Outdoor security.

Castle Doctrine in my state but you always say you were in fear of your life/ imminent fear of death. Throwdown doesn't hurt.
You do not have the right to stand your ground in your backyard. For the most part. Who wants to be in court, or killing some one or causing harm over a grow site? Its not something any one wants to bring into court.
Using deadly force in California is very sketchy, If I can avoid using deadly force I sure as hell will because i don't want blood on my hands... im just a simple farmer. But if someone comes in my house or sure as hell threatens my life, do I really have a choice?
Landmines. Landmines everywhere.

And booby traps with shotguns and c4 and other crazy shit.
That made me laugh so fucking hard. I have the giggles and can't stop. I will be hearing this in my head all season.

Motion sensors and things visible. You want to discourage them before they get in the garden. Keep lights/sensors out of reach for intruders too. Even an empty tent with a little light makes people think twice.
Using deadly force in California is very sketchy, If I can avoid using deadly force I sure as hell will because i don't want blood on my hands... im just a simple farmer. But if someone comes in my house or sure as hell threatens my life, do I really have a choice?

No you dont however you are still going to get locked up. The DA is going to say you attracted people to your house to sell weed, or that they would not have come to your house if you where not talking about growing weed. On top of that using a gun to defend weed is a huge no no with the ATF and they will come after you, and as might the dea for growing and using guns with a medical grow. This will add fuel to the fire for the fight to shut down medical growing anywhere. Are you wrong? No. Is it worth it? No. Just because you dont like laws or rules, does not mean that using your brain is not a great bad idea. The AFT has pointed out over and over that you can not own guns and use / grow pot. Local lawmen also are revoking anyone who has a medical script and concealed weapon permits if they find out. They figure if you have guns, you are most likely dealing or selling.
That's the part I really don't like . defencless in my own home. If someone comes breaks into your home " home invasion" they aren't there for coffee and a doob. I think Id rather keep my guns and ansewer in court rather then my family being raped and dead.
I really thought about putting up bear traps and other smart things to hurt trespassers, but in the end I realized that its just a terrible idea. Why bring the cops/medics right to your crop? If anything, things should be as inconspicuous as possible. That includes avoiding setting up things that may cause suspicion or attract attention. For example, putting up a fence. Putting up surveillance cameras around your property that people will notice (and obviously suspect something). Even such small things as tent setup will draw suspicion from people looking for these crops.

Its best to just plant it smartly and then watch your crop, don't act suspicious, set up warning system and you MUST be prepared for ANY situation. You must assess all scenarios and assume that cops may show up and you need to have a back up plan. If you're not this well prepared, it may have disastrous consequences.

The board/drywall screw trap was made after someone tried to steal my copper downspouts/gutters(which I paid 12k to have installed), used it once for about a week then removed it b/c I was afraid someone's pet might step on it after noticing neighbors walking dogs too close. If anyone needs traps like that to protect a grow, they need to find a better place to grow. My in-ground locations are so remote and difficult to physically reach that only 4-legged creatures are of concern.

Funny how I can repel deer and even divert their paths with heavy twine, yet those dreaded 2-legged creatures require more extreme measures...j/k

To All:

Most states have aggravated cultivation statutes, and booby traps are a good means to motivate law enforcement to come find you. Growing 4 plants *illegally is a misdemeanor in almost every state, a bullshit charge many agencies don't wish to even bother with. Put one of those boards out there with 4 plants, and you are asking for a surveillance camera to be set-up in return along w/prison time.

Yall are crazy. I can shoot somebody in front of Walmart if I say he kept punching me in the head and I was scared I would die if he didn't stop. People get shot on the street while trying to jump somebody all the time out here!! They usually just get an "Illegally Possessing a Firearm" charge. Which out here means probation.
You do not have the right to stand your ground in your backyard. For the most part. Who wants to be in court, or killing some one or causing harm over a grow site? Its not something any one wants to bring into court.
Anybody in my backyard is a threat to my 2 sons and wife.......I aint havin' it bro. I would be killing someone protecting my family, not my grow. Fuck weed, that's replaceable, family is not. I have fought many cases and won. I have even beat a "Battery on a Peace Officer" charge. You should be fine long as you; a. know the law, b. have a decent lawyer, and c. were not in the wrong "legally".
Anybody in my backyard is a threat to my 2 sons and wife.......I aint havin' it bro. I would be killing someone protecting my family, not my grow. Fuck weed, that's replaceable, family is not. I have fought many cases and won. I have even beat a "Battery on a Peace Officer" charge. You should be fine long as you; a. know the law, b. have a decent lawyer, and c. were not in the wrong "legally".


Im familiar with fresno some what. There is alot of heat in fresno. The L.E. is always on edge because of the gang violence, the biker clubs, prostitution and lastly marijuana cases.

My thoughts and opinion is regarding the perception. I think someone assuming that you are no danger or threat is the biggest concern. Because if the would be rippers perception that it was too risky too much trouble then they will move on to thier next scheme.

I dont know if your outside grow was intended to be stealth or not. I cant add anything about stealth. But i have seen a cyclone fence dog kennal used.
It was locked and a green netting was used on its sides so u couldnt see in and the top was open.

This set up was in the Sacramento area. The grower had two Cane Corso(italian mastiffs that resemble pit bulls) dogs. The dogs werent barkers they would growl and that was enough. These dogs are sensitive to emotion im told. I believe if your grow is in an enclosure then your defense is on the legal side is enhanced not by much. Moving is costly. And if your rippers are "thirsty" they may take the risk...so moving is the only option.
Motion sensors and things visible. You want to discourage them before they get in the garden. Keep lights/sensors out of reach for intruders too. Even an empty tent with a little light makes people think twice.
i would think n old fat guy walking around with a machette would fit into that "discouragement" catagory.:-P
I'm not gonna pick up any gun charges with the Taliban!
Castle doctrin is for shooting someone just for being inside your home, they don't have to be threatening. Backyard doesn't qualify. However I have a right to defend myself from harm anywhere - anytime. And if someone advances on me, I will defend myself, by any means available.
Good luck
Yea, I cant move. Don't want the added attention of having a large kennel in my yard. A big ass dog is about the only way and they just poison them and come back the next night...Fuck it..Im staying inside then....I fucking hate theives
Get a dog, like now. I have cameras that helped prevent me from getting ripped twice.. but I wasn't getting much sleep at all and when you're growing and working that doesn't work for very long. I've had no problems since I got my german shepherd, I sleep just fine now. As for cameras, got to newegg and get some of those. I got this set for $99 on sale a few months back, newegg has sales often so you may get lucky!


I can speak for how reliable this one is, but not any of the others. Do some looking and you should be able to find a 4 channel for $150, it'll be the best investment you ever made. Combine this with a dog and some driveway sensors and you're golden. Best of luck man.
What ? common now ! The only things my dogs want are to bite you when you don't belong there. Come over and check out my curious dogs. The next best thing to a gun.
im not saying dogs arnt a good defence, im saying that they are HEAT for an outdoor grow u dont want people knowing about u can hear a dog bark from a long ways n if its out in then bush sum ppl get curious...
I have a few.. however the best ones I have are the ones that roam around in the backyard anyhow..

this guy.. loveable as hell.. till you go within a 10-20 ft area near the house..


these lil bitches will bark and not stop till they are told.. (new wiener dog puppy shows amazing potential already)

Here's what you do.
Take some light gauge fishing line and run it
to the back of the top of 2 or more light patio chairs etc...
that are placed around or in front of your grow(s) with the backs of the chairs facing each other and whether the chairs
are on grass, cement or dirt don't make a difference and then
place a bunch of cans and/or bottles in trash bags that
you would put on top of seats of the chairs and keep the bags open.

Then you make sure there is no slack on the fishing line and tip the chairs back to a tipping point without tipping and then put a couple of bricks or some other objects under
the two front legs of the chairs to hold the chairs at that tipping point and you are good to go and easy to rid and put back daily if you want to.

No one can see the fishing line at night and will trip the
line and send the trash bags of bottle/cans to the ground making enough noise to wake up the neighborhood. believe me this is a extremely easy and cheap way to secure your garden.

On a couple of occasions a buddy or I hit the line by accident (not seeing and forgetting about the practically invisible fishing line)
and the bags came down crashing and smashing making
all sorts of loud noises.
What are you gonna do when you catch them ? What if they have guns ? Now you caught someone but you are defenceless ?
im not saying dogs arnt a good defence, im saying that they are HEAT for an outdoor grow u dont want people knowing about u can hear a dog bark from a long ways n if its out in then bush sum ppl get curious...

true. I Thought the OP was at home. He said he cant move home ?
Get a trained attack dog (German shepherd) cost between 10-25k somewhat but its worth it
lmfao ok buddy dream on/.... who the fuck is gunna go drop that much on a dog just for an outdoor grow, then u gotta feed the fucker and lodge it all winter.. what a stupid idea lol sorry to be rude im never rude.. but thats just du-du-dumb lol