Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
ima just put it out there i still sleep with stuffed animals hahahah i have like 20 on my bed!
LMAO.....Do you have a BEAR???..... Do you need a BEAR???....... Do you want a BEAR????.......Cause if you do!!!!!....See4 has one..K ....:-) His name is TED!!


Well-Known Member
Still gotta do a photo dump.. As far as trucks I like American, call me old fashion... I hated my dodge tho constantly doing ball joints.. Gimme a min here going to take some pics of my life I promised garden pics and might as well go full monte for yer


Well-Known Member
waiting on the gardens to come alive for the season about two weeks behind from last year according to my calculations. can't wait for those vines to take off again i hate the look of them this time of the season


Well-Known Member
Pimp set up Indagrow, very nice.

On a happy Orithil note, the wife's PC is back up and running. Cheap ass surge protector apparently couldn't keep the PSU from getting fried.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
That looks like alot of maintainance work. Ugh..

I wouldn't mind having a yard that big, but I would mind all the pruning edging ect that goes into that each year. YIKES!


Well-Known Member
Another snow/freezing rain day. Tried to go out but the roads are shit. Flooding everywhere and downed trees are too much for my little car.:-|


Well-Known Member
I'm in it everyday literally just to keep up if it gets away from me I need to call in the Mexicans or I'm screwed come the end of the season... The vines are my biggest enemy I'm constantly cutting them back


Well-Known Member
my marigolds are already blooming. I love having a tent. A couple weeks and my night mission of planting oregeno and mint in the park will be under way.


Well-Known Member
I have not made a tread is ages. I would now but I feel like the pressure is on for me to make it a strong showing its been so long.

Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
Don't you hate it when things go wrong?


New Member
waiting on the gardens to come alive for the season about two weeks behind from last year according to my calculations. can't wait for those vines to take off again i hate the look of them this time of the season

not to many classy places like that around here~