3x3 Tent with 600w HPS too HOT!!!

Hey guys getting ready for my first grow and have encountered somewhat of a problem. My temps inside my tent are sitting at about 94*.

Currently using a Secret Jardin DR90, 600w HPS with air-cooled reflector, scrubber, 6in booster, 4-6in duct, and an inline fan. Along with two 6in clip fans and a 12in stationary fan (both set on high).

I have the inline pulling air through the scrubber and pushing it out the top of the tent. The booster is blowing air through the duct, through the reflector and out the other side of the tent. Both passive intakes are open. I just can't seem to get my temps under 90*

Here is a pic of my setup, if anyone has ANY advice I would very much welcome it...



Well-Known Member
Where is the air coming from and where is it going? Also what are the temps like in the outside room.


Well-Known Member
If you can't higher the CFM or bring down the ambient temperature if you have a dimmable ballast i would recommend lowering it

Also, i run a similar system with a 600 and can get it to 80. And i don't think my ambient temp goes below 65-70. Make sure you have no kinks or really hard angles in your ducting and that booster fan shouldn' be nessesary unless you're running pretty long ducting. How big is your inline fan? may need an upgrade
Ya it's a dimmable ballast it's set on 400 at the moment (the lowest it can go). I tried moving the 12in fan outside and sticking it directly in front of the mesh intake but again nothing. I have also tried all different placements with the fans and only changed the degree 1-2.


Well-Known Member
What kind of exhaust fan do you have? Is it a duct booster or a high velocity fan?
The fan I have pushing air through the lights is a 6in booster fan. The inline I have connected to the filter is a 4in Can-fan s400.

The air coming out though the inline is very cold, and the air coming out from the lights is pretty warm.


Active Member
i set my stuff up differently then yours and my tent is smaller(4x2x4), temps dont go above 74.
my filter, cooltube(600w hps) and fan are all connected together, im pulling air through my filter and cooltube instead of pushing air through the cooltube with a seperate fan. on the test run, temps are stable at 74 without cool, fresh air coming in. temps dont change with air going in though as the ambient temperaute seems pretty well equal to that of the tent.
what size cfm fan are you running?
Raised the lights to pretty much the top of the tent and left the thermometer where is was before. It's now 3 feet away from the lights and the temp dropped down to 92* Also just put a huge 18in stationary fan right in front of the intake when I raised the lights. It just does not seem to want to drop below 92*

I'm honestly clueless to why this is so hot, 3 fans inside the tent, 1 Huge fan outside, room at 72*, and exhaust shooting out the window...


Well-Known Member
Good luck with that one I have 2 3x4 x5 ft high tents and have a 400 watt in each one and in midsummer I have a heck of a time keeping the temps in the 70"s I couldn't run 600"s at least not without AC


Well-Known Member
Filter > inline fan > reflector > booster fan > out of tent > out of room to attic, window, etc

your problem is your just blowing the hot air back into the room. Unhook everything and hook it up like i have at the top and you should stay around 10 degrees over room temp.
That's originally how I was gonna do it, the only problem is the filter is 4in and the inline fan is 4in but the reflector is 6in. I tried using the 6-4in reducers but they are to big for the tent they dig into the side of the tent and can't get duct around it.

So the guy at the hydro store told me to get a 6in booster and 6in duct and have it going out separate then the filter-inline.


Well-Known Member
The way i have mine is i have my inline pulling air from the cooltube which is pulling air from the tent (passive intake) and blows out the carbon filter


Well-Known Member
Buy a 400 cfm inline fan just for your light. I have 2 4x4 tents with a 4" inline fan and filter and a 6" inline 440 cfm cooling 2 600 watts but I have to keep my room outside the tents at like 62-65f to keep the 2 tents at about 75f
Guess Ill just have to tear it down and start fresh. Was so excited all my other grows were just basic closet setups with a few cfls. Thought this time it was going to be legit... Ill get it eventually. Lol might get pretty pissed along the way but Ill get there.
But I definitely appreciate all your help guys. Ill be moving shit around tomorrow trying to find that perfect sweet spot. I have 4 fem Vanilla Kush, germin as we speak so Hopefully I can give them a nice little home in the next day or so.

Again thanks for the help fellas, ill post again tomorrow after I do some tinkering. Any other advice till then would be mucho appreciated.