Seems like no one wants to help out a 2nd time grower ):


Active Member
Well my first plant i grew only yeild a quarter ounce and i wasn't satisfied with it. This is my second plant and i LST/Topped it. Anyways i was wondering if i topped it right here are some picsView attachment 2624500View attachment 2624501View attachment 2624502 so any tips on i can get a better grow would be very appricated i grow in my closet and i will be using a 600 watt HPS for flower i used a 600 watt hps for flower on my last grow and only yeilded a quarter ounce ): please help! :O
That plant looks ifferent thqan any other weed plant ive seen so far. Very branch heavy and not so leafy. Why not use the good light the whole time and not jsut for flower. those lights u have arent enough it seems.
.... You have to be lying..?

It's not just how big the plant is, it's about food, soil, Water, Ph, Humidity, CO2, tempature, Ect Ect Ect Ect..........

You did it right. But you also need to take other factors in. Not Just how Big the plant is
Your nodes are too far apart to get a decent yield. You need the light as close to the top as you can get it without burning it. Just "light" isn't good enough; you need *intense* light if you want lots of bud.
The key to a good harvest is a good veg and use half or even quarter strenth nutes when your getting started.Im getting about oz per container size ,3 gallon I get 3 ozs.I also dont see any perlite for drainage in your soil,also dont overwater ,this stunts plants more than just about anything
Man, you got some nice answers.
I was just gonna ask why the fucking attitude.
You only have 40 posts, and 1 other thread, titled '..........first grow......'
Have you done any reading on your own or are you just waiting for people to hand feed you info?
Does your mommy know you are growing?
If you have done ANY reading at all, you would know that if you provide more info, you will get better answers.
You don't even tell temps, soil, lighting, or ANYTHING that might be important.
First off ive done alot of research b4 i even started growing... Second, im old enough to do my own thing and and grow cannabis and where i live its legal so i don't need your shit. Also my attitude?? there was no attitude problem with what i posted only to u because you're being ignorant. So stop posting on my stuff if you don't got anything to say that relates to my post. So peace
Thank you dale in reply I'm using Nectar for the gods nutrients the hydro store gave them to me for free they told me they were some advanced nutes Also my soil has a very good drainage im using Coca Choir atleast thats what the people at the hydro store told me he said coca choir don't require Perlite, Vercumlite etc etc. I got my plant in a 10 gallon pot
What strain are you growing? That makes a big difference for yield too. Better veg lights would help, I think that was mentioned already. Good luck, keep trying you'll get it.
First off ive done alot of research b4 i even started growing... Second, im old enough to do my own thing and and grow cannabis and where i live its legal so i don't need your shit. Also my attitude?? there was no attitude problem with what i posted only to u because you're being ignorant. So stop posting on my stuff if you don't got anything to say that relates to my post. So peace

I like this says "Fuck you, peace".
Thank you in reply potpimp. IM growing sour diesel my friend gave me a clone of it and it looked just like my plant just A LOT taller and he yeilded about an ounce Also i got (6) 23 watt daylight cfls 100 watt equivalent but i think you are right my veg lights arent good at all
First off ive done alot of research b4 i even started growing... Second, im old enough to do my own thing and and grow cannabis and where i live its legal so i don't need your shit. Also my attitude?? there was no attitude problem with what i posted only to u because you're being ignorant. So stop posting on my stuff if you don't got anything to say that relates to my post. So peace
I never asked if you were growing where it is legal or not, so you must have guilty feelings to post that shit, and I'm not being ignorant, I just decided to troll you after you put up a title like "
  • [h=2]Seems like no one wants to help out a 2nd time grower ):[/h]

so put me on 'ignore' if you don't want to see anymore of my 'shit'
Thanks woodsusa in reply im growing Sour Diesel im using (6) 23 watt cfls 100 watt equivalent right now my budget cant get any further with my grow unfortunately i already got my nutes, 600 watt hps, and fans i guess im gonna have to deal with getting a quarter ounce/ half ounce at most
Why LST it? If you leave it alone and just let it grow it will go much faster.

No need for the CFL bulbs the 600 w HPS will work just fine for Veg.
Look I'm not trying to start drama especially online. This is my second grow and my first grow didn't go to well. All i want to know if how you guys get your buds soo nice and big hell i even see people using 400 watt hps and still yeild more then me and i kno its not all bout the flower stage its about my veg lighting im just trying to know how u guys do it
I tottally agree with you the only thing is home depot only carries 23 watt cfls and thats their highest watt they hold. Where i live there arent alot of stores around me the only store that are close to me for growing plants is that or the hydro store and my budget isnt enough to buy a MH fixture so i think that sums it up i guess im just gonna have to deal with a low yeild on this plant until i get more money to buy a MH thanks for your reply
Well the reason i LST it was so i can try to get a better yeild like i said my last grow only yeilded a quarter ounce and i was trying to get a higher yeild
I tottally agree with you the only thing is home depot only carries 23 watt cfls and thats their highest watt they hold. Where i live there arent alot of stores around me the only store that are close to me for growing plants is that or the hydro store and my budget isnt enough to buy a MH fixture so i think that sums it up i guess im just gonna have to deal with a low yeild on this plant until i get more money to buy a MH thanks for your reply

What I mean is that your lights are just one part of what is going on. I've vegged some plants under 69w (3x23w) of CFL and they looked much more vigorous than yours.