baking and we had it for desert along with pumpkin tarts...mmmm
Never had them, but those look pretty fucking delicious.


Well-Known Member
same and NOTHING is open here, and i forgot to go grocery shopping. i have yet to eat today
You don't have food in your house? OMG, I think I may be a food hoarder because if you open a cupboard in my house, you are likely to be killed by falling objects.


Well-Known Member
You don't have food in your house? OMG, I think I may be a food hoarder because if you open a cupboard in my house, you are likely to be killed by falling objects.
I just got my fridge to stay shut without putting a chair in front of it today. Now my freezer won't close lol. I'm like doesn't this shit ever expire so I can just throw it away already. Or cook it and give it to the in-laws :fire: