A few years back,25 maybe, I'd get kilos in Tucson for 60.00 and break them into lbs, make 2 lbs and smoke the 4 ozs, Put 20 lbs in the saddle bags on a kawasaki 500 and drive them to Akron and off load them for 180.00 a lb. The kawasaki could outrun any copper and go across the boonies if needed, never needed to. Was a sweet deal for me, and them guys in Akron were double happy. I got all the smoke I needed and made about 3 grand a trip. I only did this a couple of times as I didn't want to push my luck. I finally turned it over to a friend of mine and he paid me a small commission for a few trips then I let it go. I think that if you could even find Kilos now( the Mexicans got smart and started selling pounds also), they would be much more. This was not designer weed, just Mexican colas, they were pretty sweet though!