wack start to the morning.

Kite High

Well-Known Member
For some reason, and, I think it's because of the G-D there, the two posts made me think of a saying I used to hear in the middle east. It was about an Israeli Prime minister who was assassinated during tea or some such. The saying went "Oh, he's off to have tea with ..." but, I don't remember the name.
Golda Mier...


Well-Known Member
So if math based upon a per 100,000 equation does not equate to per capita to you
I will ask again.
Where do you get your info?
Per 100,000 is a standard deviation, a sample size.

For an exercise, arguments sake, take 10 suicides per 100,000 Canadian citizens, multiply 10 X (35,000,000 / 100,000) to get your average sample from total population. Then lets take 12 suicides per 100,000 US citizens, multiply 12 X (330,000,000 / 100,000) to get your average sample from total population. Which number is bigger?


Well-Known Member
you must be one big fucking noob if the title entails one who has trouble figuring things out. so what is noob your little insult you throw at new people when they make you look stupid in your little virtual world?

maybe if you got some fresh air you'd see4 for yourself how stupid you look.:joint:
woops! almost corrected yourself without nobody noticing.

you're a funny little kid aren't you? *tussles your hair

aight little buddy, you go run along play with the other children. let us adults talk now.


Well-Known Member
Per 100,000 is a standard deviation, a sample size.

For an exercise, arguments sake, take 10 suicides per 100,000 Canadian citizens, multiply 10 X (35,000,000 / 100,000) to get your average sample from total population. Then lets take 12 suicides per 100,000 US citizens, multiply 12 X (330,000,000 / 100,000) to get your average sample from total population. Which number is bigger?
Again, for the third time where are you getting your info.

The source I'm quoting and providing numbers from tally's the
numbers like this

"The total rate of suicides is based on the total number of suicides divided by the total population"

If your gonna be a tool go back to the shed.


Well-Known Member
Again, for the third time where are you getting your info.

The source I'm quoting and providing numbers from tally's the
numbers like this

"The total rate of suicides is based on the total number of suicides divided by the total population"

If your gonna be a tool go back to the shed.
And your source? Before you sling names around, and demand I provide a source, how about you do the same and not look like such a hypocrite. Fair?


Pickle Queen
Whether u have 2 posts or 50000 ur comments are welcome, like come on the only way to accumulate rep and post count is to post right? How does a large post count make ur comments accepted over others?? Seriously lame and childish how about debating the topic versus insulting an opinion u wont take the time to listen to.

Don't expect to be heard if u wont listen....


Well-Known Member
Hardly a hypocrite, I dont need to be asked to provide sources twice let alone three times.

Here is a link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_suicide_rate
notice it is all based upon the WHO and reported deaths by each country.

I suppose you are just far more intelligent and enlightened than official sources.
No, quite the opposite. You have provided a source with the information I was looking for. The source I used shows different information, however this being wikipedia, and the information can be somewhat trusted to be fairly accurate, Im convinced this is more accurate. I stand corrected. 2 gold stars for you sir.

See.. that wasn't so painful was it?

Sativa Dragon

Active Member
YAA!!! poop on a stick in your face! And when a Racoon does $12K dmamge to your travel trailer killing them becomes an option that becomes most desirable, never killed one but I bet the insurance company would have if they thought it would have saved them $12k.



Well-Known Member
YAA!!! poop on a stick in your face! And when a Racoon does $12K dmamge to your travel trailer killing them becomes an option that becomes most desirable, never killed one but I bet the insurance company would have if they thought it would have saved them $12k.

how does a raccoon do $12,000 in damages to a travel trailer? this i gotta hear... and holy shit i want pictures!


Well-Known Member
Hardly a hypocrite, I dont need to be asked to provide sources twice let alone three times.

Here is a link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_suicide_rate
notice it is all based upon the WHO and reported deaths by each country.

I suppose you are just far more intelligent and enlightened than official sources.
lol, important to note some detail... Canada includes skydiving death as a suicide according to the reference material.. so its numbers are likely lower... fucking odd..

Sativa Dragon

Active Member
Not my Trailer, but it was a nice one to start with, and was opened for the season. They had gotten in a roof vent that was left open an Inch, and they pryed it right back, anyhow my buddy did not return for a couple of months at that point, they had destroyed pretty much all the furniture, Pissed and shit everywhere not to mention the infestations of bugs bees and squirrel and rain damage, the mice followed it up with chewing through some inbsulation on the wires in the main panel. They wrote it off!!

Sativa Dragon

Active Member
No fraud here man, it was a trailer worth about $15K and he only got $12k out of it, and as far as fraud goes, adjusters come along and determine what the damage is so Again insurance fraud is more like a Indian guy leaping infront of a car to collect insurance money.



Well-Known Member
Not my Trailer, but it was a nice one to start with, and was opened for the season. They had gotten in a roof vent that was left open an Inch, and they pryed it right back, anyhow my buddy did not return for a couple of months at that point, they had destroyed pretty much all the furniture, Pissed and shit everywhere not to mention the infestations of bugs bees and squirrel and rain damage, the mice followed it up with chewing through some inbsulation on the wires in the main panel. They wrote it off!!
Uhh. So if I left my Lexus in downtown Detroit with the doors unlocked and left it there for a few days, to come back to it being either totally stripped down or missing all together, that is somehow "their" fault?

If you leave something unattended in an area that anyone, even a 2 year old, would know get damaged by an animal or person, I would say it's more your fault than it is theirs.

Furthermore.. the raccoon was looking for food and shelter, a basic need of any animal, including humans. A raccoon does not say to itself.. hey check out this jackass's house/trailer, lets go trash it... if you believe that.. then well.. there's no debate to be had.

P.S. when I say "you", I am not referring to you specifically, I am using "you" in general terms.