What Does Advanced Marijuana Cultivation Mean To You ?


Well-Known Member
There is a treat your seeds with a lazer thread on this board that is a couple years old.

Synthetic seeds look kinda creepy?
Who fucking cares?

They are the best thing to happen to cannabis cultivation since feminized seeds. Get on board or get out of the way.

https://www.rollitup.org/advanced-marijuana-cultivation/355889-laser-irradiation-seeds-improved-growth.html (Lazer thread)

Who cares if they look creepy? I do.. :cry:

Just read the .pdf on synthetic seeds link you posted, cool horti tech. Saw the results/findings in the end with the graph..
I'll just "get out of the way" and just stick to the regular seeds for now.
But I do see why your so excited over the (high THC yielding elite germplasm of C. sativa L.).. It has potential to be epic..

cheers :leaf::hump:


Well-Known Member
thankfully its still years away from the market. that would definitely put a damper on a lot of breeders.
it is interesting tho.


Well-Known Member
Who wants to read this medium to long paragraph? Synthesized seeds? Laser radiation modifies the "dna"of a seed to enhance its life cycle? Is this what the message posted meant? Am I getting this right? All that jargon in that PDF file meant that eventually scientists are going (or are already able) to keep the characteristic of a strain they want to see on a plant's life cycle, such as keeping a "chromosome" that is specifically responsible for hyper-development of its flowers in terms of size, density, number of red hairs, etc, for example? Entirely new strains would exist based on that notion for acheiving the conception/modification of the "ideal" plant. I imagine a company that allows you to choose every traits that you are looking for in a plant... you buy your totally customizable plant based on your liking... is this right here? I could have a plant that produces not one main cola but ten right off the bat? I could choose the taste, the smell, its height, its colors, its resistance or acceptance to various environmental factors, its 'medicinal properties', etc? Personnally, I'd like to see the potential health risks both short and long term associated with such genetic modifications? Eventually, I'd jump into it if I could, not as a customer but as a developer... but by the time the previous question has been answered, the entry barriers would be high...lol huge market potential, could benefit lots of people in need of medicine from such a plant...


Well-Known Member
Who wants to read this medium to long paragraph? Synthesized seeds? Laser radiation modifies the "dna"of a seed to enhance its life cycle? Is this what the message posted meant? Am I getting this right? All that jargon in that PDF file meant that eventually scientists are going (or are already able) to keep the characteristic of a strain they want to see on a plant's life cycle, such as keeping a "chromosome" that is specifically responsible for hyper-development of its flowers in terms of size, density, number of red hairs, etc, for example? Entirely new strains would exist based on that notion for acheiving the conception/modification of the "ideal" plant. I imagine a company that allows you to choose every traits that you are looking for in a plant... you buy your totally customizable plant based on your liking... is this right here? I could have a plant that produces not one main cola but ten right off the bat? I could choose the taste, the smell, its height, its colors, its resistance or acceptance to various environmental factors, its 'medicinal properties', etc? Personnally, I'd like to see the potential health risks both short and long term associated with such genetic modifications? Eventually, I'd jump into it if I could, not as a customer but as a developer... but by the time the previous question has been answered, the entry barriers would be high...lol huge market potential, could benefit lots of people in need of medicine from such a plant...
When I was reading your paragraph, all I could think of was "build a bear" store.. Yea, I could imagine a future like that, where you could walk-in into a store.. And put together your very own "designer cannabis strain", with all the characteristics of an ideal superstrain and zero drawbacks.. I would give it 10--maybe 20 more years before this scenario is remotely possible..


Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Latest crop of noobs stripping a plant of it fan leaves hoping to increase production

Brawndo applications

Following a nute schedule chart

Recommending epsom salts when you don't have a clue so you look like you do have a clue


New Member
Haha ALL the leaf stripping threads got closed UB!
Never will I EVER removed a fan leaf becuase it's a "light blocker".
I've learned to increase my lighting footprint if need be.

And thx for the early topping method, which is advanced marijuana cultivation in itself..
About to harvest here a in couple weeks with a pair of beautifully topped lasses!

But Advanced marijuana cultivation to me is simply doing what you can to maximize the plants production!
Topping, F.I.M cut, LST, super cropping, building and growing in a super soil....Those sorta things!

I think after the 2nd grow, if you're not an advanced marijuana cultivator you should give up haha!
First grow should be full of experiments mistakes and learning. Second grow should be improving on the things you learned and experimenting a little more! Third grow should be dialed in with very few mistakes and you should know what you expect! :peace:

Prawn Connery

Well-Known Member
Advanced means developing and promoting techniques that many people have trouble understanding at first, because they fly in the face of traditional thinking - yet achieve better results.

Like vertical growing. Compared to horizontal growing, it's advanced. Yet for many years people couldn't get their heads around it . . . And some still can't. But it works.

Advanced does not mean doing something complicated for the sake of doing it when the results are no better than simpler, already proven methods.

Advanced means progress.


Well-Known Member
The advanced thread to me should be the place to go to seek advice about less common growing problems, theory, etc Or talk about specific growing parameters.

At best it would be a place to avoid all the bad advice from newbs

Chartreuse Spruce

Active Member
Who wants to read this medium to long paragraph? Synthesized seeds? Laser radiation modifies the "dna"of a seed to enhance its life cycle? Is this what the message posted meant? Am I getting this right? All that jargon in that PDF file meant that eventually scientists are going (or are already able) to keep the characteristic of a strain they want to see on a plant's life cycle, such as keeping a "chromosome" that is specifically responsible for hyper-development of its flowers in terms of size, density, number of red hairs, etc, for example? Entirely new strains would exist based on that notion for acheiving the conception/modification of the "ideal" plant. I imagine a company that allows you to choose every traits that you are looking for in a plant... you buy your totally customizable plant based on your liking... is this right here? I could have a plant that produces not one main cola but ten right off the bat? I could choose the taste, the smell, its height, its colors, its resistance or acceptance to various environmental factors, its 'medicinal properties', etc? Personnally, I'd like to see the potential health risks both short and long term associated with such genetic modifications? Eventually, I'd jump into it if I could, not as a customer but as a developer... but by the time the previous question has been answered, the entry barriers would be high...lol huge market potential, could benefit lots of people in need of medicine from such a plant...
OOOOO good one! thank you! mind fuck!...Well the Devil himself exists in form named Monsanto and is doing all this with their corn, their sugar beets, their soy, their canola, their cotton...shit what else do they have. But it is somehow someway in almost every product in your pantry. I'll prove it. The have to use bacteria and viruses to invade the seed to get their genes to do exactly what they want. We are not supposed to genetically modify anything like that. We don't fuck with DNA...if we do...there will be consequences. Genetically modify genes and our bodies will not like it and be genetically modified. We have so many new neurological issues some unexplained not to mention cancer spikes lately. Allergies, super bugs resistant to medications. And all of America is fat! Why? our bodies don't know how to handle this dna modification shit. Our glands are getting tricked and cannot regulate hormones correctly which is why the whole body fucks up and get fat.


Well-Known Member
OOOOO good one! thank you! mind fuck!...Well the Devil himself exists in form named Monsanto and is doing all this with their corn, their sugar beets, their soy, their canola, their cotton...shit what else do they have. But it is somehow someway in almost every product in your pantry. I'll prove it. The have to use bacteria and viruses to invade the seed to get their genes to do exactly what they want. We are not supposed to genetically modify anything like that. We don't fuck with DNA...if we do...there will be consequences. Genetically modify genes and our bodies will not like it and be genetically modified. We have so many new neurological issues some unexplained not to mention cancer spikes lately. Allergies, super bugs resistant to medications. And all of America is fat! Why? our bodies don't know how to handle this dna modification shit. Our glands are getting tricked and cannot regulate hormones correctly which is why the whole body fucks up and get fat.
Americans are not fat due to GMO, that is crazy. Could you post a peer reviewed study that shows how dangerous GM crops are?
Genetically modified food in no way changes a person's DNA. You are making things up.

There is very exciting work being done with modifying genetics to help repair damaged brains/spinal cords...


Well-Known Member
You gave me a link to an article that says the study was shit.
If I am crazy, show me something that says GMO can alter your DNA.

This is the wrong place for a debate on GMO. You won't be able to find anything anyway.


Active Member
What Does Advanced Marijuana Cultivation Mean To You ? What are the core subjects/topics to you? What are advanced technics to you ? I just kinda want to get a over all view of what people are thinking ..
To me it means the use of the latest profen techniques in cultivation.

Generally: technology combined with knowledge and skills providing advanced methodology in order to get the best you can out of your weed.