Virtually Unknown Member
Castle Doctrine in my state but you always say you were in fear of your life/ imminent fear of death. Throwdown doesn't hurt.
That made me laugh so fucking hard. I have the giggles and can't stop. I will be hearing this in my head all season.Landmines. Landmines everywhere.
And booby traps with shotguns and c4 and other crazy shit.
Using deadly force in California is very sketchy, If I can avoid using deadly force I sure as hell will because i don't want blood on my hands... im just a simple farmer. But if someone comes in my house or sure as hell threatens my life, do I really have a choice?
I really thought about putting up bear traps and other smart things to hurt trespassers, but in the end I realized that its just a terrible idea. Why bring the cops/medics right to your crop? If anything, things should be as inconspicuous as possible. That includes avoiding setting up things that may cause suspicion or attract attention. For example, putting up a fence. Putting up surveillance cameras around your property that people will notice (and obviously suspect something). Even such small things as tent setup will draw suspicion from people looking for these crops.
Its best to just plant it smartly and then watch your crop, don't act suspicious, set up warning system and you MUST be prepared for ANY situation. You must assess all scenarios and assume that cops may show up and you need to have a back up plan. If you're not this well prepared, it may have disastrous consequences.
Anybody in my backyard is a threat to my 2 sons and wife.......I aint havin' it bro. I would be killing someone protecting my family, not my grow. Fuck weed, that's replaceable, family is not. I have fought many cases and won. I have even beat a "Battery on a Peace Officer" charge. You should be fine long as you; a. know the law, b. have a decent lawyer, and c. were not in the wrong "legally".You do not have the right to stand your ground in your backyard. For the most part. Who wants to be in court, or killing some one or causing harm over a grow site? Its not something any one wants to bring into court.
Anybody in my backyard is a threat to my 2 sons and wife.......I aint havin' it bro. I would be killing someone protecting my family, not my grow. Fuck weed, that's replaceable, family is not. I have fought many cases and won. I have even beat a "Battery on a Peace Officer" charge. You should be fine long as you; a. know the law, b. have a decent lawyer, and c. were not in the wrong "legally".
i would think n old fat guy walking around with a machette would fit into that "discouragement" catagory.Motion sensors and things visible. You want to discourage them before they get in the garden. Keep lights/sensors out of reach for intruders too. Even an empty tent with a little light makes people think twice.
im not saying dogs arnt a good defence, im saying that they are HEAT for an outdoor grow u dont want people knowing about u can hear a dog bark from a long ways n if its out in then bush sum ppl get curious...What ? common now ! The only things my dogs want are to bite you when you don't belong there. Come over and check out my curious dogs. The next best thing to a gun.
im not saying dogs arnt a good defence, im saying that they are HEAT for an outdoor grow u dont want people knowing about u can hear a dog bark from a long ways n if its out in then bush sum ppl get curious...
lmfao ok buddy dream on/.... who the fuck is gunna go drop that much on a dog just for an outdoor grow, then u gotta feed the fucker and lodge it all winter.. what a stupid idea lol sorry to be rude im never rude.. but thats just du-du-dumb lolGet a trained attack dog (German shepherd) cost between 10-25k somewhat but its worth it