LED Companies w/ LINKS

As far as the issues between A51 and Fero...

It's simple, more than a year ago, we had released 1 LED panel together. The AF600.

Since then, Brent from Fero has proved to be quite the dumbass, and a scam artist.

He has attempted to rip us off (A51) for one time $1670, and another time for $17500. Seventeen Thousand and five hundies!!!!

That sure sounds awfully familiar.
If you recall, that's the exact reason I cancelled my order with Fero and bought an
Area 51 light from you, EH.
He kept feeding me bogus shipping dates and tried to charge me multiple times for the same purchase.
The guy was sha-dy.

We wish Fero the best of luck in their future endeavors.

You "future endeavored" Fero, lol.

You say you asked fair questions and then call me a troll and say I'm shady..LOL at you the delusional official tester of the UK...What a joke..lol


I want everyone on this board to know what your M.O. is and that is to get free lights otherwise you harass and slander a company who doesn't fall for your crap.

Be advise everyone to take whatever this clown says (Reviews) with a grain of salt..his word means nothing. Go back and read his post in this thread and decide for yourselves if this guy was seeking the truth (LOL) or just trying to get over. Notice where he says he also gets all his lights for free so this isn't his first rodeo .I wouldn't trust this guy with anything and neither should anyone else.

Here are his own words...

Here's exactly what you said to eraserhead after he decided to ignore your rude posts long after your nonsense. I would have slammed you much earlier than eraserhead but I guess he has a business to run so he has to hold back unlike leeches like you.

I'm not even going to post your antagonizing posts just the motive behind them.

if you need another tester....I try to give everyone a fair chance. Post grow journals with them.

OK Area 51, ufo over a light to me and ill test it and journal it for you, how about that? I pick my own spectrum tho. Oh free of charge aswell please for my services. My other ones are free BTW. Purely tester"

But I am putting you on my ignore list. Good luck getting into the UK then PAL, not if I can help it taking your attitude is poor. You are talking to one of the main UK testers, LOL this thread will be reposted s ignore that mate, best of luck to ya. Oh and 5W cree have been out for ages too and only good for vegging and cloning, beware of this guy people, he avoids criticism about his lights , if they were that good, he would of stuck to his guns...TEST ONE > FAIL plus crappy heat transfer issues. Like I said before...No wonder FERO are pissed at them..Good luck getting into the UK mate, cos your not.

In your world this means.."Wink wink free led and I give good review if not you suck and so does your company."

So I guess eraserhead doesn't get a fair chance (Your own words) being he didn't fall for " I'm the official UK tester so send me a LED panel and it has to be free for my services "

Really ? You expect people to take you seriously after posting this crap.

Do you think you are that slick that no one will see right thru your bullcrap. You want to test stuff you email a company in private and work out a deal or something. You don't bash them on a board then ask for a free light hoping they will cave in just to shut you up from making their company look bad.

I had an business partner many years ago who was just like you..a POS . Then you have the nerve to call me a troll and say I'm the shady one. Not surprising because that's how dirtbags like you roll.

You have no FN morals or class and should be banned from this board for doing what you did.

Oh please, go troll someone else, I asked fair questions, not stating that I would DESTROY his company. ffs, get a life or a wife or both eh mate? Im too busy helping people out then answering to shady people like you...tell you what..go ask FERO about him then eh? NUFF SAID NOW SOD ORF TROLL.
Ha!! You made my day Karma!

I'm glad someone got the humor in this heap...

What is the biggest difference in the AF-600 and the 2013 line about to release other than the LED brand switch. Debating whether to actually wait on the new model or not. I think a side by side Illumitex and A51 could be happening

That sure sounds awfully familiar.
If you recall, that's the exact reason I cancelled my order with Fero and bought an
Area 51 light from you, EH.
He kept feeding me bogus shipping dates and tried to charge me multiple times for the same purchase.
The guy was sha-dy.

You "future endeavored" Fero, lol.


So.. 20-1....

or 21-0?

What's your prediction?
So.. 20-1....

or 21-0?

What's your prediction?

I really hope that Punk pulls it off and is the "1" in 20-1.
Though I have a feeling that they may go to the time limit or some other sort of "draw" situation, making Taker 20-0-1.
Which still means he's undefeated at Mania, plus Punk can claim to be the only man alive that the Undertaker couldn't beat on the grandest stage of them all.

The Cena/Rock II build up is boring me to tears.
HHH booked his match with Lesnar, putting his retirement on the line so WWE creative couldn't change their minds and have Lesnar go over HHH.
Lesnar needs the win, not HHH, so grow a pair Vince and put Hunter out to pasture.
Paul Heyman is the most entertaining man in sports entertainment.
DelRio/Swagger doesn't even matter, because Dolph Ziggler is going to cash in his MITB briefcase and win the World title, after winning the tag titles with Big E. earlier in the night.
To make this post thread appropriate, Dolph Ziggler's future is as bright as an Area 51 LED light :cool:

BTW everybody, this is page 100, huzzah!
Seriously..I don't know you eraserhead but what this guy did is wrong and it bothers me that people will go this far for free stuff
and go out of their way to bash a company if it doesn't go their way.

It brings back old memories of years ago with some dirtbag I had business dealings with.

Imagine how this person rolls in his personal life..always thinking of how to get over....disgusting.

I posted to him a few pages back that what he was doing wasn't kool and then he has the nerve to call me the troll and said I'm the shady one..Incredible !

I'm out of here.
I'm a huge fan of Taker, and I'm a huge fan of Punk. I've been a fan of Taker before Punk was even out of diapers, so it's a tough call for me.

Looking at the whole picture, and the fact that Taker is going to "put over" whoever he wrestles in his "last" match, it's hard to decide.

When is Taker's last match? Will he go on to 30'? Seems the plan is to do #30 against Cena and lose the streak, but I'm not buying that for a minute.

I'm torn, but I'm going with Punk.

I really hope that Punk pulls it off and is the "1" in 20-1.
Though I have a feeling that they may go to the time limit or some other sort of "draw" situation, making Taker 20-0-1.
Which still means he's undefeated at Mania, plus Punk can claim to be the only man alive that the Undertaker couldn't beat on the grandest stage of them all.

The Cena/Rock II build up is boring me to tears.
HHH booked his match with Lesnar, putting his retirement on the line so WWE creative couldn't change their minds and have Lesnar go over HHH.
Lesnar needs the win, not HHH, so grow a pair Vince and put Hunter out to pasture.
Paul Heyman is the most entertaining man in sports entertainment.
DelRio/Swagger doesn't even matter, because Dolph Ziggler is going to cash in his MITB briefcase and win the World title, after winning the tag titles with Big E. earlier in the night.
To make this post thread appropriate, Dolph Ziggler's future is as bright as an Area 51 LED light :cool:

BTW everybody, this is page 100, huzzah!

Just because I'm a jackass, if you use "rougetrooper" in the coupon code box, you'll get $65 off of the AF600, making the total cost $933 for 1 unit.


Suck it!!!
And to further add to this,

Ziggy has made my top #5 faves.

The creative team is messing him up though, but who else delivers like he does?

#1 Henry #2 Ziggy #3 Titus #4 Antonio #5 ADR

That's what I do!!

I hope he kills Ryback at WM...

Feed Me Subway!!!

I really hope that Punk pulls it off and is the "1" in 20-1.
Though I have a feeling that they may go to the time limit or some other sort of "draw" situation, making Taker 20-0-1.
Which still means he's undefeated at Mania, plus Punk can claim to be the only man alive that the Undertaker couldn't beat on the grandest stage of them all.

The Cena/Rock II build up is boring me to tears.
HHH booked his match with Lesnar, putting his retirement on the line so WWE creative couldn't change their minds and have Lesnar go over HHH.
Lesnar needs the win, not HHH, so grow a pair Vince and put Hunter out to pasture.
Paul Heyman is the most entertaining man in sports entertainment.
DelRio/Swagger doesn't even matter, because Dolph Ziggler is going to cash in his MITB briefcase and win the World title, after winning the tag titles with Big E. earlier in the night.
To make this post thread appropriate, Dolph Ziggler's future is as bright as an Area 51 LED light :cool:

BTW everybody, this is page 100, huzzah!
I'm a huge fan of Taker, and I'm a huge fan of Punk. I've been a fan of Taker before Punk was even out of diapers, so it's a tough call for me.

Looking at the whole picture, and the fact that Taker is going to "put over" whoever he wrestles in his "last" match, it's hard to decide.

When is Taker's last match? Will he go on to 30'? Seems the plan is to do #30 against Cena and lose the streak, but I'm not buying that for a minute.

I'm torn, but I'm going with Punk.

Taker is old school, and will do the right thing, going out on his back when the time comes.
Having Cena end the streak at WM XXX would be absolutely pointless.
Cena doesn't need the rub, the younger talent does.
That being said, Punk could use the rub to help solidify his status and legacy as one of the all-time greats.
434 days, BiTW!

Ziggy has made my top #5 faves.

The creative team is messing him up though, but who else delivers like he does?

#1 Henry #2 Ziggy #3 Titus #4 Antonio #5 ADR

That's what I do!!

I hope he kills Ryback at WM...

Ziggler is the most athletic guy on the roster and sells better than rubbers in a whore house.
He's walking out of Mania covered in gold.
Mark Henry is the shit, an absolute monster, and a fantastic one at that.
Cesaro isn't getting enough attention IMO, the guy is money.
Titus has come a long way and is getting more entertaining every time I see him.
Ryback could visit Sparta, get kicked down a bottom less hole, and I wouldn't miss him.
Further more, Paul is the most entertaining vocal piece to ever grace the TV cameras. Who's better, or at least as good on the mic as he is?

Granted, though many might disagree with me, The Rock is probably the best on the mic ever. Including Hogan. Whatcha gonna do brotha, when the cameras are still rolling when the Hulkster is still naked and shows you a sex tape to you brother!?


I want to be a fan of Ryback, he is an absolute beast. But his booking is total caca. The Shield is great, Dean Ambrose!!! Future Champ!!!!

But Ryback? At this point, I can win a match against him, and I'm just a beginner mma trainer. 18 months training in fighting and weight lifting and I can't even bench press over 400 LBS yet. I got 385 all day long though. Not too shabby for a 6'2" 245LB beginner guy though....

I totally think Lesnar needs the win more than HHH. They are paying him millions of dollas.... So what if it's "HHH's retirement" at stake? On paper, that does not mean nada. They can write anything into his "return, one more match, match with him".

I think HHH's last match will be against HBK.

I hope they brutalize each other.

It will be a fantastic match though. HBK always delivers. Old man or not.

I really hope that Punk pulls it off and is the "1" in 20-1.
Though I have a feeling that they may go to the time limit or some other sort of "draw" situation, making Taker 20-0-1.
Which still means he's undefeated at Mania, plus Punk can claim to be the only man alive that the Undertaker couldn't beat on the grandest stage of them all.

The Cena/Rock II build up is boring me to tears.
HHH booked his match with Lesnar, putting his retirement on the line so WWE creative couldn't change their minds and have Lesnar go over HHH.
Lesnar needs the win, not HHH, so grow a pair Vince and put Hunter out to pasture.
Paul Heyman is the most entertaining man in sports entertainment.
DelRio/Swagger doesn't even matter, because Dolph Ziggler is going to cash in his MITB briefcase and win the World title, after winning the tag titles with Big E. earlier in the night.
To make this post thread appropriate, Dolph Ziggler's future is as bright as an Area 51 LED light :cool:

BTW everybody, this is page 100, huzzah!
If I was a writer, Taker would lose at 30'

But not against Cena.

It'd be against someone who could use it. And could carry that legacy for years to come.

Punk does not need it, but is the biggest threat so far.

I'd have Ziggler break it for my 1st choice.

Followed by Barrett. Then followed by Ambrose, then Roillins.

If it was a couple years ago, Henry all the way. But he is almost done at this point. But will be my favorite until he retires. THAT'S WHAT I DO!!!!

Cena has already accomplished anything and everything there is to accomplish. Make a wish foo!! I do respect the guy, he does a lot for the company, and his match with CM a few weeks ago was one of the best I have ever seen. But ending the streak is an insult to everyone including all the fans, not to mention Taker.

If the booking was proper, Antonio or ADR is proper. But at this time, the booking is too poor.

I think Zigs should break it at 30'.

Taker is old school, and will do the right thing, going out on his back when the time comes.
Having Cena end the streak at WM XXX would be absolutely pointless.
Cena doesn't need the rub, the younger talent does.
That being said, Punk could use the rub to help solidify his status and legacy as one of the all-time greats.
434 days, BiTW!

Ziggler is the most athletic guy on the roster and sells better than rubbers in a whore house.
He's walking out of Mania covered in gold.
Mark Henry is the shit, an absolute monster, and a fantastic one at that.
Cesaro isn't getting enough attention IMO, the guy is money.
Titus has come a long way and is getting more entertaining every time I see him.
Ryback could visit Sparta, get kicked down a bottom less hole, and I wouldn't miss him.
Further more, Paul is the most entertaining vocal piece to ever grace the TV cameras. Who's better, or at least as good on the mic as he is?

Granted, though many might disagree with me, The Rock is probably the best on the mic ever. Including Hogan. Whatcha gonna do brotha, when the cameras are still rolling when the Hulkster is still naked and shows you a sex tape to you brother!?

The Shield is great, Dean Ambrose!!! Future Champ!!!!

18 months training in fighting and weight lifting and I can't even bench press over 400 LBS yet. I got 385 all day long though. Not too shabby for a 6'2" 245LB beginner guy though....

Heyman proves week after week why he is the voice of the voice of the voiceless, best heel manager EVER.

For my money, Stone Cold was the best ever on the mic.
I said old Stone Cold was the best on the mic.
I said...

As for Ambrose (aka Jon Moxley), he is, hands down, the future of the company.
I've been a fan of his since his CZW days and he has some of the best in ring psychology out there.
Not to mention he cuts promos like a hot knife through butter and just kills it every time.

Those are some impressive number your putting up there, EH.
Good luck with the weight training and MMA :)
Here is an LED Company that has both complete LED Grow Light fixtures and retrofit kits
10 year warranty on LEDs, 100,000 hour rated
60 watt, 100 watt and 135 watt versions
From 4000 lumens to 8000 lumens


For people just getting into the LED game figuring out which company makes what light can be a challenge. This is a list of the companies and the name(s) of the panel(s) they make.

Lighthouse Hydro - Blackstar
High Tech Garden Supply - HTG
Hydro Grow LED - Penetrator
Grow LED Hydro - Spectra
Kessil - Kessil H150/H350
Magnum LED - Magnum LED
Blackdog - BDxxxx/Platinum XL
Pro Source LED - Pro Source LED
Haight Solid State LED - Haight SS LED
Apache Tech - AT120xx
Advanced LED Lights - Diamond series/Extreme
Plant Photonics - Hand Made LED Lights
Pro-Grow Series LED - Pro-Grow LED
Grow Stealth LED - Grow Stealth Quantum LED
Stealth Grow LED - SGxxxx


E.shine systems - E.shine Panel 3G/4G
Light Blaze - Lightblaze 400
Fero LED Lighting - Fero xxx 4G

There are others, and I can add to the list if people have suggestions! :blsmoke:[/QUOTE]
You say you asked fair questions and then call me a troll and say I'm shady..LOL at you the delusional official tester of the UK...What a joke..lol


I want everyone on this board to know what your M.O. is and that is to get free lights otherwise you harass and slander a company who doesn't fall for your crap.

Be advise everyone to take whatever this clown says (Reviews) with a grain of salt..his word means nothing. Go back and read his post in this thread and decide for yourselves if this guy was seeking the truth (LOL) or just trying to get over. Notice where he says he also gets all his lights for free so this isn't his first rodeo .I wouldn't trust this guy with anything and neither should anyone else.

Here are his own words...

Here's exactly what you said to eraserhead after he decided to ignore your rude posts long after your nonsense. I would have slammed you much earlier than eraserhead but I guess he has a business to run so he has to hold back unlike leeches like you.

I'm not even going to post your antagonizing posts just the motive behind them.

In your world this means.."Wink wink free led and I give good review if not you suck and so does your company."

So I guess eraserhead doesn't get a fair chance (Your own words) being he didn't fall for " I'm the official UK tester so send me a LED panel and it has to be free for my services "

Really ? You expect people to take you seriously after posting this crap.

Do you think you are that slick that no one will see right thru your bullcrap. You want to test stuff you email a company in private and work out a deal or something. You don't bash them on a board then ask for a free light hoping they will cave in just to shut you up from making their company look bad.

I had an business partner many years ago who was just like you..a POS . Then you have the nerve to call me a troll and say I'm the shady one. Not surprising because that's how dirtbags like you roll.

You have no FN morals or class and should be banned from this board for doing what you did.

WTF??? ive been away for a few days and you post this??? You really think i need you bunch of dumbass up your OWN ARSE inbred YANKS?????? PLEAAAAAASEEEEEEE, let Area51 WANKERS and FERO WANKERS all fight amongst yourselves,. BAN ME do what THE FUCK YOU WANT. Think we're scared of you fucking yanks over here? eh? We kicked your fucking arses more times then this COUNTRY can remember!
Gutless Pussys All of ya! Go back to Your playing around with each others NOBS k? fucking inbred yanks make me SICK.
STARTING WARS ALL OVER THE PLACE the us brits have to come in and pull your arses out of the FIRE?
WELL NO MORE NOB JOCKEYS, i dont think Oxford is gonna train any more of your arseholes ever again COUGH COUGH..WASHINGTON,BUSH.....OBAMA....let them RIP your own country open from inside!
STarting with the Quashing of your 'freedom to bare arms' EH?
Oh and your running out of Morphine,,,,,,dont worry,,,,youll have plenty of HERION from AFGHANISTAN soon,
THEN the qworld will be RID of the Curse thats called AMERICA. Fucking Loosers., Hope the STAR familys all fuck you right up
NEW WORLD ORDER??? Yeahhhhhhh right on!!!!! lol