world of seeds - Space & barneys farm - Critical Kush


Active Member
Thank you very much! looking forward to seeing the end results of these ones. the space had me very worried at the start but now they are really starting to make me happy. the buds are finger long but thin and compact. the smell is extremely different, almost smells like very fine aged alcohol. had i vegged these girls with an MH i think id be getting a lot more then i am now but i heard the hps wasnt so bad for veg, especially as i was using the t5.. not unhappy with the results so far, but next time ill for sure be using MH and t5 for veg and the 600 for flower.
ill try and post some pics up tonight as its day 32 and quickly approaching week 5 :)
the critical kush is very impressive once again, im excited to see how yours are doing!
i have one of the critical kush that is so different though, i cant take my eyes off of her lol. she has a lot more branches, different smell and a light, lime green colour to her.. shes the only one of the 6 to be lime green so she will be my special baby :p


Well-Known Member
so buster you seem really cool and down to earth. wherer did you get your seeds how often did you water after seeding and into flowering state how much nutes and water and how many times lol sorry if its confusing i just want to know your whole process


Active Member
Thanks howchill :)
i got my seeds from a local store. when they first germ and are in small containers i water usually every 2-3 days. the nutes i use have the feeding plan made already so i use about 50% of the recommended dose to start and work my way up. the week i flip from veg to flower i dont use any nutes at all. every strain is different so i usually go by what the plants ask for and see how much food they can take. so far with this run the girls are taking full strength nutes and having no issues at all. last time i couldnt get them passed 60% nute strength


Those flowers look incredible buster! I'm currently on my first grow but I have seen a lot of plants live and in video. Keep up the awesome work man!


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hijack your thread Buster but this is the only way I knew how to post these lol. BTW hows the exhaust working :)? I got thinking about the noise issue u have, if u still do? If u PM me the size of your pipes and lengths I might be able to help with sizing it so its balanced with a slight negative to keep odours at bay quietly :). 130407-0648-25.jpg130407-0648-55.jpg130407-0649-08.jpg


Well-Known Member
my friend it seems I was right about you well for my set up my idea is to use a homemade growbox I made with 4 different desk lamps useing 90 watt led lights (i'm autoflowering) haha any advice on that?


Active Member
Thank you very much Junkyard!
Waterdawg, no worries at all, i always enjoy seeing others hard work coming along. Those girls all look very healthy! nice tight nodes, they look great and im sure they will do great for you! That WR is massive lol! i think this run will beat your final yield with it the last time!
My venting isnt to loud, everything seems to be running smoothly now. my only issue now is that i worry about starting a fire.. i check things like 5 times every morning before work lol.
Howchill, im not to familiar with autos unfortunately, but what is the strain and what is the size of the growbox? there is some really good info on this site for led lights, as well as some beautiful pics. i almost bought an led light but at the last moment i switched to a 400w hps(now replaced with a 600 lol)


Active Member
Day 33 today. The girls seemed to really like the weight bud because they seem to be very dense. Calyxes are already swelling and the cola of one of my critical kush girls looks like its gonna explode lol. The space girls put on a large amount of frost overnight, but still the buds are very different looking. One of my critical kush plants has the most mouth watering, lemony smells ive ever smelled. If she tastes as good as she smells, im going to really enjoy that one! Space plants smell so strong and so odd that it forces me to turn my head after a split second smell. As week 5 is right around the corner, i know for certain the space wont be a 6 week finisher lol. i do see theyve been maturing and swelling quite a bit lately so maybe theyll be done by week 7. im hoping theyll make it till the critical kush is ready so i can use the tent as a drying room for a few days since the environment is very easy to control.


Well-Known Member
did u get a couple of different pheno's with the critrical? I have two runnty ones :(. How long did you veg them again Buster? I'm thinking of turning soon but don't want to stunt them. I actually turned them today and then changed them back again lol. I want this one to be BIG!!!! LOL I still cannot believe the amount of crystals your plants have! And dont mention fire!!!! Thats my worst fear!! I try to block it from my mind, thanks its back lol. I did all the wiring for the shed lol. I've been meaning to increase the size of the extension cord lol. So is the space or the dritical the real stinky one? Oh and howchill if your planning on doing an auto best get some big ass lights, they love the light!!! Might better grow a reg. femmed plant for the extra 2 weeks typically IMO. You'll probably end up with more, Keep in mind I haven't grown an auto for a couple of years so things may be better and bigger. As Busters says there's a lot of info in the auto section.


Active Member
Yeah, both phenos ive had grow very well though. One pheno has much more branches, the other has almost none. Both put on lots of weight in but the one with less branches seems to have more dense buds. Also, the one with lots of branches has a much lighter green colour to it. I think the critical kush smells much more then the space, but when youre up close to the space and touch it, it stinks like hell! When i open the tent and put my arms in to water them, it just makes everywhere smell so i try to do it all as quick as possible now or the smell is there for an hour lol.
I dont know why last run the girls didnt want nutes, but this run so far they are taking full strength nutes and wanting more and more.. im actually thinking of going slightly stronger then what it says to use.
i vegged my girls just about 3 weeks or so when i flipped. None of them showed sex for a few days though so i think these girls like to be vegged for about 5 weeks.
I try everyday to forget about the possibility of fire, even feel relieved when i get home and see its not burned down haha.
i know its stupid as this stuff is pretty safe with the smaller amounts of wquipment we use compared to some of the ops that catch fire, but i just cant help it.. what if.. same feeling i get when im on the cn tower glass deck. I know it can hold 8 elephants, but what if. Sorry, i probably just ruined your day tomorrow :p
Oh one thing about the Critical kush though, dont worry about empty spaces when she stretches, it will be filled up with buds in no time. Anywhere it looks like there could be a gap, the buds fill up big time and use the space. I think breeding the OG with a high yileding strain like the critical was a really smart and it payed off big time!
You just flipped yours right? I cant wait to see how well they do in your system and with your talent!


Well-Known Member
No I didnt flip them, well I did but changed my mind an hour later lol. But I am going to start cutting the WR starting wed. so I will flip it and start the last tray of the season. :). I should be running the extraction 24 by stinky time so hope it wont be bad lol. The WR has no real smell untill its disturbed so thats a plus. And as long as connections are good (tight) and proper wire size used all good. BTW a regular house circuit can handle 1900 watts maxed out so should be good!!! lol. My leaves are curling a bit on the edges so I'll try to figure that out tonight. I thinkk I may try some calmag as well, not sure why but its all the rage lol.


Active Member
I think youll be happy with your decision to give them bit of extra time for vegging. I was going to go 12/12 from seed and then decided to veg them till just about a foot or so. Calmag is a good idea, i use some in my feedings as well actually. I only use 5mg for every 6L of water, and usually only give them calmag every other feeding. Hasnt seemed to hurt them at all. In fact, now that i think of it, maybe thats why this run the girls are using so much more nutes.. I have heard a lot of great things about calmag for hydro so i think it will do good for you :)

Tomorrow is already week 5 for my girls! I cant believe it, time is flying by this time. The final weight is going to be very nice this run, and im happy to know i wont have to worry about only having a little of the critical kush lol. Oh, another amazing thing about the critical kush, its easy to trim. The space looks like shes gonna suck ass to trim, but i am so excited to try her that it wont bother me trimming for 12 hours straight lol.


Active Member
Well i dont want to get your hopes up man, but the runt i had in veg is now my fav girl! I decided to look over my pics and see what was up before, especially as you mentioned having two runts. Mine wasnt extremely far behind, but definitely took longer to hit certain sizes and actually, if i remember quickly, she was mid to bottom of the pack for showing sex as well. Now she has the biggest, chunkiest and by far the most dense buds of all girls!
If im right and its the same for yours, this girl is gonna be your prize! she will take all the food you can give her and come flower, she will definitely be your fav. Sadly, she doesnt have a heck of a lot of growth to be taken for cloning. One pheno will put out a lot of branches though, and she is the one that smells like lemon pinesol!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info Buster! I flipped them this morning lol. Couldnt wait lol! I actually have to get them going and start another tray quickly. The runts aren't that bad either just a little behind, like a set of leaves and a bit more stretchy but overall they are one of the fastest starters I've had. I am going to the hydro store tomorrow so I'll get some cal mag along with the cooltube. How much did you pay for that BTW? I never thought I would need cal mag with my water being full of calcium but I guess its the first thing the plants use??? My WR started to get rust spots on it pretty early so I think that was the issue. I am looking forward to this Kush but I have heard some bad things about it as well re herming and low yields but it could be the grower stressing things. At least with the hydro I can kinda monitor things a bit closer re: nute strength and PH. The big issue will be res temps but I think I will be able to overcome them with ice bottles, not going to worry about it this season.


Active Member
Yeah these girls really get out of the gate quickly huh? A few weeks of veg and you can still get some good size girls by the end of it all. I cant remember what i pain for the calmag, i think it was maybe 15$ or so; the cooltube i got i paid about $100 but i can honestly say that as far as equipment goes, its the best thing ive got for that price range.
Im not sure why they need a boost of calmag either, but they sure do seem to like it. The water i use is just tap water i let sit in open containers for at least 24 hours.
Ive actually not heard any bad things about the critical kush but after hearing that ill be on full alert. Last run with it i had absolutely no issues so i hope to get the same luck with it this time. Im sure your girls will do well and behave for you as well, i mean, look at how nicely those WR plants are doing for you :p
As for the low yields, i thought they pulled very good weight, especially for kush.
They seem to really enjoy and utilize every bit of the bloom booster though so you getting that was a great idea and good timing!
Ill post some pics tomorrow, some of the buds are quite thick and very solid for this early on! Few more weeks left and if they keep progressing as they have been, these girls will have not only some big weight, but they will have some serious power cause ive done everything better compared to last run and that final product was extremely impressive.


Active Member
The first pic is a bud from the space plant. Very pine cone like. Long buds that are some what think, but still quite dense. the second is Critical kush, im not sure why it look yellow though.
The 3rd and $th pic is of Critical kush, different plants though.
Picture 5 is Critical kush and the sixth is from one of my Space plants
Picture 7 is a trio of buds from Space, shes been putting on the frost lately. Picture 8 is some buds from the Critical Kush

Thats all the picture i took for today. Its been exactly 5 weeks today and so far im pretty happy with whats been going on. Theyll be getting another feeding tomorrow evening. It wont be a heavy feeding this time, but ill definitely be adding some more weight bud lol.


Well-Known Member
They are crazy looking buster! Here is the girls and also the WR. You can see by the close up that the WR can go longer lol. Its like 14 weeks I think @ 12 from seed. I wanna pull it!!!!! The space is gonna be interesting. It looks a bit more sativa'ish if thats a word lol.image001.jpgimage001.jpgimage001.jpg


Active Member
Doniawon, she is quickly becoming an impressive plant for sure. Im hoping ill be able to keep temps low enough in the next few weeks to bring out the colours in these girls. Its now into the 5th week and i think they will need at least two more weeks before they can come down, so they wont be done in the 6 weeks like WoS says, but as long as the stuff is good i wont care at all. Im very excited now though and from last night to today theyve become a lot more frosty :)

Waterdawg, thank you very much! im really happy with all these girls so far. The WR definitely looks like it can go longer! The leaves are very sativa like on them. My space does look on the sativa side cause the critical kush leaves are massive lol. they are bigger than my hands and each leaf is like two and a half fingers wide lol. I think im gonna pull some good weight this run, i should be able to keep a fair bit till the next run after this one. in fact, i still have a bit of the strawberry cough from my last go and its pretty ridiculous how much better it tastes and how it seems as though the potency is even higher. The smell truly is strawberries. I think i should do one fruity tasting strain for my next run.. any suggestions