911 Revisited Poll

911 Happened Because

  • Shit happened like they say...

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Someone dropped the ball...

    Votes: 5 14.3%
  • They knew in advance but let it happen...

    Votes: 7 20.0%
  • The official story is a fairytale...

    Votes: 20 57.1%

  • Total voters


New Member
i admit i like to come online and make up thing's about jew's it's my imagination im wrong you are a god with your wisdom i will obey you im sorry for my anti semetic comment's and rashonal opinions hahahahahahahahahahahaha hahaha hahahahaa hahahaha .


New Member
lol look's like we have a lot of lover's of jewish penis up in hear damn i can just feel the jewish balls on your face haha


Well-Known Member
i admit i like to come online and make up thing's about jew's it's my imagination im wrong you are a god with your wisdom i will obey you im sorry for my anti semetic comment's and rashonal opinions hahahahahahahahahahahaha hahaha hahahahaa hahahaha .
I feel sorry for your imagination


New Member
do you just love getting that big isreali dick jammed up your ass ? by your commen'ts it sound's like you do i love jewish people to each there own i say but as i say again the rothschild own reuter's and associated press get that one thing in your head yes the mossad thing has no clarity to it aprt from a few links i agree on that

but for the love of anything the statement about the rothschild is true


Well-Known Member
do you just love getting that big isreali dick jammed up your ass ? by your commen'ts it sound's like you do i love jewish people to each there own i say but as i say again the rothschild own reuter's and associated press get that one thing in your head yes the mossad thing has no clarity to it aprt from a few links i agree on that

but for the love of anything the statement about the rothschild is true
What are you 5? This is a weed forum not the hello kitty forum


New Member
lol but anyway i am talking to a bunch of stoner's so it's not like your opinion's matter to me ... who the f are you people lol ? a bunch of american's who believe what there master's tell them im not even american nor do i live in your terrible zionist run country you call home .......


New Member
enjoy paying those tax dollor's that are spent straight on killing innocent people in the middle east .......

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
but there are people in the us government who are self admitted supporter's of isreal .... is all im saying there's links there's proof there's fact's it's up to you if you want your head in the sand all your life or not i have an open mind i choice not to listen to the jewish owned media outlet's i also don't drink fluoridated water maybe that's the difference between you and me im not full of heavy metal's so my brain can function for itself
ohh shit. now your just throwing everything to the wall and hoping something sticks.

fluorine is not a "heavy metal". it's a halogen you dipshit.

also, for someboidy who's "anti-zionist, not anti-jewish" you sure =do use the two phrases interchangeably.

there are people in the US government who are admitted supporters of new zealand, sweden and brasil too, i for one always support ireland, particularly when the world cup trolls around.

"all youre saying" is Wake Up!! all us Sheeple need to stop listening to jew kikes and start listening to alex jones david icke and troofers cuz you guys are the real deal....

you are a moron, not even worth discrediting.


New Member
yes, it is anti-semitic. every third word is "zionist" and "Jew". this claptrap you presented as "proof" doesnt even pretend to be anything but a forum for spewing hatred and fear of jews. you gobbled it up so yes, your antisemitic too.

so how many hours of uninformative retarded posts do i have to read to 'eduacate myself" on the jew-threat? at what point will you start screaming "Wake Up" and calling non-believers in your shit,( which is even less convincing than the shit most Troofers can present) "sheeple"?

well as long as "alot" of "whistle blower's" are screaming about how those dirty jews did it, thats not at all anti-semitic.

"3 seperate reports" doesnt mean shit. dingbats have put together dozens of "reports" claiming the moon landing was an elaborate hoax too, that doesnt make their bullshit any less SHIT.

and how a report has a witch is beyond me. you are just so unintelligible, enjoy your hypoxia.

yes, im dismissing your ranting in bulk, to save valuable space for weed comments.
another unconscious tard ^^^^


Well-Known Member
The people on this site confuse the hell out of me.

You would think on a cannabis site, people would be open minded and interested in the truth... But that is not the case here - the majority that openly post here are zealots that have been brainwashed by the media and US education system... The are unable to think for themselves.

Don't disturb their little perfect red, white, and blue world... If you do, you'll be labeled anti-Semitic, a troll, or crazy. The truth hurts their tiny pussys.


Well-Known Member
lol but anyway i am talking to a bunch of stoner's so it's not like your opinion's matter to me ... who the f are you people lol ? a bunch of american's who believe what there master's tell them im not even american nor do i live in your terrible zionist run country you call home .......


New Member
The people on this site confuse the hell out of me.

You would think on a cannabis site, people would be open minded and interested in the truth... But that is not the case here - the majority that openly post here are zealots that have been brainwashed by the media and US education system... The are unable to think for themselves.

Don't disturb their little perfect red, white, and blue world... If you do, you'll be labeled anti-Semitic, a troll, or crazy. The truth hurts their tiny pussys.
well said .


Well-Known Member
lol but anyway i am talking to a bunch of stoner's so it's not like your opinion's matter to me ... who the f are you people lol ? a bunch of american's who believe what there master's tell them im not even american nor do i live in your terrible zionist run country you call home .......
***please dont be from the uk please dont be from the uk...

it matters enough that your still here whining



Well-Known Member
The people on this site confuse the hell out of me.

You would think on a cannabis site, people would be open minded and interested in the truth... But that is not the case here - the majority that openly post here are zealots that have been brainwashed by the media and US education system... The are unable to think for themselves.

Don't disturb their little perfect red, white, and blue world... If you do, you'll be labeled anti-Semitic, a troll, or crazy. The truth hurts their tiny pussys.
this was a day when thousands of people died you want to play "make believe" pick a different subject or put up with being told what a fuckwit your being

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
The people on this site confuse the hell out of me.

You would think on a cannabis site, people would be open minded and interested in the truth... But that is not the case here - the majority that openly post here are zealots that have been brainwashed by the media and US education system... The are unable to think for themselves.

Don't disturb their little perfect red, white, and blue world... If you do, you'll be labeled anti-Semitic, a troll, or crazy. The truth hurts their tiny pussys.
of course youre confused, you think zzwasted is on the right track, you think he has it all buttoned up, because you believe the same shit he does, you just hide your venom better.

you need someone to blame, and theres so much propaganda out there against jews already, you grabbed onto the "Jew Threat", pinned all your fears and shattered dreams on this judas goat and sent it off to absolve you of your own failings.

some blame blacks, some blame mexicans, some blame catholics, some blame communists, and some blame whichever political party doesnt happen to fit within their narrow world view.
you are a scapegoater, just like zzwasted, you desire absolution for your own failings, and blaming somebody else, and a shadowy conspiracy just lifts the guilt and shame away.

and naturally if anyone says youre taking an easy way out, pinning your own bullshit on somebody else, well they must be part of the conspiracy too.

we're all just trying to keep you down, and thus we are all JEWS in your deranged fantasy world. and thats how psychosis begins, brick by brick, building upo a wall of delusion, until finally you live in a world so divorced from reality your only hope of protecting your carefully constructed fantasy is to lash out with blind violent rage. usually against a preschool or other helpless target.

i mean really, being crazy is one thing, but attacking a place where you might face return fire is just nuts!


New Member
i cant help but start an argument lol but its true im not anti semetic i had to try and explain but its so hard to break through to people who have there head's in the sand
i don't believe everything i hear but if you do not understand the fact that america send's aid to isreal every year plus fight's there wars for them and the fact that a couple of jewish family's have infiltrated the western media then you are blind it may sound far fetched but the rokefeller's and rothschild pretty much own the western media and practically all the new's outlet's

etc etc etc
and the list goes on and on they are making you believe that harmless people are anti semetic just because they know little bit's of their plot , cmon man this is the 21st century people arent in the dark anymore alot are but not everyone

brainwashed would be the word to described people who defend there government's even with all the proof that their corrupt how can you defend people who willingly slaughter million's of innocent people ?? i cant myself but i guess their are people who do ..
and im not just talking about the corrupt jewish people it make's no difference of their religion
im talking about all the corrupt people in government ...

it just happens to be that the rothschild and rokefeller's are jewish even if they were self admitted atheist's i would still have the same attitude toward's them .... it make's no difference, you brainwashed fools will find any reason to disclaim fact's even if the evidence is right in front of you ....


New Member
for the love of **** i do not hate jew's lol hahahaha you people are the snake's spitting venom at people who are on the right track .....:wall:


New Member
this was a day when thousands of people died you want to play "make believe" pick a different subject or put up with being told what a fuckwit your being
hmm and it really looks like your government give's two shits about them 3000 people ? not atall they could care less so much so that they couldnt even come out and tell the truth they covered it up so they could use that so they can go invade and make themselfs even richer ??? they dont give a crap about you or them people ... so get your head out of the sand

many 911 victims familys came out and said it was a inside job ................. even they know deceit when they see it ................
wake up
wake up
wake up

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
for the love of **** i do not hate jew's lol hahahaha you people are the snake's spitting venom at people who are on the right track .....:wall:
for somebody who doesnt hate jews you sure do hate a lot of people, and call them Jews pretty often...

maybe you should examine your own life and see if maybe YOU arent the one spitting venom, and if maybe YOU arent the one who is off track.