Girl Scout Cookies, Cali Connection, or BC Bud Depot?

i'll vote for neither. wait for some other less shady company to drop a gsc cross. its happening in the not too distant future.
Pure Fake! All of them! This is what you want. The real deal and the closest to the original.

Hugz, i'm going to be real honest here with you-- i have the forum cut and ogkb's cut-- other than incredible frost and taste the rest of gsc is lacking and not really worth the time--this just MVHO--
Hugz, i'm going to be real honest here with you-- i have the forum cut and ogkb's cut-- other than incredible frost and taste the rest of gsc is lacking and not really worth the time--this just MVHO--

ya know, other than incredible frost and taste. so its not quite the holy grail? if you don't want it i'll take it off your hands.
just so we're clear, i don't particularly buy into clone only hype, but incredible taste and frost, as long as it is a legit indicator of potency, and it usually is, would be my first two considerations. but also, give me some gsc. i'll be at the cup in denver.
He's saying the yield is terrible. I know it too. I'm working on a cross to up the yields.
So you have the Sin City version and you like it? I like to try new things and this seems to be the "it" genetics right now. I dont really care about yield or plant size, its for personal use. I have a Purple Wreck with a pheno that tastes and smells like gram crackers and it made me curious about the thin mints. Am I wasting my time, or is it a unique and enjoyable smoke? Also, I live in AK so Im not going to be getting any of this unless I grow it from seed for my self.
Next cookies will be THUMPERS COOKIES and i will post my cookies so that the world can chin my cookies along with the spliff.. and a smile, it will be an explosive orgasm in your mouth and a lil in the eyes.. thats gona be a fact lolz STILL WITH THE COOKIES MOTHER FUCKERS STILL BUGIN ON THE COOKIES FUCK!!! man for reals most my people still hounding me for this version its dangerous..
So you have the Sin City version and you like it? I like to try new things and this seems to be the "it" genetics right now. I dont really care about yield or plant size, its for personal use. I have a Purple Wreck with a pheno that tastes and smells like gram crackers and it made me curious about the thin mints. Am I wasting my time, or is it a unique and enjoyable smoke? Also, I live in AK so Im not going to be getting any of this unless I grow it from seed for my self.

No! I have Girl Scout Cookies. I'm just saying Sin City has the only legit Girl Scout Cookie cross out. You're getting 50% GSC. Everyone else, you're not getting GSC, you're getting scammed!
hey night got a question for ya when cannaventure released their cookie wreck was that the forum cut of gsc? Another ? is Bodhi having some cookie projects? thanks in advance
hey night got a question for ya when cannaventure released their cookie wreck was that the forum cut of gsc? Another ? is Bodhi having some cookie projects? thanks in advance

That I dont know. I would trust Bodhi though. I do know that BC, Ken's and CC are fake as fuck! The forum and OGKB cut are what I consider real GSC. They are not the original but they are just as good.
That I dont know. I would trust Bodhi though. I do know that BC, Ken's and CC are fake as fuck! The forum and OGKB cut are what I consider real GSC. They are not the original but they are just as good.

Oh ok ty for your thoughts. Damn I knew I had a question for you last week cant remember though lol.