How to design a solar powered grow room?

expect to spend approx 10-15k in setup costs for every 3-4 lights you run.
from what ive been able to find from looking into it at least
A friend of mine has his little outbuilding grow running from solar power, he has 4 1K lights.I helped with the build mainly as labor, he has the brains in that department.It cost him about 6 grand not including grow equiptment.

I dont know where the guy above got 10-15 grand in costs for every 3-4 lights.
A friend of mine has his little outbuilding grow running from solar power, he has 4 1K lights.I helped with the build mainly as labor, he has the brains in that department.It cost him about 6 grand not including grow equiptment.

I dont know where the guy above got 10-15 grand in costs for every 3-4 lights.

Simple, I live in Canada, our goods our twice the price.
Yah the pricing will be different for different areas bro! Some places aren't as expensive to live as others. Same applies to stuff u buy there.
You would spend a lot of money on a solar powered INDOOR grow.

that would be a hilarious idea.

a growroom with solar power.....

I've heard everything....
apparently there is something wrong with solar energy?
green energy is fine, unless you are powering a grow room?

and no, it will not be cheap.
i say go for it, we need more people with GREAT ideas like this. it cracks me up with all these "organic" indoor growers trying to be all environmental and hip, like they are saving the world by growing organics, but they forget to mention the amount of pollution caused by their excessive elcetric bills. we should all be so enlightened to think like the OP and consider solar power. seriously.
i say go for it, we need more people with GREAT ideas like this. it cracks me up with all these "organic" indoor growers trying to be all environmental and hip, like they are saving the world by growing organics, .

I like organic cos I dont want to smoke chemicals >_< if the world was a nice smelling plant, I might even smoke it
You can google solar power calculator and get an estimate. Another factor is where you live. I played around with it, I entered 360kwh/month which is roughly what a 600w hps uses in veg mode (18-24). My estimate was 7500 dollars to have a system installed (solar panels, inverters and what ever else is involved) without batteries.
not to be an ass but the earth is one dude. glass greenhouse heated in the winter. Try solar panels with something that can accumulate the energy n save it for when u need it.
For just 4 1000w lights you would need a 12.5kw system, assuming 318w modules you would need 39 of them. There is no way you can do that for $6k-$7k. The inverter for that system costs $5k alone. I'm not talking about something I don't know about, I have my NABCEP and install solar daily. Even at costco a 5170 watt system is $13k. If it was that cheap I would have it on my house.
A friend of mine has his little outbuilding grow running from solar power, he has 4 1K lights.I helped with the build mainly as labor, he has the brains in that department.It cost him about 6 grand not including grow equiptment.

I dont know where the guy above got 10-15 grand in costs for every 3-4 lights.

wow really? 6 grand too run 4k of just lights thats a steal that bitch will pay for herself in one crop makes me wan't too drop 10 grand and run the whole house and still make some money off the power company.
I do not run solar power (dont have the energy to construct my own set up nor do I want people around to construct one for me) But I do know a few things about it.. Its very possible and not crazy to run solar power for grow rooms. Its being done all over the place and its even makings its move into commercial gardens. Secondly, they are new and very exciting capabilities that can run houses on solar energy with out 60 foot solar windmill blades. They even make skylight windows that do solar power that can run a house (usually three) The price is expensive but that depends on whos pockets we are dipping into. There are tax credits for this installation. Just note that its not the amount of power that can be produced at any one time but its looked at over the year of what your system can produce for usable Kw. Generally there is a minimal you can count on for energy produces but there is a maximan. so make sure when u build or install one, u get one more than big enough for your house or garden.
I do agree with some of the post above, its great to see some people willing to learn and take some risk to help make up for all those fucking pieces of shit that consume more than they produce on this earth. Love the idea, go make it happen!! Best luck!
O, solar windmills are expensive but ironically not extreme in price. With all work done u can get for about 20-40 grand. That will power everything No problem. Solar panels are not that expensive, generally around 1000 a panel.. U can get fancy ones that look nice but they cost more.
Start up would cost, but then think if were to actually build or buy a setup that could run your room you would be laughing. People have solar systems for entire houses that run tv, fridge, dishwasher all theses items use mass amounts of watts. Growing weed electricity is the most important thing. Just have to design a solar system to produce necessary watts needed for room. Your cost of panels would be paid of quickly in lower electricity costs.
apparently there is something wrong with solar energy?
green energy is fine, unless you are powering a grow room?

and no, it will not be cheap.

They don't want it to be cheap. Every time I come across a decent panel I grab my meters to check voltage and amps.The VW Beetles come with solar battery chargers that kick ass but too fukn small to do anything with.Wind would be nice and I can get alot of the parts free, aircraft Prop's, Generators.I would have to build a huge tower though.