Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Marinating some pork now, got a mustard/chili/balsamic/garlic one going. I'll let you guys know how it works out after a few hours. I plan to use a batter-style breading and fry these boneless pork choppies.


Virtually Unknown Member
MMMMMMMM. Pork Chops...one of my favorite comfort foods. Could usually count on having them once a week or so when I was a kid. You know, one of the 10 or so meals Mom did good and served in kind of a rotation.



Well-Known Member
i see your tongue and raise you a delayed mouthing classic kung-fu scene that whilest baked is FUCKING AWESOME![video=youtube_share;4ewfgvDjbDA]http://youtu.be/4ewfgvDjbDA[/video]