Active Member
Dude... Pot forum. I'll point out the really really super obvious. Most stoners are chill, try to stay irie. They don't groove on violence or killing. If you have to kill, you shouldn't brag it up on a forum full of people that appreciate the value of every life.
EDIT: And, everyone hating on the kill. Please remember this the next time someone's arrested for a heinous crime. They are still a life and still have the right to humane treatment. No more screaming for prison rape and death penalties, no more wishes for torture and castration.
dude i totally agree with you but.... its kinda weird coming from a dude who's avatar looks like someone that just did or is going to kill many people, lol, just sayin. i got a 9 year old and if the raccoon was in my house id show my son the humane way to deal with that problem...lead them out or trap them. theres something wrong with your house that the raccoon got in, so fix it and you wont have to worry bout it, its your fault it got in. the mother fucker smells some shit and is like "oh shit im hungry". also, i read where you were like "i got a broadhead so i can stab with it"...thats kinda weird bro. i dunno, this is a stupid thread but i had to throw my 2 cents in. also, who says "wack" anymore, is it 1995 again?